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Faith Jaffa

CJ 1010
Julia Ellis

Last summer I had an amazing opportunity to go to a camp called Freedom Academy. In

the camp I got to visit the Utah State Prison and watch a sentencing at the US District Court,
District of Utah. After these experiences it made me think about becoming a lawyer or judge. I
decided to take this class to see if it’s something I really want to go into. I’m interested to learn
in this class more about how crimes are handled in Utah and how the process works.
Taking this class online is the best option for me because I’m working and doing school full
time. I’m worried with it being online that I won’t understand certain topics and that it may be
harder for me to ask questions. As much as I would prefer to be in a classroom, I like how online
classes allow me to do my work on my own time.
I would like to start working on and applying four different Habits of Mind to my life and
school. First would be “Managing Impulsivity”. When it comes to thinking, I’m very impulsive.
I always want to get things done as fast as possible. I can really work on managing my time
better and slowing down before acting upon things.
Next would be “Thinking Flexibly”. When I think, I tend to be very one sided and it’s
hard for me to expand my knowledge. I hope to improve on this and to start considering more
I have a hard time expressing my thoughts and words which leads me to my next habit.
“Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision”. When it comes to writing, my
thoughts are all over the place and I have a hard time expressing and sharing what I want to say.
I want to improve and become more clear especially in my school work.
Lastly, I want to work on “Thinking interdependently”. Sometimes team work is difficult
for me. It’s easy for me to include and consider everyone's thoughts but hard for me to rely on
other people when doing a school project.

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