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Unity makes strength

Do you have seen how ants and bees work together? Imagine if people of different
countries worked as bees or ants to get a better life, they would be very powerful. One of
the most interesting examples of union is precisely European Union, they are 27 countries
which created a strategic association and nowadays the world can see the good results.
Even with what was mentioned above, some people in Latin America think that it is better
to work alone as a country. In this way, it is necessary to analyze the advantages and
disadvantages if countries in Latin America work united as a continent in the same way as
European Union.
Firstly, almost 80% of the countries in Latin America suffer from problems such as
poverty, hungry, high illiteracy rates, corruption and many more. If Latin American
countries were associated, there would be more opportunities to fight against these
problems. Another advantage to work together is that nations as United States or European
Union would understand that thanks to this union, Latin America would not be use as the
place where they can steal the resources. Even, Latin America would not have to ask for
help from potential countries.

On the other hand, a big disadvantage is that there would be economic instability because
the countries have different currencies, some of them suffer from inflation and others have
unemployment. Also, there would be a lot of political problems because countries as
Venezuela and Uruguay have different forms of government and they are more flexible
with some laws. There would be social problems because even as Latin American people
have an image around the world, there are great cultural differences between the countries.

Finally, it is necessary to think about all the implications of a union of this magnitude. As a
personal thinking, it is always better to analyze positive aspects over the negatives. Latin
America has suffered along its history because the land was divided in small proportions
and this allows more control for who wants power. It is time to change the history, because
unity makes strength.

Sergio Montiel

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