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GEMS OF WISDOM.......-by Vernon Howard {who can rescue you, there cun be an impersonal i is 5 1 eS eaere ae The rescue is complete when the awareness of the rescuing procens. awareness is complete. Your silence cannot rive out ite wisdom as lon 4s your mouth is giving out its nonsense. When you quietly aémit that you @o not know a perticular answer ebcut life, notice thet you now ‘mow your MMBEXHHKERX mptiness. This kine of knowing changes everything. You hope for a miracle in your life. It is possible for you to experience a real miracle. It happens when you hear your silence speak. The problem is not that you have it but that you are not outgrowing it. Mel] © woman fifty times that you like her, after which she wil] pause three seconds ané@ then ask, "Yes, but do you still like me?" If you were really as strong #8 you imagine you are you woul have no thoughts at al] shout your strength. Has it ever occurred to vou that you are on a collision course with yourself? People Jike to claim they have nd hatred in them, which means a main hate is to see ane admit their hatred. If vou are whet you think ebout all dey long, whet are you? Sorry, but I don't permit your nonsense to judge me. You have your friends and your finances, you have vour activities and your tomorrows. How pathetic that you have everything but your own life. I will give you a guaranteed method for keeping yourself dull and ejected: Just find pleasure in another person's real or imaginary mistake. When something that is not of your world begins to change your worlé you will know it, ané know it surely and silently. Your wrongness is your peas ieea of happiness. Try to see how it is wrecking your lifes You have one rea] chance. That one chance is to fine yourself wrong. Never forget the first sentence of this paragraph, yhich is, your wrongness ie your present ideo of happiness. Replace that eae Vernon, you saie that one day this inner ik wi é PATO ose ee as work woul? be e lot of fun. If you want to know why things ure the way they are it is because things are the way they are. If you try to change the way things are you will just keep them the way they are. knowledge of this changes the way you are, which places you in ¢ new an? comndfing relationship with the way ings are. _ I otmoy me. s ieence that ‘ou really have only one problem--you refuse al] the clear evice wou ree wong. Change ail that. Just now, the most important thing you can be is to be wrong. Be as fearful as you like of being wrong, but be GZong, just be wrong. It is not wrong to be wrong; it is right to be wrong, an@ it is also healthy and liberating. Wealmess invites contempt from weak people. GEMS OF Vernon Howard kes. Silence never makes mistakess Cnly noise makes mi The guaranteed way to be through with it is to go through with it. The devil is a raging worry to himself an@ loves it. He therefore works fiercely to make you think that you have worries so that he can continue to masquera@e as you. Your detection of this trick frees vou of both the devil end his worries. Stupidity consists of not seeing the danger you are to yourself and others. ‘An inconsiderate person foes not see how much unnecessary work he +M fishly piles on others. Hot seeing this fact he hurts with disbelieving indignation when told about it. one cruel trick of a sick teacher is to take a harmful human trait and One Clever worts to meke it appear to be a healthy characterictic. This use Coas in popular lectures and articles because this is what most auGiences wan- to hear. For example a sick teacher declares that shynose se a type of modesty, a form of consieration for other people which ets pihere do the talking. The fact is that shyness is a form of unwholeness, Diners iiaion worde of deceitful flattery will not reduce the shy person's pain one HXZXX bit. I @ien't know there was a law against ignoring someone you don't want to talk tow once seeing that something is truly natural, you can stop right theres you reed not go on to Cecide whether it is good or bad. Naturalnese Sontains nothéng of the usual kind of human gocness or baénesss being. feither a hawk nor a dove, but only flight itself. Now your nechanical jiné will probably ask what is meant by being natural. I expected that Gommon question. The fact that you ask that question means that you would rather ask about natursIness than find it Truth will show you what to do with y j Seen T abtay ou bie Ztonoh sy yourself every day just as soon as Dear Boy Friend: No doubt you remember that la ist night I NeHGrab oiler Unabinna ch tamacT smn ticsaneryoutadstenaeceyae snarl an support me for the rest of my life. wi Here is the difference between mental sickness and spiritual h t e s 2 ft alth Bento} sickness Grametizes human suffering which makes it incapable of offering the cure. Spiritual health vnéerstands humen sufferi qualifies it to present the cure. ve Se eae ot The reason there is so much wrong with th e ne 2 so much wrong with the auestioner. psuce peal cehpe cause, terete If you want to know viho you are not, you are not your hiiography of yourself. I falsely love what I see because I falsely love what Ia 3 nm. Is what Iam. I am only what I see. When seeing through the net Seman stops, inner @ivision stops. You are terrible, tut happily for youy you are not yo If you relly understand human natu: It y “rstan an nature you will know a to aoe skilifully in this ier seeu avai pane eee aWoBe Ee nan nature vou will be the helpless victim of people RS pnueratoe san seat y ink it worthwhile to really un¢erstane human nature? wide GENS OF Vernon Howard your ovn you will unknowingly try to If you have no spiritual initistive of + but you will go nowhere and you will steal initiative from thone who have it feel your emptiness, If vou @on't conform to the way things are you murt suffer from the way things sre not. My dear friend, for the last several minutes you have talked cteacily to me about yourself and your activities, Mey I ask you a question about it? Mipht it occur to you that T have no interest at all in what you are gaying? r eors your eickening self-centeredness prevent you from seeing this My rights consist of ignoring your isiocy when you scream for your rights. The secret of spiritual cuccesr is to repeatedly let the houre collepse on top of you so often und so watchfully that you finally see that there is neither @ houre to collapse nor anyone for it to collapse upon. No metter how stupie the activity, self-interest always calls it intelligent. There is one question you can ask a rerson that determines whether or not he hes a chance to be @ifferent. That ouertion is, "Are you # confused human deine?” Tf he answers yee from his heart he has a chence. Jf he Iies and says no, or if he answers veer while thinking no, he has no chence at all. Lo-goorers are do-tadeers. You are trying to reach the place where you can say, “No one can hurt me now.” ch it prevents you from reaching it ‘Trying to re I knew a man who changed his neme in hope of chengine his fortune. Well, I mow the perfect change of name for some of you, Call yourself Mr. Perry Noi¢s Cr, if you prefer, call yourself lr. Gy Kopath. Kemember, there is nothing wrong about something being true- Your repentence is flee if you ask only for forgiveness. Your repentence is true cnly if you ask for both forgiveness and enlightenment. Iostness Coes not know it is lost, which is why a lost person hoe neither understanding nor interest in his lost condition. Cnly awareness of his lostness can arouse a person toward finding himeelf. ju all right, hut if you are not the you the world The world in out to get think you are, it eonno When the unreal condemns or praises the unrenl, everyone gets sick. get you. Don't expect immature min¢s to be interested in meture topics. An insene human being wants you to doubt your present falee position go thet he can replace it with hie own self-serving false position. A sane humen being wants you to coubt your present false position so that vou can replace it with the effortless nays of sanity. My worry has nothing to do with me. Teacher, help me by making my ¢nily @ecisions for me. Stueent, I will help you even more than that. I free you to develop inwardly by Jetting you make your own daily decisions. _— . ..sby Vernon Howard GENS OF wISpoMm.. your main protlen. The fact that you not your main problem. Your chief that you do not know and a hostile they are. How weird and The fact that you do not know is not @o not know that you do not know is @ifficulty is that you do not know spirit in you insists that things remain as how pitiful. You worship your own ignorance. When you don't know what to @o, do nothing, for that is something.. Know that distress and disappointment are states of stupidity and nothing ligence whatever in them; else. Do not trust them. They have no inte: they can only lead you astray. You are very foclish in being lured after thelr MMMZXMMKX frentic shrieks» They shout that they are right, but they ‘are always wrong end wrong for you personally. Do not follow the deceitful lures of distress and diseppointment. The world is simply an immense insane asylum, and there is no cifference petween the patients and the doctors. It de right and naturel, not weak and irresponsible, for a womin to want a man to take care of her. If I ware to describe your actual mental condition le I cescribe it? Once again, if I were la I ¢escribe it? Plepse tell me something. as it operates in secret, how wou: to describe your actual mental condition, how wou: There is no way you can There is something seriously wrong with you. A thing about itt deny that fact. So coes it make sense to refuse to do some The habitual mind cannot know of the existence of the alternative to the habitual mind. The time-self does not have everlasting life, the timeless-self does. Happiness consists of knowing the anewer to the question, "Who i éefeat happening to? ‘The anewer is, "No éne-" eee One day you may meet an old friend and say silently to him, "You don't know it but you are XX not talking with the same man you used to know To wake up means to no longer unknowingly toss coals uncomfortable inner fires = One we Hioise has no poise. The 4x in you in doing 011 those things that sre gone in your Life, The Tf performs all your actions, no ‘oubt about that. The only way te tell the @ifference between the good things an¢ the tad things that are done is to take the you out of the it. Then, ence unterstanting the mental it you will do everything orly from the cosmic it, whi n-turally flowing action of Reality. ee If vou take, you will have less. If you give, vou will havi aetna spiritual law. This hizher kine of giving wilt be eB tere reais i thinking of it as release, You release your oldmature, which in turn ceuses the relewsing an¢ the fiving of the new nature. In this higher state there ig no personal giver and no personal receivers there is only the natural ené healthy giving of the Universe to itself. The burning feeling of hatred is the hater's ides of happiness.

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