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1) Determine and formulate the the research problem and identify their objectives.
Plan and state the interest of the research, the proposals of the main supervisor ,
collect scientific journals, articles, all data needed it .

2) Read and analyze data collected for the research.

For this will be necessarry to identify the best data you can collect for, so you can
obtain good results. Search for scientific databases and make interviews so you can
discuss it with the scientific community.

3) Select data according your criteria and the research requirements.

4) According to the structure on which you gonna write the article create the articles
with the data you collect, interviews, statistics, proposals.

5) Write conclusions base on data collected, interviews with people who have
experience in the subject área, send your article to a supervisor and the scientific
community so you can have feedback and improve the article making changes.

6) Proofread the article yourself so you can make changes if necessary.

7) Publish your article.

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