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Sophie arrived to her house after of her travel on USA.

she had a dinner where she said to

her son and her daughter what she was very happy for arrived to the house, her children
asked what happened in the USA , she said what on Thursday she saw what a man in the
tv said what a big storm coming, so she took a taxi to the airport for leave the USA before
to began the storm, her son aked if she arrived to airport at time, she said, yes, but there
were other people thought same tan me. She sid what the storm began before of the
expected and the flights for return was over, she was trapped in the airport for three
days, she had money for her food but the foot in the airport was not very Good, also, in
her birthday, she ate packet of cripsand a sándwich of two days old. The wáter pipes froze
in the batrooms on the airport and so Sophie could not take a shower, this was a
disagreable experience for Sophie, however, she met a nice people and all day they
talked, read and played cards, and, they found out what that day was the Sophie`s
birthday one of them gave a chocolate to Sophie. Shopie felt weird because she could not
communicate with her children why there was not internet connection and pone line.
Finally Sophie said to her children what she was not on holiday when she travel and what
her work is not easy how they think, so they said happy birthday mom! And Sophie
surprised because ir was a dinner of birthday sorprise.

Pregunta 1

Cual fue el motivo por el que viajaste ?

What was the motive why you traveled ?
R/porque se avecinaba una gran tormenta

Que paso en los baños del aeropuerto?

What happened in the airport toilets?
R/La madre no se pudo duchar debido a que el agua estaba congelada.

Que te regalo uno de las personas en el aeropuerto cuando se entero de tu cumpleaños?

R/ Le regalo un chocolate

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