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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

24, 2000, 28–55 Copyright C Munksgaard 2000

Printed in Denmark ¡ All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Molecular and cell biology

of the gingiva

The healthy periodontium provides the support and is composed primarily of an integrated network
necessary to maintain teeth in adequate function. It of fibrous and nonfibrous proteins, growth factors,
is comprised of four principal components: namely, minerals, lipids and water. These two components
the gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and are responsible for orchestrating the earliest re-
cementum. Each of these periodontal components sponses associated with the development of gingi-
is distinct in its location, tissue architecture, bio- vitis and periodontitis. This chapter considers the
chemical and cellular composition and yet, they general architecture, cellular composition, biochem-
function together as a single unit. Recent research ical attributes and interactive relationship between
has revealed that the extracellular matrix compo- the gingival epithelium and connective tissue.
nents of one periodontal compartment can influ-
ence the cellular activities of adjacent structures;
thus, pathological changes occurring in one peri- Gingival structure, architecture and
odontal component may have significant ramifi-
cations for the maintenance, repair or regeneration
of other components of the periodontium. Gingival epithelium
The gingiva, in health, normally covers the al-
veolar bone and tooth root to a level just coronal to
the cementoenamel junction (Fig. 1). Anatomically, The arrangement of the gingival tissues to the tooth
the gingiva is classified into three distinct domains; crown and root surfaces is shown in Fig. 1. The gingi-
the free marginal gingiva, the interdental gingiva and val epithelia, which cover the underlying connective
the attached gingiva (187). Histologically, it is com- tissues, can be loosely categorized into at least three
posed of two distinct components – the overlying different types based on their location and compo-
epithelial structures and the underlying connective sition. The oral epithelium extends from the mucog-
tissue. While the epithelium is predominantly cellu- ingival junction to the tip of the gingival crest and
lar in nature, the connective tissue is less cellular is subdivided into the free marginal gingiva and the
attached gingiva. The sulcular epithelium lines the
gingival sulcus and extends from the tip of the gingi-
val crest to coronal most portion of the junctional
epithelium. The junctional epithelium extends from
the base of the gingival sulcus to an arbitrary point
approximately 2.0 mm coronal to the alveolar bone
crest and is closely adapted to the tooth surface to
form sealing and attachment functions. These three
epithelia differ ultrastructurally (192), and there are
distinct phenotypic differences in their expression of
various cytokeratins and cell surface markers (116,
Fig. 1. Anatomic relationship of gingival tissues to the 221).
teeth and alveolar bone. Clinical landmarks include the Upon completion of the eruption of a tooth, the
free gingiva at the cervical margin of the teeth (FGM); the
interdental papilla (IP); and the mucogingival junction
gingival tissues form a well-defined relationship to
(MGJ), which separates the attached gingiva (AG) from the the tooth surface and alveolar bone. The epithelial
alveolar mucosa (AM). tissues attach to the tooth via an epithelial attach-

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

ment termed the junctional epithelium, which, in formation of the junctional epithelium is seen. The
health, is usually located at, or coronal to, the newly breeched oral epithelium appears to have
cementoenamel junction. The gingival tissues attach fused to the epithelial covering of the enamel organ
to the root surface at or below the cementoenamel and forms a continuum of epithelial tissue apically
junction via fiber insertion into the cementum of the along the crown surface to the level of the cemento-
root surface which lies coronal to the alveolar crest. enamel junction. At this stage the bulk of the crown
The general dimensions of these structures have is still submerged and remains covered by its re-
been described, with the junctional epithelium aver- duced enamel epithelium. With continuing tooth
aging 0.97 mm and the connective tissue attachment eruption, the conversion of the reduced enamel epi-
averaging 1.07 mm (Table 1). thelium into junctional epithelium continues, and
the formation of the gingival sulcus begins to be-
come apparent. Because the postsecretory amelo-
blasts of the reduced enamel epithelium are termin-
Due to their different anatomic locations, the various ally differentiated, they have no capacity to divide
portions of the gingival epithelium can be seen to and thus do not contribute to future generations of
originate from distinct portions of the odontogenic junctional epithelium cells. However, the other cellu-
sequence and developing oral mucosal tissues (111, lar components of the reduced enamel epithelium,
115). The nonkeratinized junctional epithelium orig- those of the stratum intermedium of the enamel or-
inates from the enamel organ, while the nonkera- gan, retain their ability to proliferate and provide the
tinized sulcular and the keratinized gingival epithel- parent source of future generations of junctional epi-
ium originate from the oral mucosa. thelial cells. These cells form the basal cells of the
The junctional epithelium is formed during the junctional epithelium and give rise to cells which
phases of tooth eruption. As the tooth erupts into migrate coronally towards the gingival sulcus and ex-
the oral cavity, the flattened cuboidal cells cover the foliate. This continual renewal process maintains the
newly formed crown to the level of the cemento- junctional epithelium’s structure and relationship to
enamel junction. These cells covering the newly the tooth surface.
formed crown originate from ameloblasts and cells
of the stratum intermedium of the enamel organ,
Structure and composition
and are termed the reduced enamel epithelium. As
the tooth begins to erupt, the epithelial layers cover- Oral gingival epithelium. The oral epithelium is a
ing the tooth crown fuse with the oral epithelium. stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium com-
Following this, the crown becomes exposed to the posed of four layers, namely the stratum basale
oral cavity and the developing tooth now becomes (basal layer), stratum spinosum (prickle cell layer),
fully transgingival. At this stage, the first evidence of stratum granulosum (granular layer) and the stratum

Table 1. Gingival fiber arrangements

Name Distribution
Dentogingival fibers Inserted into the root surface as Sharpey’s fibers and fan out from the root surface subjacent
to the junctional epithelium and coronal to the alveolar crest into the gingival tissues
Dentoperiosteal fibers Inserted into the root surface and run over the alveolar crest and insert into the buccal lingual
Alveolgingival fibers Arise at the alveolar crest and fan out into the free and attached gingivae
Circular and Are located coronal to the transseptal fibers and run in a circumferential or semicircular
semicircular fibers manner around the teeth
Transgingival and Closely related to the semicircular fibers. Arise in the cementum and splay through the
intergingival fibers interdental septum and eventually coalesce with the semicircular fibers of the adjacent tooth
Interpapillary fibers Run in a buccolingual direction through the interdental tissue
Periosteogingival fibers Inserted into the alveolar periosteum and splay out into the attached gingiva
Intercircular fibers Located both bucally and lingualy and run in a mesiodistal manner to join circular fibers of
adjacent teeth
Transseptal fibers Arise in the cementum and traverse the interdental alveolar crest and reinsert in the cementum
of the adjacent tooth

Bartold et al.

corneum (cornified layer) (Fig. 2). On average the in protective immunity and generally located in the
oral epithelium of the gingiva is between 0.2 and 0.3 stratum spinosum. These specialized cells process
mm in thickness (191). The epithelial connective exogenous antigens and present them to antigen-
tissue interface is demarcated by extensions and de- specific T lymphocytes that, in turn, become acti-
pressions forming the so-called ‘‘rete ridges’’. vated. During inflammation, quantitative and quali-
The cells of the stratum basale are comparatively tative changes to the gingival epithelial Langerhans
small and lie in close contact with the basement cells may occur (147).
membrane, which separates the epithelium from the Melanocytes, which originate from neural crest
underlying connective tissue (see below). These cells (122), are found in the stratum basale of the
cells, often referred to as keratinocytes, proliferate gingival oral epithelium (11). These cells have long
continuously to give rise to daughter cells that ma- dendritic processes that are found interspersed be-
ture into keratinizing cells and are quite distinct tween the keratinocytes of the epithelium and pro-
from other cells such as the Langerhans cells, mel- duce considerable amounts of melanin, which can
anocytes and Merkel cells that reside in the basal produce a brownish pigmentation of the gingiva.
layer (see below). The cells of the stratum spinosum The role of melanocytes and melanin in gingival epi-
are differentiating epithelial cells that are quite large thelium is obscure since this site is not normally ex-
and polyhedral in shape. This layer is the thickest posed to ultraviolet radiation.
of all the epithelial layers, with the cells joined via Merkel cells are located in clusters at the tips of
junctions of the cell processes, which gives the rete ridges of gingival oral epithelium (170). Their
characteristic appearance of the spinous layer. To- origin remains controversial, with reports suggesting
wards the superficial layers of the stratum spinosum, origins from either neural crest cells or epithelial
the cells become flattened and show signs of kera- sources (131, 146). These cells form close associ-
tohyalin granules within their cytoplasm. The most ations with intraepithelial nerve endings, forming
superficial layer is the stratum corneum, where the the epidermal Merkel cell–neurite complexes (146,
cells are markedly flattened, closely aligned and 170, 237). While it is generally accepted that these
often void of nuclei and organelles. complexes are involved in mechano-perception (81),
Cells, other than those of ectodermal origin, may this has been disputed (51).
also be found in the oral epithelium of the gingiva
and include Langerhans cells, melanocytes and Mer- Oral sulcular epithelium. The sulcular epithelium is
kel cells (Fig. 3). Langerhans cells are intraepithelial the epithelial lining of the gingival sulcus, which in
immunocompetent cells that play an important role health is a small crevice of approximately 0.5 mm

Fig. 2. Histology of human gingival epithelium, demon- of cells in the basal layer, and the polygonal shape of cells
strating the different cell layers: SB, stratum basale; SS, in the spinous layer. C. Toluidine blue–stained section
stratum spinosum; SG, stratum granulosum; SC, stratum demonstrating marked rete ridges, and the presence of
corneum. A. Low-power view (H&E-stained section). non-keratinocytes, which occur as clear cells (arrow).
B. High-power view showing the cuboidal morphology

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

Fig. 3. Non-keratinocytes in human gingival epithelium. giva. Faint deposits of melanin pigment can be seen in the
A. Langerhans cells (CD1a positive) are predominantly su- adjacent keratinocytes. D. Merkel cells (which are CD56
pra-basal in location. Many cross sections of dendrites are positive) are present in the stratum basale of the palatal
visible. B. High-power view of gingival Langerhans cells gingiva. The cell processes insinuate between nearby
showing cell bodies and dendrites. C. Pigment-containing keratinocytes.
melanocyte in the supra-basal epithelial layer of the gin-

in depth running circumferentially around the teeth tween cells appear to be larger than in either the oral
between the tooth surface and the gingival margin. gingival epithelium of sulcular epithelium (190).
The base of the gingival sulcus is where the cells of Throughout the junctional epithelium, numerous
the junctional epithelium are exfoliated. The cellular migrating polymorphonuclear leukocytes are evi-
structure and composition of the sulcular epithelium dent. These migrating leukocytes are present in
is very similar to the oral gingival epithelium, being health but dramatically increase in number with the
multilayered and often parakeratinized. In health, accumulation of dental plaque and are closely as-
the epithelial connective tissue interface is demar- sociated with the development of gingival inflam-
cated by rete pegs, and with developing inflam- mation. Lymphocytes (particularly T lymphocytes)
mation they become elongated. are also found with an intraepithelial distribution in
In contrast to the junctional epithelium, the sulcu- the junctional epithelium (225).
lar epithelium is not heavily infiltrated by polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes, and it appears to be less per-
Intercellular extracellular cellular matrix
Since the epithelia of the gingiva are composed pri-
Junctional epithelium. The junctional epithelium marily of cells in close apposition, there is very little
forms the tissue attachment of the gingiva to tooth extracellular space (Fig. 4). In contrast to the under-
structures. It differs from the gingival oral epithelium lying connective tissues, these epithelia do not con-
and sulcular epithelium in both its origin (see above) tain any fibrous proteins in their extracellular matrix,
and its structure. This specialized epithelium ranges although anchoring fibrils do form part of the
in thickness from a few cells at its most apical por- attachment complex between epithelial cells of the
tion to between 15–30 at its most coronal portion stratum basale, the basement membrane and the
adjoining the sulcular epithelium, and the cells tend superficial layers of the connective tissue (see be-
to align themselves in a plane parallel to the tooth low). In addition, type VIII collagen has been noted
surface. Only two morphotypes of epithelial cell are in the epithelial attachment apparatus of the junc-
evident in the junctional epithelium. The cells of the tional epithelium and may contribute to the attach-
stratum basale proliferate rapidly, while those of the ment of this tissue to tooth surfaces (182).
suprabasale layer have no mitotic capacity. The epi- The spaces between cells of the gingival epithelia
thelial connective tissue interface is not character- vary with the junctional epithelium having the
ized by rete ridges and tends to be straight with only widest gaps and presumably the greatest per-
mild undulations apparent in the more coronal por- meability. The intercellular material of gingival epi-
tions. Within the junctional epithelium, the gaps be- thelium has been relatively poorly studied, although

Bartold et al.

Fig. 4. Expression of glycoproteins and adhesion mol- inin, which is a normal component of the basement mem-
ecules by keratinocytes. A. Syndecan-1. B. HLA-DR. C. La- brane of the epithelium as well as the blood vascular and
minin receptor (alpha-6 integrin subunit; CD49f). D. Lam- neural networks.

it is recognized that it does contain a variety of gly- and defense functions. While the oral gingival and
coproteins, lipids, water and proteoglycans and ex- oral sulcular epithelia are largely protective in func-
tensions of intercalated cell surface molecules (20). tion, the junctional epithelium serves many more
Of these, the proteoglycans have probably been the roles and is of considerable importance in regulating
best studied, with hyaluronan, decorin, syndecan tissue health. The junctional epithelium not only
and CD-44 being identified on epithelial cell surfaces forms the epithelial attachment apparatus to the
and within the intercellular spaces (71, 216). In ad- tooth surface but also provides a vehicle for the bidi-
dition, numerous cell surface glycoproteins involved rectional movement of substances between the gin-
in cell adhesion have been identified including those gival connective tissue and the oral cavity. In ad-
of the b1 integrin family (a2b1, a3b1, a9b1) and in- dition, the junctional epithelium plays both an in-
tercellular adhesion molecule-1, which are strongly structive and communicative role in host defense
expressed by gingival epithelial cells (44, 103). Inter- against bacterial infection (155).
estingly, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 is selec- The permeability of the junctional epithelium
tively expressed by the junctional epithelium and with respect to egress of sulcular fluid and ingress of
oral gingival epithelium, but not the oral sulcular foreign particles is reasonably well established (195).
epithelium; the significance of this is unclear. Other However, how material enters and permeates (pass-
integrins, such as a6b4, are significant components ively) through this tissue into the gingival connective
of hemidesmosomes. This integrin is involved in the tissue is unclear. Furthermore, with the continual
attachment of the cells to the basement membrane passage of leukocytes and the rapid turnover of this
and participates in the transduction of signals from tissue, the logistics of permeation of substances in-
the extracellular matrix to the interior of the cell to wards is difficult to understand. Nonetheless, such
modulate cytoskeletal organization, proliferation, permeability has been considered to be one of the
apoptosis and differentiation (29). principal events associated with the establishment
In general, the intercellular matrix of the gingival of disease. Indeed, the so called ‘‘wider’’ intercellular
epithelia, not only serves roles in cell adhesion, ad- spaces of the junctional epithelium have always
hesion to the tooth surface and basement mem- been considered a ‘‘weak link’’ allowing permeation
brane but also plays a very important role in the of bacterial products into the gingival connective
regulation of diffusion of water, nutrients and toxic tissue and initiating an inflammatory response.
materials (antigens and other plaque metabolites) It is now recognized that epithelial cells are not
through the epithelium (9, 15). passive bystanders in the periodontal tissues, but
rather are metabolically active and capable of re-
acting to external stimuli by synthesizing a number
of cytokines, adhesion molecules, growth factors and
By virtue of its surface coverage, the gingival epithel- enzymes. More importantly, the epithelial cells gen-
ium performs a number of very important protective erate a family of potent antimicrobial peptides for

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

protection against infection. These peptides, which ing the initial phases (days 1–2) of healing of gingi-
are cationic and called b-defensins, appear to work vectomy wounds, the migrating epithelial surface
in concert with other host defense mechanisms to covering is only 2–3 cells thick and forms a stratum
combat multiple microbial species and form a first basale. By day 5, the wound appears fully covered,
line of host defence (24, 49, 50, 55, 61, 73, 74, 130, and by day 7 the epithelium has matured and a new
188, 193). The b-defensins identified in epithelial stratum corneum is usually evident (65). For open
cells include hBD-1, hBD-2 and LL-37, and these wounds or incisional wounds that have two epi-
have been identified in the gingival epithelium. With thelial edges, this process will continue until the
the accumulation of bacterial plaque, the epithelial cells from either side of the wound meet.
cells also begin to overexpress adhesion molecules Epithelialization of a periodontal flap is compli-
such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and cyto- cated by the fact that there is only one epithelial
kines such as interleukin-1b and interleukin-8, edge to the wound (210). In these wounds the epi-
which are involved in neutrophil recruitment and thelium migrates apically along the root and over the
migration. Thus, the gingival epithelium is an im- wound surface. Epithelial migration will continue
portant initiator, regulator and mediator of the host along the root surface as long as there are no at-
immune response against periodontal pathogens. tached collagen fibers on the root surface. Apical mi-
gration of the epithelium ceases as soon as such
fibers are encountered. This process is a fundamen-
Epithelial repair and regeneration
tal principle of periodontal wound healing and ex-
Epithelium has a remarkable capacity to regenerate plains the formation of a ‘‘long junctional epithel-
following injury. Indeed, this property of all epithelia ium’’. Since epithelium migrates at a much faster rate
is fundamental to cutaneous and mucosal tissues. Ir- than the formation of new connective tissue attach-
respective of whether healing is to occur via primary ment to a debrided root surface, the epithelial
or secondary intention, the processes of re-epi- attachment forms at the expense of new connective
thelialization are the same. tissue attachment. Because some new connective
Within hours of injury the epithelial cells, which attachment will form at the base of the incision (only
are ‘‘labile’’ cells, begin to migrate with the express because of the time it takes the epithelium to reach
purpose of covering the exposed connective tissue the apical portion) the biological width (see above)
surface. For both gingivectomy and incisional is re-established. Perhaps of more fundamental im-
wounds of the gingiva, undamaged epithelial cells portance is that, since some new connective tissue
from the wound margins (arising from the stratum attachment and new cementum formation can oc-
basale) commence migration within hours of injury cur in the apical region of the wound, this clearly
(58, 78) under stimuli provided by locally released indicates that these tissues, if given appropriate time
factors such as epidermal growth factor, platelet-de- and environment, can regenerate. Thus, means of
rived growth factor-AA and platelet-derived growth excluding or delaying rapid re-epithelialization of
factor-AB, fibronectin and other cytokines (65, 213). the flap wound forms an essential requirement to
These cells undergo marked phenotypic alterations achieving periodontal regeneration (see section on
(especially the basal cells), losing their desmosomes periodontal regeneration).
and producing cytoplasmic actin filaments necess-
ary for locomotion (150). The interaction between
Interface between epithelium and
the cells and the wounded substratum is important.
connective tissue
Normally the basal cells reside in contact with a
basement membrane interspersed between the cells The interface between basal epithelial cells and the
and the lamina propria of the underlying tissue. underlying connective tissue is a highly specialized
Upon injury, the cells cease to produce components anatomical site termed the basement lamina (Fig. 5).
of the basement membrane and migrate over the ex- It serves as a barrier to the exchange of cells and some
posed connective tissue surface composed of an in- large molecules across the junction. Ultrastructurally,
terim matrix of fibrin and fibronectin. In addition, the epithelial-connective tissue interface is composed
collagenase and plasminogen activator are released of four elements. These have been identified as: (1)
to enhance collagen remodelling and dissolution of the basal cell plasma membrane with its specialized
the fibrin clot (42, 213). As the cells migrate, new attachment devices (hemidesmosomes); (2) an elec-
hemidesmosomes form in association with depo- tron lucent region 30–50 nm in width called the lam-
sition of a new basement membrane (100, 218). Dur- ina lucida; (3) an electron-dense region 30–60 nm in

Bartold et al.

(118); anchoring fibrils which contain type VII colla-

gen; entactin/nidogen, which forms complexes with
laminin; and several poorly characterized chondroi-
tin sulfate and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (123,
Type IV collagen is a major component of base-
ment membranes. It is found mainly in the lamina
densa, and also within the anchoring plaques of the
reticular layer. Type IV collagen has some unique
structural features, including interrupted Gly-X-Y se-
quences that allow point flexibility of the molecule,
and a short globular domain at the C-terminus,
Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the electron micro-
where intra- and inter-molecular disulfide bonds
scopic appearance of basement membranes. The basal
surfaces of the epithelial cells are located superficially to link collagen chains together in a head-to-head
the lamina lucida which is less electron dense than the manner. These features allow collagen type IV to or-
underlying lamina densa. The reticular zone, immediately ganize into a three-dimensional meshwork (222).
subjacent to the lamina densa, is a poorly defined area of Gingival epithelium (oral, sulcular and junctional)
fibrillar and nonfibrillar matrix components that forms
express this protein ubiquitously (141, 173).
the junction between the basement membrane and the
underlying connective tissue. Laminin appears to be ubiquitous in basement
membranes and, in conjunction with nidogen (en-
tactin), forms an important complex within the ma-
trix. At least seven different forms of laminin, which
width called the lamina densa; and (4) a reticular layer have selective distributions and functions, have been
containing a fine band of specialized connective described. Laminin is composed of three polypep-
tissue containing a variety of fibrillar and nonfibrillar tide chains which aggregate in a crucifix-like struc-
proteins (35). The lamina lucida, the lamina densa ture. With nidogen acting as an intermediary agent,
and the anchoring fibrils are considered to be epi- laminin is able to interact with type IV collagen and
thelial cell products (34, 172), while the reticular layer contribute to the sieve-like network organization of
is of connective tissue origin. basement membranes. In addition to its interaction
The anchoring fibrils of the basement membrane with nidogen and type IV collagen, laminin mediates
were first noted in gingival epithelium as short curv- cell adhesion through cell surface integrins (in par-
ing fibrils of approximately 20–40 nm thick and tra- ticular a6b1) and may also play a regulatory role in
verse the lamina densa and lamina lucida near the cell proliferation and migration of epithelial cells.
hemidesmosomes (128, 196, 215). These fibrils ap- Immunolocalization studies have shown the laminin
pear to terminate in the connective tissue in elec- to be uniformly distributed in the basement mem-
tron-dense patches termed anchoring plaques (172). brane of gingival epithelia, with both laminin-1 and
Anchoring fibrils have been measured at 750 nm in laminin-5 being identified in these tissues (83, 241).
length from their epithelial end to their connective Type VII collagen is the predominant component of
tissue end, where they appear to form loops around the anchoring fibrils of basement membranes (180).
collagen fibers (92). This specialized collagen is secreted in a soluble form
The chemical composition of most basement by basal epithelial cells and is composed of a central
membranes appears to be relatively consistent, al- helical portion with a globular domain at the C-ter-
though some minor quantitative differences may oc- minal and a small nonhelical domain at the N-ter-
cur depending on the location and function of the minal (172). These triple helical molecules align at the
tissue. While the basement membrane of gingival C-terminus as antiparallel dimers of approximately
epithelium has been poorly studied, it is very likely 450 nM each in length. One end of the molecule be-
that it would be very similar to skin, where the major comes embedded in the lamina densa of the base-
constituents are type IV collagen, laminin and the ment membrane, where it interacts with type IV colla-
heparan sulfate proteoglycan perlecan. In addition, gen, and the other end attaches to anchoring plaques
other recognized components of basement mem- (92). Type VII collagen has been localized in the base-
branes include the hemidesmosomes, which contain ment membrane of gingival oral epithelium (173).
bullous pemphigoid antigens (110); anchoring fila- Proteoglycans of basement membranes are gener-
ments which contain kalinen (176) and K-laminin ally very rich in the glycosaminoglycan heparan sul-

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

fate. At least two differently sized heparan sulfate rectly from the oral mucosa connective tissues as
proteoglycans have been identified in basement well as some fibers (dentogingival) that originate
membranes and appear to localize to the lamina from the developing dental follicle. As the develop-
densa and connective tissue immediately below the ing tooth begins to erupt, it emerges from its bony
lamina densa (82). The larger of these two proteolgy- crypt with the most coronal Sharpey’s fibers already
cans is now termed perlecan and has been well char- embedded within the cementum of the root surface.
acterized (88, 148, 149). Perlecan is synthesized by These fibers have their origin from cells and tissues
mesenchymal cells and interacts within the base- arising from the dental follicle. The tooth emerges
ment membrane with laminin, type IV collagen and, through the submucosal tissues of the oral mucosa
to a lesser extent, nidogen (88). Other heparan sul- and eventually penetrates the oral epithelium with
fate proteoglycans, as well as proteoglycans contain- subsequent formation of the epithelial attachment
ing chondroitin sulfate, have been localized in base- apparatus (see above). As the tooth erupts, the
ment membranes (123, 231). Within the gingival tissues originating from the dental follicle and oral
epithelium basement membranes, several proteo- mucosa coalesce. However, it is of interest to note
glycans have been identified but have been poorly that the tissues immediately subjacent to the gingi-
characterized (96, 181, 185, 201). val epithelia appear to have some instructive role
The junctional epithelium differs from both the over the superficial epithelium dictating its form and
oral sulcular epithelium and the oral gingival epi- structure. Whether this reflects the embryological
thelium in that it is associated with two basement origin of these tissues remains to be established.
membranes, one involved in the dento-epithelial
complex and the other with the underlying connec-
Structure and composition of gingiva
tive tissue. The basement lamina facing the tooth
surface is termed the internal basal lamina, while Fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are of mesenchymal origin
that facing the gingival connective tissue is termed and play a major role in the development, mainten-
the external basal lamina (193). Although it has been ance and repair of gingival connective tissues. His-
suggested that the internal basement lamina does torically, these cells have been considered to be of
not appear to have an identifiable lamina lucida and uniform nature and rather passive contributors to
lamina densa (193), a recent report has indicated the the tissues, responding only when required and
lamina lucida to be present and somewhat thicker being of limited variability due to their differentiated
than other basement membranes (185). It has been state. However, recent evidence indicates that these
proposed that the internal basal lamina of the junc- cells have many subtleties relating to their pheno-
tional epithelium is structured for mechanical type, responsiveness to various cytokines and growth
strength and the provision of a tight seal around the factors, as well as their general role in the tissues.
tooth surface for protection of the periodontal The principal function of fibroblasts is to synthes-
tissues from the oral environment (185). While the ize and maintain the components of the extracellular
internal basal lamina is also unique in that it lacks matrix of the connective tissue. This feature seems
type IV collagen and prototypic laminin (laminin-1), to be consistent for all ‘‘types’’ of fibroblasts, with
two common components of basement membranes variation in the types and amounts of matrix pro-
(83, 186), laminin-5 appears to be a major compo- teins synthesized occurring according to the tissue
nent of the internal basal lamina in human tissues of origin, as well as localized functions of the cells
(83, 132, 221). In most other respects, the interaction within the tissues.
of the junctional epithelium with its two basal mem- The morphology and ultrastructure of fibroblasts
brane structures is similar to other epithelia being have been studied extensively and, in general,
adjoined by hemidesmosomes and a6b4 integrins, fibroblasts in vivo have been noted to have a typical
together with fibrillar and nonfibrillar matrix pro- elongated or spindle shape and, consistent with their
teins (84, 185). high level of synthetic activity, have prominent
rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
Their cytoplasm is usually rich in numerous mito-
Gingival connective tissue chondria, vacuoles and vesicles. Intracellular micro-
filaments are sparse in non-motile fibroblasts but
become prominent upon activation of cell mi-
The gingival connective tissue is largely a fibrous gration. In vivo, fibroblasts are rarely seen in contact
connective tissue that has elements originating di- with one another; rather they tend to exist in iso-

Bartold et al.

While fibroblasts are considered primarily respon-

sible for synthesis of the extracellular matrix, they
are also involved in a number of regulatory pro-
cesses necessary for maintenance of tissue homeo-
stasis (Fig. 6). Fibroblasts are specifically involved in
these processes via phagocytosis and the secretion of
collagenases. Phagocytosis of collagen by fibroblasts
during tissue turnover and remodeling has been pro-
posed as one of the principal mechanisms through
which tissues can be remodeled and allow changes
in shape or structure without impairing function
(219). Fibroblasts (including gingival fibroblasts)
Fig. 6. Role of fibroblasts in maintaining tissue homeo- synthesize a wide range of matrix metalloproteinases
stasis. Fibroblasts may respond to a variety of stimulants
via production of cytokines, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors
capable of degrading collagens, proteoglycans and
or matrix macromolecules. LPS: lipopolysaccharide. other matrix components (26, 27). These enzymes,
TIMPs: tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteases. together with their inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of
MMPs: matrix metalloproteases. PGs: prostaglandins. matrix metalloproteinases), allow for a very regu-
PGE2: prostaglandin E2. lated control of matrix degradation for remodelling
or turnover purposes (154). If, for one reason or an-
other, these regulatory mechanisms are deranged,
lation attached to a surrounding matrix of collagens then a net gain or loss of connective tissue can result
and other glycoproteins. In vitro, these cells may leading to overgrowth or tissue destruction.
often vary slightly in their appearances, which in- In light of the above, it is clear that fibroblasts are
clude greater expression of intracellular microfila- very sensitive to their immediate surroundings and
ments, and fibers and intimate cell-cell contact will respond depending upon the messages being re-
through gap junctions (163). More recently it has ceived. Accordingly, fibroblasts are particularly sen-
been recognized that such generalizations may not sitive to changes in the surrounding matrix, growth
be valid with considerable morphological and ultra- factors or cytokines. These cells have the ability not
structural heterogeneity being observed for popula- only to respond to paracrine signals but may also
tions of fibroblasts residing in a number of tissues, synthesize and secrete a number of growth factors,
including the periodontium (97, 107, 184). cytokines and metabolic products that further dic-
Fibroblast heterogeneity is now a well-established tate cell activity in an autocrine manner. A more de-
feature of fibroblasts residing within the periodon- tailed description of the effects of soluble mediators
tium (28, 77, 124, 189). Indeed, differences in popu- on fibroblast function is provided later in this
lations of fibroblasts identified within the tissues, as chapter.
well as cultured from the tissues, indicate a wide Apart from regulating matrix synthesis and re-
range of variable features including morphology, ul- modeling, fibroblasts possess two other properties
trastructure, proliferation, migratory behavior, ma- critical to their function. These are an ability for site
trix synthesis, and responsiveness to growth factors directed migration (chemotaxis) and attachment to
and cytokines. Although the biological and clinical various substrata. Following injury to tissues, wound
significance of such heterogeneity is not yet clear, it healing requires the recruitment of cells with regene-
seems that such functions are necessary for the nor- rative capacity to the site in order for tissue repair
mal functioning of tissues in health, disease and re- or regeneration to occur. The ability of fibroblasts to
pair. For example, heterogeneous populations may migrate has received considerable attention, and the
represent subgroups of cells responsible for activities mechanisms involved are reasonably well docu-
as wide ranging as fibrogenesis, formation of hard mented. During migration, fibroblasts elongate and
and soft connective tissues, intercellular communi- send out small extensions (lamellopodia) that
cations and endocrine/autocrine control of connec- adhere to the substratum. Through the subsequent
tive tissue metabolism (97, 107). These features are interaction between cell surface integrins and the
considered to be of importance in the context of di- underlying matrix a rearrangement of microtubules,
recting regenerative or homeostatic events within myosin as well as vimentin and actin filaments
the periodontium and are considered in more detail within the cytoplasm occurs and the cell is able to
in the chapter on periodontal regeneration. pull itself in the direction of the newly placed lamel-

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

lopodia and thus migrate (1, 25, 165). As a result of not restricted to any particular region, type III colla-
these studies concerned with general mobility of gen appears to be preferentially localized as thinner
fibroblasts, chemotactic behavior of fibroblasts (in- fibers in a reticular pattern near the basement mem-
cluding gingival fibroblasts) has been studied (4, 33, brane at the epithelial junction (141, 233). Type III
86, 166, 200). Up to ten different classes of chemo- collagen has a more diffuse pattern in lamina pro-
attractants for fibroblasts have been identified, many pria. Immunostaining studies have revealed that
of which are present in abundance at inflammatory type V collagen has a parallel filamentous pattern,
sites (167). and this collagen appears to coat dense fibers com-
Once recruited to the site of trauma, the fibroblast posed of type I and III collagens (141, 174). The gin-
must then be able to immobilize itself and commence gival connective tissue contains type VI collagen as
matrix synthesis. The attachment of fibroblasts to well, which is present in diffuse microfibrillar pat-
various substrata has been the topic of considerable tern. This collagen is present near basement mem-
interest as it has ramifications not only for repair and branes in the rat, but not in marmosets (174, 175).
regeneration, but also malignant transformation. In- In the gingiva, basement membrane is present at
deed, the attachment of cells to the extracellular ma- junctions of connective tissue with epithelium, in
trix is critical for maintaining appropriate cell shape, rete pegs and around blood vessels and nerves, and
cell function and tissue integrity. In the context of contains type IV collagen, laminin and heparan sul-
fibroblast-matrix interactions, the cell surface recep- fate (41, 141, 174, 175). The presence of type IV colla-
tor molecules known as integrins are the best studied gen in the rat appears to be restricted to external
(87). A detailed discussion of integrins is beyond the basal lamina, while both external and internal lam-
scope of this chapter, and the reader is referred to sev- inae contain laminin (186).
eral excellent reviews (45, 62, 80, 228). The mechan- Proteoglycans are also ubiquitous constituents of
isms involved in cell-matrix attachment require clus- the periodontal tissues (75). At present proteo-
tering of adhesion receptors and subsequent re- glycans are broadly classified into three groups de-
arrangement of cytoskeletal proteins and involve pending upon their location and include (i) matrix
both intracellular and extracellular processes (68). organizers and tissue space fillers; (ii) cell surface
The interaction between adhesion molecules and components; and (iii) intracellular proteoglycans of
their receptors leads to activation of a variety of signal the hemopoietic cells (60). Early identification and
transduction pathways that are crucial for controlling localization of proteoglycans in periodontal tissues
events as diverse as cell adhesion, migration, were based on analyses of the total uronic acid con-
apoptosis and gene regulation (45, 80, 90, 178). tent and constituent glycosaminoglycan species. Ap-
proximately 0.3% of the total dry weight of gingiva is
Matrix composition. The composition of extracellu- uronic acid. Within the gingival connective tissues,
lar matrix in the gingival connective tissue has been approximately 60% of total glycosaminoglycans is
reviewed in greater detail elsewhere (13, 139); it will dermatan sulfate, an additional 30% of the glycosa-
therefore be discussed only briefly here. Collagenous minoglycans is chondroitin sulfate and the remain-
proteins account for the bulk of the matrix proteins ing 10% is accounted for by roughly equal pro-
in the periodontal tissues (144). Ultrastructural portions of hyaluronan and heparan sulfate (14). In
studies by electron microscopy and immunocytoch- contrast to the connective tissue, heparan sulfate is
emistry have revealed that collagen fibers are organ- the predominant glycosaminoglycan in the gingival
ized into distinct architectural patterns in the peri- epithelium. Apart from differences in sulfation and
odontal tissues. These have been classified accord- charge, these glycosaminoglycans have great hetero-
ing to their location, origin and insertion (187, 191) geneity in their molecular size, ranging from 15,000
and are listed in detail in Table 1. for heparan sulfate to 340,000 for hyaluronan (20).
Type I collagen is the main collagen species in all Biochemical studies of intact proteoglycans isolated
layers of gingival connective tissues (140, 171). The from homogenates of gingival epithelium and con-
collagen fibers are arranged in two patterns of or- nective tissue have identified numerous pools of
ganization, one consisting of large, dense bundles of proteoglycans which differed in size and glycosami-
thick fibers, and the other, a loose pattern of short noglycan content (20, 21, 105). Using specific anti-
thin fibers mixed with a fine reticular network (41). bodies and cDNA probes, several proteoglycan spe-
These fibers contain both type I and III collagens. cies have been identified to be associated with gingi-
Type I collagen is preferentially organized into val tissues and these include decorin, biglycan and
denser fibrils in the lamina propria. Although it is versican (31, 91, 104).

Bartold et al.

With the development of specific antibodies to ponent of gingival connective tissue accounting for
various proteoglycans, several studies have not only approximately 6% of the total tissue protein (40). Im-
confirmed the presence of proteoglycans within the munohistochemical studies have shown that elastin
periodontal tissues but also determined the distri- is more prominent in the submucosal tissues of the
bution of various proteoglycans throughout the more moveable and flexible alveolar mucosa (19).
tissue compartments (18, 71, 181, 201). Dermatan The interaction of cells with their surrounding
sulfate appears to be localized closely associated matrix is usually mediated through specific cell sur-
with collagen fibers and is particularly evident at the face-associated molecules. Of these, the integrins are
epithelial connective tissue interface. In contrast, he- of central importance in the regulation of cell ad-
paran sulfate is localized primarily in the basement hesion and migration (3, 177). Integrins are hetero-
membranes of epithelium and capillary endo- dimeric molecules composed of a- and b-subunits
thelium (57). Specific proteoglycans have also been and are classified on the basis of their b-subunit
identified by immunohistochemistry within the gin- composition. These integral cell membrane compo-
gival tissues and include decorin, biglycan, versican, nents are implicated in the migration of leukocytes,
syndecan, CD-44 and perlecan (71, 152). Decorin is epithelial cells and fibroblasts as well as T-cell and
present within the gingival tissues closely associated macrophage interactions and clot formation and are
with bundles of collagen fibers, especially in the sub- expressed in high proportions during wound healing
epithelial region. Biglycan is a relatively minor con- (36, 179). The integrins expressed by fibroblasts bind
stituent of gingiva, and it appears to be present in principally to matrix proteins such as fibronectin, vi-
filament-like structures in the matrix near oral epi- tronectin, collagen, laminin and fibrinogen (179).
thelium (18, 71, 201). Studies regarding the distribution of integrins in gin-
Fibronectin is distributed throughout the gingival gival tissues have focused mainly on the epithelial
connective tissues and is localized over collagen components in which the b1, b4 and a6 integrins are
fibers (141, 164, 211). Gingiva also contains os- expressed by cells of the epithelium and basal lam-
teonectin, vitronectin, elastin (19, 183, 211) and ten- ina (84, 102). Fibroblasts within gingival connective
ascin, which is present diffusely in the connective tissues express a1, a2, a5, av, avb3 which serve as re-
tissue and prominently near the subepithelial base- ceptors for vitronectin, fibronectin and collagens
ment membrane in the upper connective tissue and (85, 211).
capillary blood vessels (23). Elastin is a minor com-
Neurovascular composition. The neurovascular
composition of the gingivae has been studied in
some detail. The gingiva has one of the largest end
organ blood supplies in the body and, as such, may
be susceptible to any factor that compromises blood
flow. The vascular supply to the gingiva forms two
distinct networks (Fig. 7), one bounded by the oral
and sulcular gingival epithelia and the other sub-
jacent to the junctional epithelium (197). The ar-
rangement of the vasculature in each of these re-
gions varies (54, 93). Adjacent to the junctional epi-
thelium, the vascular plexus is composed of
anastomosing postcapillary venules termed the gin-
gival plexus. Elsewhere in the gingiva, the capillary
loops consist of an ascending arterial and de-
scending venous component. At the arterio-venous
Fig. 7. Distribution of vascular networks within human
anastamoses, a glomerular-like structure has been
gingival epithelium. The primary vascular supply is sup- reported (207). The subtle differences between the
plied via vessels located in the periodontal ligament (1), vessels associated with the junctional epithelium
the gingiva (4), and the alveolar bone (5). Subjacent to and the other gingival epithelia is of great signifi-
the junctional epithelium (3), the vasculature resembles cance with regards to initiation of gingival inflam-
anastomosing postcapillary venules, while subjacent to
the oral epithelium (4) the vasculature is composed of art-
mation (see below).
erio-venous anastomoses of a glomerular-like arrange- Neural elements are extensively distributed
ment. throughout the gingival tissues (114, 119). Within the

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

gingival connective tissues most nerve fibers are my- is significantly affected and tissue function is com-
elinated and are closely associated with the blood promised (see below). If, however, the host defense
vessels (114). Many of these nerve fibers are im- is successful in eradicating the foreign materials in-
munoreactive to a number of neuropeptides includ- ducing the inflammatory reaction, or, the level of
ing calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P and abuse is minimal, the gingival tissues are able to re-
neuropeptide Y (79, 113) (Fig. 8). Apart from playing pair themselves and maintain adequate tissue
a sensory role, the presence of nerves and associated homeostasis and normal function. Thus, under
neuropeptides are considered to contribute a neuro- healthy conditions, there is a delicate balancing act
genic component to the inflammatory alterations played out in the gingival tissues involving both
caused by mechanical, chemical and possibly tissue repair and tissue destruction.
emotional stimuli (32, 70, 98). Nerve fibers originat-
ing in the subepithelial connective tissue may also
Repair of gingival connective tissue
penetrate into the junctional epithelium (117). The
intraepithelial nerves are unmyelinated but do have Due to their high turnover rate, the connective
endings containing a number of neuropeptides (117, tissues of the gingivae have remarkably good healing
217). The function of intraepithelial nerves may not and regenerative capacity (127). Indeed, it may be
only be for sensory purposes, but may form net- one of the best healing tissues in the body and gen-
works of communicative pathways between the epi- erally shows little evidence of scarring following sur-
thelium and underlying connective tissues as seen gical wounding (Fig. 9). Although surgical wounding
in skin where dermal mast cells appear to be linked of skin usually results in scar tissue formation, simi-
to epidermal Langerhans cells via nerve fibers (52). lar wounding to the gingival tissues normally results
in rapid reconstitution of the fibrous architecture of
the tissues and generally very little, if any, scarring
Function of gingival connective tissue
results (127, 226, 227).
The gingival connective tissue serves primarily to Although the gingival connective tissue has rapid
protect the root surface and alveolar bone from the turnover, it is not as great as the reparative capacity
external oral environment. In addition, it aids in the of periodontal ligament and it is not like the epi-
support and fixation of teeth within their alveolar thelial tissues (see above). Following initial injury,
housing and provides adequate support for the epi- the gingival connective tissue commences its repara-
thelial tissues. tive efforts in a manner similar to most other tissues
In carrying out its protective role, the gingival involving a demolition phase followed by synthesis
tissues provide the stage upon which the host re- of granulation tissue, organization, contraction and
sponse acts out its role of surveillance, interception remodeling (42, 65). These processes involve an in-
and removal of foreign materials. In doing so, the tricate interplay between inflammatory cells, fibro-
response may become destructive rather than pro- blasts, and the newly synthesized matrix. The role of
tective, in which case the gingival tissue architecture the inflammatory cells in wound healing is to secrete

Fig. 8. Neuronal networks within human gingivae. proximity of these two networks in both vertical and hori-
A, B. Nerves in close proximity to the basal epithelial layer, zontal sections (upper and lower panels, respectively).
and penetrating the basement membrane (NCAM stain- D. Double-stained section showing nerve forming direct
ing). C. Double staining for nerves (NCAM, black color) contact with a Langerhans cell (arrow).
and Langerhans cells (CD1a, brown color) reveals the

Bartold et al.

model, and by day 14 the collagen fibers may show

some signs of attachment to the root surface, with
subsequent cementum formation not appearing un-
til the third week after wounding.
For fully functional connective tissue attachment
to a root surface through the reformation of Sharpe-
y’s fibers, a minimum of 3 weeks of healing is re-
quired. This being the case, it is not surprising that
this rarely occurs to any significant extent because
the more rapid migration of the gingival epithelium
results in epithelial coverage of the dentogingival
wound area long before the connective tissue has an
opportunity to realign itself with the root surface.

Changes to the gingival tissues with

onset of inflammation
Epithelial changes
With accruing knowledge, the epithelium can no
longer be considered a silent partner in the patho-
genesis of the inflammatory periodontal diseases
(214). While this tissue was originally considered to
provide an elementary protective role that eventually
Fig. 9. Scar tissue in skin (A) following surgery and the permitted some passage of antigens to the connec-
absence of scar tissue in the gingiva (B), despite scarring tive tissues leading to destructive inflammation, this
of the alveolar mucosa (arrow) following a frenectomy
concept must now be considered naive. The gingival
epithelium, and in particular the junctional epithel-
ium, is involved at the earliest phases of the in-
polypeptide mediators that act as agents for the re- flammatory response and is very likely to be instruc-
cruitment of cells to the site to commence repair and tive with regards to the establishment of disease.
stimulation of these cells to commence new matrix While epithelial permeability is important, many cel-
synthesis. Angiogenesis is also a feature of healing lular signaling events occur as a rapid response to
gingival wounds, with the microvascular endothelial the accumulation of dental plaque (Fig. 10). These
cells being responsible for this activity. The cells re- events, together with the later molecular, cellular
sponsible for production of the new granulation and tissue changes, need to be considered in the
tissue matrix are myofibroblasts, which most likely context of current information.
originate from the gingival fibroblast population Before the clinical signs of gingivitis develop in re-
(72). sponse to plaque accrual, the potential for epithelial
Early healing events at the dentogingival interface cell activation is high. Epithelial cells can produce
have been studied in detail in an animal model numerous cytokines including interleukin-1 and in-
(235). Within hours, the wound site is stabilized by terleukin-8, both of which may be involved in neu-
the formation of a fibrin clot that adheres to the root trophil trafficking (224), and growth factors such as
surface, and there is a heavy infiltrate of neutrophils. platelet-derived growth factor-AA and platelet-de-
Within 3 days, granulation tissue becomes evident rived growth factor-AB. In addition, epithelial cells
at the wound site and, although fibroblasts can be (junctional epithelia in particular) express intercellu-
identified within the wound, the site is still heavily lar adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin, two ad-
infiltrated by inflammatory cells. During this phase hesion molecules involved in neutrophil binding (43,
the fibrin clot is slowly degraded. By day 7, the site 162). The expression of intercellular adhesion mol-
is rich in newly formed granulation tissue and the ecule-1 appears to increase with increasing neutro-
collagen fibers appear to align in a parallel array phil migration, although once the infiltrate becomes
along the root surface. The matrix continues to re- dense, the expression level of this molecule de-

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

Fig. 10. Epithelial changes associated with inflammation. in appearance. B. Medium-power view of the junctional
A. Low-power view of attached gingiva shows widened in- epithelium. C. High-power view of junctional epithelium.
tercellular spaces within the junctional epithelium (left Infiltrating leukocytes are a prominent feature.
side), whereas the oral epithelium (right side) is normal

creases (63). By this stage, the need for intercellular glycoproteins) intercellular matrix remains identifi-
adhesion molecule-1 is diminished and other factors able and the intercellular attachments (desmosom-
associated with the general pathological state of the es) remain intact – despite the enlargement (198).
tissues act as ongoing recruitment factors for the The mechanism causing the enlargement is poorly
neutrophil infiltrate. The presence of E-selectin in understood but may be related to the increased hy-
gingival epithelial tissue is interesting since this is drostatic pressure resulting from the accumulating
normally associated with neutrophil adhesion to en- inflammatory exudate, which creates a pressure
dothelial cells. Whether this molecule is involved in gradient from the connective tissues, forcing fluid
neutrophil adhesion within the epithelium or is as- into the epithelial intercellular spaces (159, 198).
sociated with other functions such as binding of Tissue destruction at the epithelium–connective
Langerhans cells or lymphocytes to keratinocytes re- tissue interface may be associated with changes in
mains to be established (162). Nonetheless, it is clear interactions between these two tissues and could be
that at a very early stage, the epithelium is capable of mediated via a number of integrins (69). For ex-
producing a number of instructive messages, which ample, a more widespread distribution of the inte-
have the potential to lead to neutrophil recruitment, grins a2b1 and a3b1 in pocket epithelium may be
chemotaxis and adhesion. That intercellular ad- associated with keratinocyte proliferation and mi-
hesion molecule-1 appears to be constitutively ex- gration, while the weaker expression of a6b4 in the
pressed by gingival epithelium further enhances this pocket epithelium may be related to epithelial de-
argument since it is well established that a constant tachment from the tooth surface (69, 103).
flow of neutrophils occurs through the junctional The permeability of the junctional epithelium is
epithelium during ‘‘health’’. also a critical factor in the establishment of gingi-
Concomitant with the expression of cytokines vitis. While the oral and gingival epithelia appear to
such as interleukin-1 and interleukin-8 and ad- be relatively impervious, the junctional epithelium
hesion molecules such as intercellular adhesion does permit permeation of molecules from the ex-
molecule-1 and E-selectin within the epithelium, the ternal surface towards the connective tissue (53, 125,
intercellular spaces of the junctinal epithelium begin 223). As a result, a chemotactic gradient is estab-
to widen and serve as a primary pathway for the lished that further facilitates the migration of neu-
egress of the inflammatory exudate from the gingiva trophils. It is not until there is a significant influx of
to the gingival sulcus. This feature seems to be re- neutrophils that the intercellular spaces of the junc-
stricted to the junctional epithelium since neither tional epithelium become pathologically altered,
the sulcular nor oral epithelium show this response. with disruption to the intercellular junctions and in-
These enlarged spaces do not appear to be artifacts creasing widening of the intercellular spaces. Once
of tissue processing for histology (193, 197) since the this level of infiltration has occurred, and if the driv-
electron-dense (possibly proteoglycans and other ing stimulus (dental plaque) remains, then the nor-

Bartold et al.

mal rapid turnover of the junctional epithelium is gins at perivascular collagen bundles, and approxi-
insufficient to restore health and the pathway to on- mately 70% of collagen within the foci of inflam-
going tissue damage is established. mation is lost. The major inflammatory cells respon-
With continuing plaque accrual, neutrophil mi- sible for the destruction are polymorphonuclear
gration and early activation of macrophages and lymphocytes and macrophages (156). As the in-
lymphocytes within the gingival connective tissue, flammatory process develops, the destruction may
the junctional epithelium can be seen to commence expand deeper towards the periodontal ligament
migration in an apical direction and result in the and alveolar bone resulting in tooth mobility and,
earliest formation of a periodontal pocket. While the ultimately, tooth loss if the disease is left untreated
junctional epithelium is not invasive per se, cells of and continues to progress. Simultaneously with de-
the basal layer are capable of producing collagenases struction, fibrosis and scarring may coexist at foci of
that can degrade the underlying collagen sub- inflammation. Gingival fibrosis, manifested by scar-
stratum; thus, a mechanism exists for matrix degra- ring of gingival tissues, is seen in slowly progressive
dation followed by epithelial migration (229). Of par- periodontitis in humans, baboons and chimpanzees;
ticular interest is the fact that gingival epithelial cells however, fibrosis is not seen in dogs, rodents, minks
are stimulated to produce collagenase-3 (matrix and marmosets (157, 187).
metalloproteinase-13) by tumor necrosis factor-a, In periodontitis, numerous quantitative and quali-
transforming growth factor-b and keratinocyte tative changes occur to the gingival collagens (142,
growth factor – all of which are likely to be in abun- 145). For example, the gingival collagens become
dance within the gingival tissues during the early in- more soluble, and the ratios of collagen types are
flammatory response (112, 229). altered. Furthermore, the amount of type V collagen
It is clear that the gingival epithelium can ‘’sense’’ increases and a new collagen, type I trimer, may ap-
the presence of the developing dental plaque biofilm pear (141, 143). However, in spite of these quantitat-
and subsequently illicit signals to the underlying ive changes, there does not appear to be a change in
connective tissue. Whether this signalling is via the localization and distribution of constituent collagen
secretion of cytokines such as interleukin-1 and in- types. Quantitative changes also occur in noncolla-
terleukin-8 as described above or alternate pathways genous gingival constituents in beagle dogs, which
has not been established. Communicative pathways are lost from diseased gingiva (145).
may be established through a variety of cells known The gingival proteoglycans manifest fewer quanti-
to reside in the epithelium. For example, Langerhans tative and qualitative changes than do the collagens.
cells, which act as antigen-presenting cells, have Early histochemical studies demonstrated that
been noted to increase in number with increasing proteoglycans appeared to be lost from the center of
inflammation. In addition, other mononuclear cells, inflammatory foci but were present in higher con-
specifically T lymphocytes, have been noted in gingi- centrations around the periphery (126). These early
val epithelium. The observation of nerve fibers con- studies implied that, not only did the fibroblasts at
necting epithelial tissues to connective tissue ele- the periphery of the inflammatory lesion show an
ments is also of interest in the context of gingival increased capacity to synthesize proteoglycans, but
inflammation. These small fibers may provide a the cells of the inflammatory infiltrate also stained
mechanism whereby the earliest of chemical stimuli strongly for the histochemical dyes used to locate
may activate cells within the underlying connective the proteoglycans (126). Subsequent biochemical
tissue, leading to vascular responses and subsequent analyses of homogenates of inflamed human gingi-
fluid and cellular extravasation. vae demonstrated that the amount of dermatan sul-
fate decreases while the content of chondroitin sul-
fate increases. In addition, degradation of both
Connective tissue matrix changes
proteoglycan core proteins and hyaluronic acid are
Qualitative and quantitative changes in periodontal characteristic features of inflamed gingival connec-
connective tissues, especially in the gingiva, are tive tissues (16). Despite these qualitative and struc-
prominent features of the periodontal diseases (Fig. tural changes in inflamed tissues, no conclusive evi-
11). Gingivitis is one of the most common chronic dence of depletion of proteoglycans from inflamed
inflammatory conditions affecting humans. Sub- gingival tissues has been demonstrated. Such a con-
sequent to the initial inflammatory response, con- trasting finding to the massive loss of collagen from
nective issue destruction occurs within 3 to 4 days the same tissues may be explained by the contri-
after plaque accumulation (160). The destruction be- bution of stimulated fibroblasts at the periphery of

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

Fig. 11. Connective tissue changes with gingival inflam- cytes beneath the junctional epithelium. F, G. Activated
mation. A, B. Foci of infiltrating leukocytes at medium post-capillary venular endothelium expressing the selec-
and high magnifications (H&E). C. Alcian blue staining tion leukocyte adhesion molecules CD62E (endothelial
demonstrating an increase of Alcian blue positive matrix cell leukocyte adhesion molecule-1) (F), and CD62P
material associated with localized foci of inflammation. (GMP-140) (G). H. Degranulated mast cells (expressing
D. Masson’s trichrome demonstrating loss of collagenous tryptase) within the gingival connective tissues.
material at inflammatory foci. E. CD3 positive T lympho-

the inflammatory lesion, together with the contri- emigration rather than lymphocyte migration (242).
bution of proteoglycan content and products of the These structures, together with their ability to ex-
inflammatory cells. Indeed, the principal proteo- press many leukocyte adhesion molecules during
glycan synthesized by inflammatory cells contains the initial inflammatory response, allows mar-
chondroitin sulfate (17); thus the presence of such gination and diapedesis of leukocytes from the blood
proteoglycans could explain why chondroitin sulfate vessels into the connective tissues. The major ad-
levels increase at the expense of dermatan sulfate in hesion molecule expressed by venules and high en-
inflamed gingival tissues. dothelial venules of the gingival plexus include, en-
As discussed earlier, the vascular anatomy ad- dothelial cell leukocyte adhesion molecule-1, inter-
jacent to the junctional epithelium is unique consist- cellular adhesion molecule-1, leukocyte function–
ing of the gingival plexus which contains primarily associated antigen-3, vascular cell adhesion mol-
postcapillary venules. As the inflammatory response ecule-1 and platelet-endothelial cell adhesion mol-
is evoked, the glomerular nature of this plexus in- ecule-1. Although these molecules appear to be
creases with an increase in the number and size of constitutively expressed in the venules of the gingi-
the capillary loops (94, 168). During this process, the val plexus to facilitate the emigration of small num-
post capillary venules adopt the appearance of high bers of neutrophils seen in healthy tissues, their ex-
endothelial venules (239, 242) which facilitates emi- pression is rapidly upregulated in the high endo-
gration of lymphocytes (59). A peculiar feature of the thelial venules that appear upon initiation of the
high endothelial cell venules found in gingival tissue inflammatory response (243).
is their preference for polymorphonuclear leukocyte Studies on innervation of gingivae obtained from

Bartold et al.

periodontitis-affected sites has provided some useful growth factor can localize to cell surfaces to act in
information with regard to the potential role of a an autocrine or juxtacrine manner. Alternatively,
neurogenic contribution to periodontal inflam- platelet-derived growth factor may accumulate in
mation. In particular, the role for locally released the extracellular matrix to become available at a later
neurogenic peptides as inflammagens cannot be dis- stage to induce cell proliferation and migration.
counted. Substance P, which is released from pri- Regulation of the cellular responses to platelet-de-
mary sensory afferent nerves, has significant pro-in- rived growth factor is via receptors on the surface of
flammatory actions (108) and has been proposed to target cells. Two receptors have been identified; the
play a role in neurogenic inflammation of the peri- a-receptor binds both the A- and B-containing forms
odontal tissues (12). Many neurogenic peptides have of platelet-derived growth factor, while the b-recep-
been identified in inflamed gingival tissues and tor binds only platelet-derived growth factor-B (76).
noted to localize throughout the connective tissues Variability in biological response to the various
and around blood vessels (113). Although these forms of platelet-derived growth factor may be re-
neurogenic peptides are present in healthy tissues, lated to signal transduction through the a- and b-
an upregulation of these potent bioactive molecules receptors. For example, platelet-derived growth fac-
could have a significant impact on the initiation and tor-AA is not as potent as platelet-derived growth
establishment of the inflammatory response. factor-BB with respect to mitogenesis (38, 169) and
The mechanisms by which matrix changes are cell migration appears to be mediated through the
brought about are discussed in a separate chapter in b-receptor (56). Platelet-derived growth factor-AA is
this volume. the major isoform present during early wound heal-
ing (8, 65, 209). Platelet-derived growth factor iso-
mers containing the B chains appear to be more po-
Role of connective tissue changes in tent in chemotaxis towards polymorphonuclear
inflammatory reactions lymphocytes, monocytes and fibroblasts and in
mitogenic stimulation of fibroblasts (66, 212). The
Factors regulating fibroblast function
platelet-derived growth factor-BB and -AB chains are
Under healthy conditions, the fibroblasts are embed- mitogenic to gingival and periodontal ligament
ded in a matrix composed of collagen and noncolla- fibroblasts, and these cells respond only weakly to
genous components. They are sparsely distributed platelet-derived growth factor-AA (30, 120, 240). Hu-
and the cells have a flattened morphology indicating man gingival fibroblasts contain messenger RNA for
low metabolic turnover. Following injury and in- the platelet-derived growth factor-A chains, and its
flammation, the matrix scaffolding of the gingival transcription is activated by serum and by many
connective tissues is disrupted and the fibroblasts growth factors (240). The platelet-derived growth
migrate to the wound site, divide and produce new factor isoforms also affect the synthesis of collagens
matrix. The cells at this stage may assume the by periodontal fibroblasts (145).
phenotypic characteristics of smooth muscle cells The major mediator that influences the synthesis
and become myofibroblasts. A variety of factors of collagen and other matrix components by fibro-
present in the local environment dictate the activi- blasts is transforming growth factor-b. This polypep-
ties of fibroblasts; these include degradation prod- tide, also secreted by platelets and macrophage, is
ucts of the matrix and blood plasma and numerous believed to be responsible for accumulation of ma-
cytokines and growth factors derived from inflam- trix elements during fibrosis. Transforming growth
matory cells. These substances affect the migration, factor-b affects matrix accumulation through activ-
adhesion, proliferation and fibroblasts and their ma- ating the transcription of genes of type I, III, IV, VI
trix synthesis (42). and VII collagens and proteoglycans (91, 153, 232),
The most prominent mitogen for fibroblasts and by inhibiting the synthesis of collagenase (238).
under inflammatory conditions is platelet-derived Collagen synthesis is inhibited by prostaglandin E2,
growth factor, which may consist of homo- and interferon-g, and tumor necrosis factor-a. These
heterodimeric form of platelet-derived growth factor substances affect collagen synthesis at the transcrip-
‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’ chains. All three dimeric forms are se- tional level, while tumor necrosis factor-a also acti-
creted by platelets and macrophages; however, re- vates the transcription of collagenase gene (106).
cent studies indicate that the gingival epithelium Another major cytokine regulating matrix compo-
may also be a major source of these growth factor in sition is interleukin-1, which is produced by many
the gingiva (6, 8). Various forms of platelet-derived cell types, including fibroblasts and monocytes. In-

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

terleukin-1 is a major cytokine involved in matrix interferon-g, prostaglandin E2 and other substances
degradation in rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis (2, 28, 124, 161). Selective interactions between
and other inflammatory diseases and during bone fibroblast subpopulations and inflammatory me-
resorption. The mode of action of interleukin-1 ap- diators have been shown to give rise to selection and
pears to be through induction of genes for collagen- enrichment of fibroblast subtypes, and the presence
ase, gelatinases and stromelysin-1 (26, 27, 48, 220). of such subtypes is believed to be one factor con-
Inflamed gingival tissues and gingival crevicular tributing to disease phenotypes in inflammation and
fluid contain interleukin-1a, interleukin-1b, tumor fibrosis (109, 145).
necrosis factor-a, interleukin-6, interleukin-8 and in- The activities of fibroblasts under healthy and
terferon-g, and the presence of these cytokines is be- pathological conditions may be influenced by factors
lieved to contribute to higher levels of matrix-de- derived from epithelium. Fibroses and overgrowths
grading enzymes in the gingival crevicular fluid (5). are often associated with enlarged epithelia, however
Cytokines and growth factors influence cellular the interactions between epithelium and underlying
activities in several ways (95). These substances first connective tissue are poorly understood. Epithelium
bind to specific cell surface receptors; the binding appears to be a significant source of platelet-derived
activates a variety of signaling events that are re- growth factor and transforming growth factor-b in
quired for cell migration, attachment, DNA synthesis healthy and wounded dermis and in gingiva (8, 65,
and other cell functions (39, 158). Frequently the ex- 99).
pression of integrins and other cell surface receptors
is affected (179), resulting in modification of cell-
Role of matrix on inflammatory cell function
matrix and cell surface interactions. The target genes
could also be those of other cytokines or growth fac- The inflammatory response involves an intricate in-
tors, which in turn influence and regulate the activi- teraction between the cells and the surrounding
ties of cells and cell to cell interactions (22, 169, 205, extracellular matrix. In addition to cell surface mol-
240). The various substances that affect matrix syn- ecules that facilitate the adhesion of neutrophils and
thesis and degradation have been recently reviewed lymphocytes to other cells (endothelial cells, fibro-
(208). blasts and keratinocytes), these cells must also inter-
The manner in which fibroblasts respond to vari- act with the molecules which comprise the extracel-
ous agents depends upon several factors such as the lular matrix. To date, a number of extracellular ma-
stage of cell cycle and age of the cells. Another factor trix receptors have been identified and include
is the local environment. Cell geometry is dictated members of the integrin family and other adhesion
by the matrix in which the cells are embedded and molecules such as the cellular adhesion molecules
this determines the cellular response. Frequently the as well as molecules such as CD44. As these cells
response of monolayer cultures is opposite of that in move through the extracellular matrix, molecular
a three-dimensional matrix (89). For example, matrix mechanisms (some of which remain poorly under-
suppresses cell division and promotes differentiation stood) require a system for recognition of matrix
while cells continue to divide in the absence of a components compatible with adhesion or migration
matrix (206). The presence of more than one me- as well as the cellular machinery to allow the cells to
diator also affects the cellular response, and their respond to their environment. The role of intact ver-
combined effect may be complimentary, contradic- sus degraded extracellular matrix on inflammatory
tory, or additive. Thus, the type and concentration of cell function is poorly understood. Nevertheless,
various substances present in the local environment changes in the composition of the matrix are likely
determine the manner in which cells respond and to have very significant effect not only on cell ad-
regulate the progression of healing and repair events. hesion or migration but also cell functions as it re-
The response to specific cytokines may vary for sponds to its ever-changing environment.
different molecules and may depend on the cell
type. For example, interleukin-1 enhances type VII
Fibroblast–inflammatory cell interactions
collagen synthesis significantly, while type I is not
affected. Evidence indicates that fibroblast cultures During the early phases of gingival inflammation,
obtained from some tissue explants consist of sub- the connective tissues are infiltrated by both neutro-
types which differ in functional properties such as phils and lymphocytes. Thus, the potential for inter-
growth rate and collagen synthesis, and they re- actions between these cells and the resident fibro-
spond differently to transforming growth factor-b, blasts is high. Lymphocyte fibroblast interactions

Bartold et al.

shown that ‘‘activated’’ dermal fibroblasts can regu-

late the proliferative responses of T lymphocytes in
both a negative and positive manner (47, 64, 121,
230). An inhibitory effect on T-lymphocyte prolifer-
ation by interferon-g-stimulated gingival fibroblasts
has also been reported (202). Furthermore, cultured
human gingival fibroblasts have been found to ex-
press HLA-DR antigens in vitro (10). These obser-
vations led to speculation that gingival fibroblasts
may be able to act as antigen-presenting cells (203,
234). Although exposure of gingival fibroblasts to in-
terferon-gamma induces HLA-DR and intercellular
adhesion molecule-1 expression, these cells were
unable to induce a proliferative response in alloreac-
tive T lymphocytes. It was proposed that this was
due to an inability of gingival fibroblasts to express
CD80, which normally facilitates the activation of T
lymphocytes (101, 203). Nonetheless, it is clear that
an interactive relationship between gingival fibro-
blasts and lymphocytes does exist and these may
play an important role in regulating lymphocyte
Direct adhesive interaction between fibroblasts
and lymphocytes may be one mechanism by which
lymphocytes within the gingival tissues become
lodged and contribute to ongoing tissue destruction.
Fig. 12. Schematic representations of the possible interac-
tions between fibroblasts and lymphocytes. Interactions
The adhesive interactions between lymphocytes and
may be either (A) via release of soluble mediators such as gingival fibroblasts has been studied and found to
cytokines and prostaglandin E2 or (B) of a cognate (physi- be mediated, at least in part, by a combination of
cal) nature involving the expression of cell surface inte- very late activation antigen integrins, CD44/hyalu-
grins, cell-cell contact and stimulation of cytokine pro- ronan and lymphocyte function–associated antigen/
duction. Regardless of these mechanisms, it is clear that
the fibroblasts participate in a significant manner at the
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (134, 136–138).
local site of inflammation and as such must be considered Another mechanism for lymphocyte/fibroblast inter-
a major player in the inflammatory response. action has been proposed in which CD40 expression
by gingival fibroblasts allows interaction with CD40-
ligand-expressing B cells and subsequent synthesis
of interleukin-6 by the fibroblasts (199).
may contribute to the inflammatory reaction via the Interactions between fibroblasts and neutrophils
release of soluble mediators following interactive have been studied in other systems, but have been
processes (Fig. 12). Early studies concerning the largely neglected within the periodontal environ-
pathogenesis of periodontitis indicated that lympho- ment. As for lymphocytes, since neutrophils are
cytes exerted significant cytotoxic effects on gingival likely to come into contact with fibroblasts during
fibroblasts either through the release of soluble me- their passage through the tissues, it would seem
diators or via direct cell-cell contact (194). More re- important to establish and understand the nature
cently, studies have shown that adherence of of the interaction. Adhesion of neutrophils to
lymphocytes to gingival fibroblasts induce the ex- fibroblasts has been demonstrated in several
pression of messenger RNA for interleukin-1a and model systems (37, 67, 204). Although some spon-
interleukin-6 (135, 138). Thus, provided the appro- taneous adhesion between resting fibroblasts and
priate cell surface receptors are available, the poten- neutrophils occurs in vitro, this interaction can be
tial exists for one cell to influence the other in either significantly stimulated through the addition of in-
an autocrine or juxtacrine manner (134). terferon-g, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 (67). The
Fibroblast/lymphocyte interactions may also be principal component involved in these interactions
initiated by fibroblasts. For example, it has been seems to be the b2 (CD11/CD18) integrins with in-

Molecular and cell biology of the gingiva

tercellular adhesion molecule-1 playing only a mi-

nor role (37, 204). The significance of such interac-
tions is still unclear although short term co-culti-
vation of fibroblasts with neutrophils does lead to
cytotoxic effects mediated primarily through the
generation of oxygen-derived free radicals (129).
Lipopolysaccharide has been noted to promote ad-
herence of neutrophils to periodontal fibroblasts,
and this may be an important mechanism leading
to neutrophil mediated damage to periodontal
fibroblasts (46).

Fig. 13. Schematic representation of interactive processes

Conclusion: gingiva – protector, between gingival epithelium and connective during the
regulator or harbinger of bad news? initiation of gingival inflammation. PMN: polymorpho-
nuclear lymphocytes. IL: interleukin. ICAM: intercellular
adhesion molecule.
Gingivitis and periodontitis are two of the most com-
mon chronic inflammatory diseases affecting
humans as well as several, but not all, animal spe-
cies. These diseases are the result of an induction of
host inflammatory responses to the accumulation of tors, are the most important with regard to manifes-
bacteria on tooth surfaces adjacent to the supragin- tation of the various periodontal diseases.
gival and subgingival tissues. While the host response and environmental fac-
Initially, gingivitis represents a generalized acute tors that affect this response are important for dis-
inflammatory response to the bacteria that colonize ease manifestation, gingivitis and periodontitis can-
on the tooth surface adjacent to the gingiva. With not commence without the presence of bacteria.
time, gingivitis may become well established but still Nevertheless, it must be noted that, although bac-
confined to the superficial gingival connective teria are necessary for disease initiation, they are not
tissues and may manifest all the classic features of sufficient to cause disease progression unless there
a chronic inflammatory lesion. If the inflammatory is an associated inflammatory response. The latter
response contained within the gingivitis lesion overrides its protective role and permits destruction
spreads to the deeper periodontal tissues and al- to occur (151, 155).
veolar bone is lost, then the resultant lesion is A large number of bacterial species colonize the
termed periodontitis. The precise mechanisms gov- teeth in the supragingival and subgingival dental
erning the progression of gingivitis to periodontitis plaque. For gingivitis to develop, the type of bacteria
are unclear. In some cases, gingivitis may represent present is relatively inconsequential since gingivitis
the early stage in the evolution of periodontitis. is a nonspecific inflammatory response to dental
However, in some individuals, gingivitis may exist as plaque. However, approximately 20 microbes that in-
an independent clinical condition without pro- habit the subgingival environment are considered to
gressing into periodontitis (236). Indeed, the possi- be significantly pathogenic to be associated with
bility exists that gingivitis and periodontitis are quite various forms of periodontitis. The most significant
separate diseases. bacteria associated with periodontitis are Actino-
Periodontitis is a family of related diseases that bacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas
differ in their causation, rate and pattern of pro- gingivalis and Bacteroides forsythus (7). An import-
gression, natural history and response to therapy. ant emerging concept with respect to the subgingival
Such variability can be attributed to differences in microflora is that it behaves as a ‘‘biofilm’’ that per-
composition of the microbial flora, together with the mits the occupants to survive as a community and
presence of factors that might modify the host re- resist common host defense mechanisms as well as
sponse to microbial assault as well as factors which antibiotic exposure during therapy.
may predispose the individual to bacterial coloniza- It is in the context of the above that the role of
tion at specific sites. Of these, it seems that the mi- the gingival tissues becomes apparent (Fig. 13). Al-
croflora composition, and the host modifying fac- though the bacteria may be necessary for disease

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