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Wellesley’s next target was Tipu Sultan.

For implementing
this mission, Wellesley worked hard. First of all, he had to
manage funding for this warfare. Secondly, he made
propaganda against Tipu that he is cruel and harmful enemy
of the company. Tipu is accused of having root hatred of
Europeans and also a projector of Islamic Jihad. It was added
that Tipu was tyrant and not a good human being for the
people of his kingdom. Wellesley also wrote a letter to
company directors by saying that he has no intention of
warfare but it was Tipu who was provoking for probable
conflict. Here we could say that, Richard Wellesley had a
habit of providing wrong information. He did not provide the
true information to the company directors. It was already
known that Wellesley had no intention of peace and thus
planned to attack Tipu.

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