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MODERN ELECTRICS Wireless Telephony By Newetr A. Tuompson, Jr. the present time there are three electro-magnetic induction method. A. Lknown methods of transmitting very good example of this means of the wirelessly. They are (r) by a transmission of speech talk in a of light, or as it is more commonly telephone system; words spoken on one wn, radiophony; (2) by clectro- wire being heard in the telephone on a 3 and (3) by electro- second parallel wire. At the St. Louis wes. Bach one has been fully Exposition Mr. M. R. Hutchison gave d pete fo predict from the an excellent demonstration of this sys- obtained that transatlan- tem. Fig. 2 shows his apparatus, which will follow closely ; ie {= ‘ = ‘ni : 4 its sister, wireless teleg-

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