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Beas P el, foul, Ist Marco from Brazil isa warler, “Uhate the weekend. The weekend is when I'm busiest. | never go ' anywhere and | don't really do? any Thad except work. On Friday and Saturday nights we're ‘sully full and I have to be on my feet for seven or eight hours both days. We're ‘supposed to close at 1.00, but people often don't leave until 1.30 or even later ~ they never think that we might want to ‘go home. Luckily we close after funch on ‘Sunday, but when I get home, usually at about 5.30, i'm so tired that | don't want tosee any body. or do* hed. ‘except ie on the Sofe and watch TV. ‘The best day of the week for me is Wednesday — that's my day off* U Hawi tar ething. anything, nothing, ek W adjectives ending -ed and “ing Most people say that Saturdays or Sundays are their favourite days of the week - but not everybody. For some people weekends are not much fun... Kirsten from Germany is a duFe. hoe “1 grust admit that for me now the weekends are more tring than the week During the week ! have * some load to help me, but at the weekends welte ‘on Ob own. My husband's abways exhausted from hisjob and wents to telex but m0, LAS. can relax ith tuo smal Kids arcu. Our ft ent very ‘big so there's no where you can go to have some peace and quiet Before we had children | used to work too and weekends were periect We had noth tag. 10 do except enjoy tim realy happy when Steve from the UK isa player “uy weekend is usually quite stesstul more stressful than during the week. we're playing at home | can't go out Friday night all my fends know that, so "na invites me out on a Friday. |Have™ some=1 41g light & eat, and watch TY, and go tt’bed earl Very boring! On Saturday moming | usualy relax and prepare myself ‘mentally, es our home matches are usually at 3.00 in the aftemioon. What { do on Saturday night depends on whether we win or lose. we win, "have to go out withthe team to celebrate. If we lose, welre too depress to.go" amy ut12@_. When we play away, the weekend doesn't exist. We vavel ° some Where, play, and the travel back again. { look forward to having a weekend just for me.’ 1 READING d gts sentences with the Marco, Kirsten, or Steve c 1 always gets home late on Saturdays, a Isthe weekend your favourite paroltbewmcud whe Gant 2 SleVE _ goes to hed eatly on Friday night. 3 usually spends the weekend with the family. bb Read the article. In pars, guess $l€UE — sometimes goes out on Saturday night. what the three people do. cue Hur SI@A. used to love the weekend. ACO, prefers Wednesdays to Saturdays. Listen and check. €. Read the texts again. Complete the words 1~12 with -thing, -body, or -whert Garg ad Udamtear ETB GRAMMAR something, anything, nothing, etc. ook again at 1-12 ie the text. Complete the rales ssith things, places. and people. ‘se something. anything. and nothing for Lhe g $ se somiehody, anv. and nobody for pecgte- (se somewhere, anvrere.and naseeretor pla), © p.is0 Grammar Bank 8A. Read the rules and do the exercises. PRONUNCIATION /e/, /au/. /s/ What are sounds 1-3 What sound do the pink letters make in each sentence? Write 1,2, or 3. Nobody knows where ie goes, z 2 Svmebody’s coming to hunch, 3 8 I newer said anything, 3 4 Teedime avthing since Sunday, 2 > Doni tf ompbudy about the message Be © Theres avwhere to go except hime. 82° Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the sentences. VOCABULARY adjectives ending -ed and -ing ‘Louk af the two sentences from the article, What's the difference between tired and tiring? {nse tired that { don't want ro see anybody, \seckends are more tiring than week days. Look at the adjectives in bold in these sentences. Haw do you prosounce them? Friday night is bored / Boring. { never ga out. 2 Tha bored boring with my job. fs aheavs dhe same, 5 Wwe ase we feet depeessed / depressing. «4 My team never win. ics depressed / depressing. 5. Reading is very relaxed / relaxing 4 fact very relaxed’ relaxing at the weekend. {is atest film is really interesting! interested. X Fim not very interesting / interested! is sport. 4 Um very excited / exciting about my holiday, 19 ft was realy excited / exciting match. << Cross out the wrong word. 5 SPEAKING Ask and answer with a partner. Ask for more information too. ou romally have to work or study at weekends? ‘there angthing you atways watch on TV? 7 yous normaly have to buy anything on Saturdays? ‘have te do anything in the house [elean, etc}? eas 7/ you go sngatere exciting on Friday night? 1 do arathing ting on Saturday morning? (You meet anybody on Saturday night? you do soytbing retaxing on Sunday? ox go away anugwhere? / os do snithing special on Saturtay? 1 you go aoaghere interesting on Sunday? 6 LISTENING a 83° Listen and number the pictures 1-8. - Gy se the pictures -8 to re-tell the story.

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