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First Assignment: August 31, 2020

DUE: September 2 until 10PM
FORMAT: indicate name/ section/ date of submission
= Half inch margin all sides, use bond paper (could be a recycled one)

1. Give your own definition of Communication and explain in not more than 5 sentences.
2. The following are the nature of communication. Explain by giving your concrete
example for each.
a. Communication is purposive.
b. Communication is interpersonal.
c. Communication is intrapersonal
d. Communication is contextual.
e. Communication is symbolic.
f. Communication is dynamic.
g. Communication is extensive and ubiquitous.
3. The following are the models of communication. Choose one model and be able to
Illustrate/Draw and EXPLAIN the Flow of Communication in the model taking into
consideration the basic elements of the communication process.
a. Aristotle’s Model
b. Shannon and Weaver’s Model
c. Schramm and Wood’s Model
d. Osgood and Schramm’s Model
e. Dance’s Hellical Model
f. Berlo’s Model
g. Barlund’s Model
NOTE: all assignments and activities to be given can be encoded or handwritten then send it
via a private message to my messenger or my email

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