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Janice L. De Jesus Aug.

27, 2020

Different Interpretations (ASSIGNMENT)

As what I have seen in the first picture, it is our former president Benigno
Aquino III (Noynoy Aquino). It shows that the picture is from a TV news program “24
Oras” from GMA network. He is holding a gun for his training. His face shows that he
is brave and people around him are happy to see him. Through the picture I can really
say that he is an authoritative person. I’ve seen news before that he filed an exemption
for gun banning.

For the second picture, I see two males are almost kissing on the lips and I can
see that they are both happy. I have noticed the flag of Greece as their background.
Based on my research, Greece legalized same sex marriage to their country. Moreover, I
can say that they are both homosexual. And as of now, same sex marriage is being a
accepted in many countries as a normal thing. Same sex marriage is more common
today compared to the past where it was being judged and many people were against

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