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Xandrē Kris L.

Latog Date: November 7,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #1

What I understand from this concept or specifically what I realized is that it basically
asks a single question yet it has two answers, it is a framework for us to classify
what type of dimension if a person can really be classified by what intended to be or
what they intend to be. There is always an “or”, I mean it actually really depends on
the theorist’s belief, but even if they believe it, do they really believe it both
consciously and unconsciously? The irony here is that they also ask themselves and
us if they are right or wrong because of basically on what they theorize in the first
place, did they make this theory based on their experience or did they just came up
with it in a jiff. Did any outside factors change their opinions on their beliefs?

I mean from what I understand at least because even I’m not entirely sure if every
theory on concept of humanity can even be classified from this 6 dimensions. The
fact that I am uncertain on what I believe here just proves i am only saying this
because I am not sure of my experiences can be an idea that can be proven. What I
overall realized that all of the dimensions can be classified as one question. Are
People undetermined or predetermined? But even that can be just an opinion and if
you believe it, it does not make it any more than just that.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: November 14,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #2

Freud’s theory were all about being self aware and the dimensions for this always
sides on the scientific and not on the irrationality. It does not mean it is on the bad
side either for Freud’s theory was always being rational and straight forward. Freud
believes that we do not have our own grip on our decisions but the psychological
factors deciding for us from the very beginning, from our past experiences, IQ,
influences and overall our state of mind, which is literally the mind. Freud’s theory for
me is not a buzz kill, because even if he states that I am not special makes him also
not special. Either we are all special or none of us.

Which pretty much sums up the two issues of dimensions, which is uniqueness
versus similarities and pessimism versus optimism. As long as its rational and
proven, I don’t mind learning something from it. I’ve known for almost my entire
adolescent life that we are driven by a simple chemical in our brain called dopamine,
for whatever thing and reason why you are doing anything is because of a simple
chemical that is the source of satisfaction and even though I know this, it does not
bother me at all, at least not anymore. We adapt to our learnings but we can never
learn. Even Freud himself is still driven by his own unconscious behaviour and
attachments to achieve his success. Everybody is driven by their own brains,
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: November 20,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #3

Alfred Adler’s take on personality is mostly based on two dimensions of concept of

humanity, first is free choice, which is the first thing he implied that people
themselves have the choice to shape their personality and second is optimism, as
you can see from his biography and his theories, he somewhat has a smoother
going to his life unlike Sigmund Freud which had a rational and pessimistic take on
his life and that includes his theories. Adler’s theories are believable enough for me
but it still has some gaps since Adler was a little too socially optimistic.

He tends to look at only the good side of people and the bad side are the ones that
were supported by their environment but mostly still their own choice to make as
Adler implied. But on the other hand, Adler had a rough childhood to begin and yet
he still looks up to it optimistically and look where that got him, so in a way his own
theories can be applied to his own and probably on some other people as well. I for
one believe on his take on personality. Overall his concept is unique, because the
way that he tries to avoid the pessimism of Freud, just gives him and us a whole new
way on looking at Psychology.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: November 29,2019

Code:09166Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #4

Carl Jung’s take on personality is probably the most rational for me yet, he is neither
pessimistic like Freud nor optimistic like Adler. He presents his theoriies in between
those two because he sees the human mind as two sides of the same coin, for it
presents individuality or influence. So far Carl Jung’s take on personality is probably
the most believable for me yet because he sees people’s mind being driven by
awareness and unawareness, people change or do not change. It’s a matter of
perspective really but Carl Jung seems to study both sides anyways on whether a
certain person’s mind is shaped by it. According to Carl Jung, every person has a
dark side, even the happiest or most successful people have a dark side and I see
this as a really convincing opinion because the whole concept of his studies is view
on a rationality, even if he sees a nice person giving out sandwiches he sees it as an
uncertain perspective unless look upon to.

As I said he is the most rational compared to Freud and Adler, he actually studies
both the effect of environment and individual influences of a person, even the
background that includes various cultures of people.This way people will view this as
convincing and balanced for it is like a court trial with the brain as the judge.He views
psychology as a perspective for everyone. I can’t seem to find a flaw in his studies
for now so I consider it as reliable take on personality.Overall, Carl Jung’s Analytical
Psychology focuses on the norm and the opposite, which they both coincide or not
depending on the self-realization or individuation of a person.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date:December 07,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #5

Klein’s take on personality is on a different way, it all surrounds on the mother-child

relationship that shapes the later development of a child. To me, it was quite
convincing since the first relationship of child is with their mother and the first
experiences do tend to shape the child. So in a way this falls to the category more on
Determinism than on free choice. But it all still depends on the free choice of the
mother on how they will raise their child’s mental development. This concept also
sides more on Causal rather than Teleology since it focuses on the mind of a child
being decided ever since during infancy and it may continue to define the infant’s
mental shape on the rest of his/her life.

Object Relations is balanced on pessimism and optimism since the way it sees the
development of a child all depends on the early relationship of the mother and the
infant, it could either be a healthy relationship or an unhealthy one. Overall Klein’s
take on personality is unique and there is not really a thing to deny about it for me
because it all depends on a certain angle and it balances itself in the end. It is
rational enough to state true details and results on different mother-child
relationships and gave us a take on personality level on the earliest stage of
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: December 7,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #6

Horney’s concept of humanity is more optimistic than I thought since it believes on

the potential of a person rather than to actually state a specific person, just focuses
on generalization. The way i see her concept is irrational yet there are some that is
quite helpful on understanding neuroses, it provided a deeper research for
understanding on unhealthy people. But on the subject of her researches itself, she
really lacks of it and does not provide a specific result or hypothesis. But her
optimism does provide a somewhat good motivation for students, patients and
children to let them see on the bright side. She also relies on her idea of Self-
Realization, it may sound impactful but it still needs a proper look into it

But her concept of social influences is convincing though, the concept of norms
between men and women that is something both determinism and free will take
place. Neurotics too provided proper classifications. Overall Horney’s concept of
humanity provides more on the idea rather than the proof but who knows maybe it’s
a starting point for someone else to properly dive into the concept and I don’t even
know if others already dig deep unto it.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: December 7 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #7

Fromm’s concept of humanity is on the view of human beings as an evolutionary

species and the pro’s and con’s that resulted from it. As the only species that have
self awareness and their existence, we are unique compared to the rest of the
animals and that is why Fromm used the term “Freaks of the Universe” for humanity.
Since the state of mind of human being evolved, our view of the world and life itself
has also evolved. Fromm’s view of humanity can be summed up like an animal itself,
a pet to be specific. If a turtle has been fed and taken care of by a human being
since it was born, it is unwise to release it back to the wild because it has already
adapted to captivity and they wouldn’t be able to take care of themselves anymore if
their natural instinct has never been developed. For human beings, we adapted in
captivity called the modern society and to the technology around us.

Fromm’s view is fair on the dimensions for a Concept of Humanity for it is neutral on
both sides of a dimension. On the Dimension of Free choice versus determinism,
Fromm is neutral and believed that not everybody has the same state of mind, he
believes that people have their own choice or not. When it comes to the subject of
self-awareness, Fromm believed that it is both a blessing and a curse for it contains
reason. Reason enables humans to become reunited with the world but it also is
responsible for feelings of isolation and loneliness. Overall, the Purpose of Fromm’s
concept on humanity is to reconnect with nature and with their fellow human beings.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: December 28, 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #8

Sullivan’s theory explains about anxiety, self system and self-esteem: Security
operations those measures that the individual employs to reduce anxiety and
enhance security. Sullivan’s concept of humanity sides more on similarities rather
than differences in humans. Since he views humans similar to one another, he uses
empathy to treat his schizophrenic patients. For this concept, it mostly applies to one
dimension which is uniqueness versus similarities and in this case similarity. This
concept can be used as a way for people to look further into themselves into others
and even though human beings are complex in their own individual way, empathy is
still the key to connect. Personal individuality is only a figment; individuals exist just
in connection to others and have the same number of characters as they have
interpersonal relations. Since Sullivan accepted that personality is assembled
exclusively on personal relations.

I rate his hypothesis exceptionally high on social influence and interpersonal

relations are answerable for both constructive and adverse attributes in individuals.
Babies, who have their needs satisfied by the mothering one won't be enormously
upset by their mom's uneasiness, will get veritable sentiments of delicacy, can
abstain from being a malignant character, and can create delicate emotions toward
others. In any case, inadmissible interpersonal relations may trigger perniciousness
and leave a few kids with the inclination that individuals can't be trusted and that they
are basically alone among their adversaries. Overall Sullivan’s concept of humanity
is the mean to treat people with empathy in their own way.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: January 12, 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #9

Erikson’s Post Freudian theory is pretty much straight forward and categorized well
for a personality theory. For the dimensions, his concept mostly surrounds on Social
factors rather than biological and I agree because of the way he explains it like the
different methods of play. His eight stages of development is what makes his
concept really unique for me and quite convincing. Each of the eight stages is
characterized by a psychosexual mode as well as a psychosocial crisis. The
psychosocial crisis is stimulated by a conflict between the predominating syntonic
element and its antithetical dystonic element. From this conflict emerges a basic
strength, or ego quality. Each basic strength has an underlying antipathy that
becomes the core pathology of that stage.

The way he looks at the development of personality from start to finish is what
makes his concept more expanded than the other psychodynamic theories before.
Every stage has its own progress towards development and it is also diverse for it
gives different patterns of which one the personality of the person chooses. Erikson
believed that the eight developmental stages transcend chronology and geography
and are appropriate to nearly all cultures, past and present. Even though his concept
of personality has similarities to Freud, he still gave his unique input on personality
whether he was inspired by Freud’s or not. Overall, Erikson’s take on personality
was well spoke and well impacted on how you see personality as a whole now and
this is the last personality theory of the psychodynamic theories so in a way it had a
perfect ending and now we move into the next one which is Humanistic/Existentialist
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: January 20, 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #10

For Maslow, he believed that all of us can be self-actualizing, our human nature
carries with it a tremendous potential for being a Good Human Being. Motivation has
a strong impact for personality and the overall life of a person. If We fail to satisfy our
self-actualization needs when our lower level needs become blocke that is, when we
cannot satisfy our needs for food, safety, love and belongingness, and esteem.
Maslow concluded that true human nature is seen only in self-actualized people, and
that “there seems no intrinsic reason why everyone should not be this way. And I
believe this one since people always go with the norms of society. Apparently, every
baby has possibilities for self-actualization, but most get it which is knocked out of
them”. It all depends on how they develop as they age.

Maslow was generally optimistic and hopeful about humans, but he recognized that
people are capable of great evil and destruction, Which is only fair to assume both
sides in a personality theory. Unfortunately, most people “are doomed to wish for
what they do not have” But most will live out their lives struggling for food, safety, or
love. Most societies, Maslow believed, emphasize these lower level needs and base
their educational and political systems on an invalid concept of humanity.Because
his concept is only on a specific area of human beings. In other words, self-
actualizing people are not ordinary people with something added, but rather as
ordinary people with nothing taken away. That is, if food, safety, love, and esteem
are not taken away from people, then those people will move naturally toward self-
actualization. Overall Maslow’s take on personality was all that personality rests on
several basic assumptions regarding motivation. It would either through Self
actualization or the other way around for human to move forward towards their
progression in life.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: January 20, 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #11

For Carl Rogers’s concept of humanity, he contended that individuals have some
level of free decision and some ability to act naturally coordinated. Conceding that
some segment of human conduct is controlled, unsurprising, and legal. Rogers
contended that the significant qualities and decisions are inside the extent of
individual control. All through his long profession, Rogers stayed aware of the human
limit with regards to incredible insidiousness, yet his idea of mankind is reasonably
idealistic. He accepted that individuals are basically forward moving and that, under
legitimate conditions, they will develop toward self-completion. Individuals are
fundamentally reliable, mingled, and valuable. They conventionally recognize what is
best for themselves and will take a stab at finishing gave they are prized and
comprehended by another solid person. Rogers set more accentuation on singular
contrasts and uniqueness than on likenesses.

Individuals have much more noteworthy uniqueness and distinction. Inside a nurturer
environment, individuals can develop in their very own design toward the way toward
being all the more completely working. In spite of the fact that Rogers didn't prevent
the significance from claiming oblivious procedures, his essential accentuation was
on the capacity of individuals to intentionally pick their very own strategy. Completely
working individuals are conventionally mindful of what they are doing and make them
comprehend of their explanations behind doing it. By and large for Rogers,
individuals are allowed to become what they possibly can be. No assessment as far
as ethical quality applies to the idea of humankind. Individuals essentially have the
potential for development, the requirement for development, and the craving for
development. Essentially, they will take a stab at finishing significantly under horrible
conditions. Overall, Carl believed that humans have one basic motive that is the
tendency to self-actualize., to fulfill one's potential and achieve the highest level of
'human-beingness we can.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: January 26, 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #12

May offered another perspective on. His perspective on humankind is both more
extensive and more profound than the perspectives on most other personality
theorists. He considered individuals to be intricate creatures, equipped for both
colossal great and tremendous shrewdness. As indicated by May, individuals have
gotten irritated from the regular world, from others, and the greater part of all, from
themselves. As individuals become increasingly distanced from others and from
themselves, they give up segments of their cognizance. They become less mindful of
themselves as a subject, that is, the individual who knows about the encountering
self. As the abstract self becomes clouded, individuals lose a portion of their ability to
settle on decisions. This movement, in any case, isn't inescapable. May accepted
that individuals, inside the confines of their predetermination, can settle on free

Every decision pushes back the limits of determinism and allows new decisions.
Individuals by and large have significantly more potential for opportunity than they
understand. In any case, free decision doesn't come without nervousness. Decision
requests the mental fortitude to stand up to one's predetermination, to search inside
and to perceive the abhorrent just as the great. Decision likewise suggests activity.
Without activity, decision is simply a desire, an inert want. With activity comes duty.
Opportunity and duty are constantly commensurable. An individual can't have more
opportunity than duty, nor would one be able to be shackled with more obligation
than opportunity. Solid people invite both opportunity and duty, yet they understand
that decision is frequently excruciating, uneasiness inciting, and difficult. May
accepted that numerous individuals have given up a portion of their capacity to pick,
however that capitulation itself, he demanded, is a decision. Eventually, every one of
us is liable for the decisions we settle on, and those decisions define every one of us
as a one of a kind individual.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: February 6, 2020

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #13

Allport had a fundamentally idealistic and cheerful perspective on human instinct. He

dismissed the psychoanalytic and conducts perspectives on mankind as being
excessively deterministic and excessively robotic. He accepted that our destinies
and our qualities are not controlled by oblivious thought processes beginning in early
adolescence however by cognitive decisions we make in the present. We are not just
robots indiscriminately responding to the powers of remuneration and discipline.
Rather, we can connect with our condition and make it receptive to us. We look to
lessen pressures as well as to build up new ones. We want both change and
challenge; and we are dynamic, purposive, and adaptable. Since individuals can
possibly gain proficiency with an assortment of reactions as a rule, mental
development can occur at any age. Character isn't set up in early adolescence,
despite the fact that for certain individuals’ juvenile influences stay solid. Early youth
encounters are significant just to the degree that they exist in the present.

The components forming personality, Allport held, are not as significant as

personality itself. Heredity, condition, and the idea of the living being are significant;
yet individuals are basically proactive and allowed to follow the overall directs of
society or to graph their own life course. Individuals, be that as it may, are not totally
free. Overall, Allport held an idealistic perspective on mankind, keeping up that
individuals have at any rate restricted opportunity. Individuals are objective situated,
proactive, and roused by an assortment of powers, the greater part of which are
inside their domain of awareness. Early youth encounters are of generally minor
significance and are noteworthy just to the degree that they exist in the present. The
two contrasts and likenesses among individuals are significant, yet singular contrasts
and uniqueness get far more prominent accentuation in Allport's psychology.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: February 24, 2020

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #14

For Eysenck and the Five-Factor theorists, they were not worried about conventional
topics, for example, determinism versus free choice, optimism versus pessimism,
and teleological versus causal influences. Truth be told, their hypotheses don't loan
themselves to hypothesis of these points. We realize that factor examiners consider
people to be being unique in relation to other creatures. Just people can report
information about themselves. From this actuality, we can surmise that Eysenck
accepted that people have not only just consciousness, however self consciousness
too. Individuals are likewise ready to assess their performance and to render
sensibly dependable reports concerning their perspectives, temperament, needs,
interests, and practices.

Eysenck, just as McCrae and Costa, put overwhelming accentuation on genetic

components of character. They accept that characteristics and variables are
generally inherited and have solid hereditary and natural parts. Along these lines, we
rate quality furthermore, factor speculations low on social influences. On the
dimension of individual differences versus similarities, trait and factor theories lean
toward singular contrasts. Factor examination lays on the reason of variances
among people and in this manner fluctuation in their scores. Eysenck, for occasion,
composed that "individuals are to the exclusion of everything else people".
Consequently, quality speculations are more worried about individual differences
than with similarities among people.
XandrēKris L. Latog Date: March 8,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #15

Skinner sought after an optimistic approach in which individuals carry on in manners

that are cherishing, reasonable, vote based, autonomous, also, great, yet individuals
are not commonly along these lines. Be that as it may, nor are they basically
fiendish. Inside cutoff points set by heredity, individuals are adaptable in their
adjustment to the earth, however no assessment of good or fiendishness ought to be
set on a person's conduct. On the off chance that an individual ordinarily acts
charitably to benefit others, it is because this conduct, either in the species'
developmental history or in the person's individual history, has been recently fortified.
In the event that one carries on apprehensive, it is on the grounds that the prizes for
weakness exceed the aversive factors Skinner trusted that individuals may be
reliable, seeing, warm, and empathic—qualities that are like Carl Rogers accepted to
be at the center of the mentally solid character.

As opposed to Rogers, who accepted that these positive practices are at any rate in
part the outcome of the human ability to act naturally coordinated, Skinner held that
they are totally heavily influenced by ecological factors. People are not commonly
acceptable, however they can turn out to be so in the event that they are presented
to the correct possibilities of strengthen environment. In spite of the fact that his
perspective on the perfect individual would be like those of Rogers also, Abraham H.
Maslow, Skinner accepted that the methods for getting self-governing, adoring, and
self-completing must not be left to risk, however, ought to be explicitly structured into
the general public. The historical backdrop of an individual decides conduct, and in
light of the fact that every human has a solitary history of support possibilities,
conduct and character are generally one of a kind. Hereditary contrasts likewise
represent uniqueness among individuals. Organic and authentic contrasts shape one
of a kind people, and Skinner emphasized individuals' uniqueness more than he did
their similitudes.
Xandrē Kris L. Latog Date: March 8,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #16

In spite of the fact that individuals are fundamentally objective situated, Bandura
accepts that they have explicit instead of general goals and purposes. Individuals are
not propelled by a solitary ace objective, for example, making progress toward
prevalence or self-realization however by an assortment of objectives, some
removed and some proximate. These individual goals, be that as it may, are not
normally rebel, they have some strength and request. Comprehension enables
individuals to assess likely outcomes and to take out practices that don't satisfy their
guidelines of direct. Individual standards, therefore, will in general give human
conduct a level of consistency, despite the fact that conduct does not have an ace
rationale to direct it.

Bandura considers people to be having the ability to become numerous things, and
the vast majority of these things are found out through demonstrating. In the event
that human learning were reliant on direct understanding of experimentation, it would
be exceedingly moderate, monotonous, and perilous. Luckily, "people have
developed a progressed intellectual limit with respect to observational discovering
that empowers them to shape and structure their lives through the intensity of
demonstrating". Bandura accepts that individuals are very plastic and adaptable, and
that pliancy and adaptability are the quintessence of mankind's essential nature.
Since people have advanced neurophysiological instruments for symbolizing their
encounters, their tendency is set apart by an enormous level of adaptability.
Individuals have the ability to store past encounters and to utilize this data to graph
future activities.

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