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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Audadie and I am 10 years old.

It is my pleasure to share with you a story titled…..

Treasure in The Vineyard..

There once lived a grape grower with a vast vineyard. The grape grower had a lazy
daughter. “Girl, come and help! Then, you can learn how to care for the grapes!”. “Aw
dad, you are better at it, so it is better you do it. I’m going out with my friends”.
Although the father was eager to teach the daughter, she is never interested in learning.

One day, the farmer came down with a serious illness. He called his daughter to leave his
last words. “I hid a treasure in the vineyard for you. When I’m gone, make sure you
search for it”.

After he passed away, the daughter went out to search for the treasure. It was not easy
trying to find the treasure that was buried in the vineyard. “How in the world am I going
to find the treasure?” she thought aloud. She digs day and night but there is no treasure to
be found.

Time passed and autumn arrived. “Wow, looked at the plump grapes. I have never seen
such big and juicy-looking grapes before!” she commented. “No never! They are as
sweet as honey too.” she continued. The girl jumped with excitement and exclaimed,
“This is the treasure that father was talking about! He was trying to show me how to
enjoy the fruit of my hard labour,” the girl exclaimed.

From that day on, the daughter understood the rewards of hard work and she continued to
work hard every day. Her father watching from heaven is happy watching his daughter
working with such enthusiasm.

The moral of the story – to achieve success, you must work hard!!!

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