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Being a 21st-century learner, one of our responsibility is to apply our skills in

formulating a scientific study that might contribute a lot to society. This learning process
motivates everyone to obtain knowledge and information. Formulating a research study
was never been easy. There were obstacles and hindrances to face. But one thing for
sure, it is either the study succeeds or fails.

There was this time I failed in the first step of formulating a research study which
is the topic proposal. I was so devastated and sad at that time, but that failure does not
stop me to try harder. As a student who wants to pursue a degree in Dentistry in the
future, I came up with an idea to connect my research study on my desired degree. I
became inspired and motivated to try again. This time is to enhance the oral health of
every Filipinos by using alternative floss from plant fibers, not just by enhancing their
oral healthcare but also to pursue a greener environment by using sustainable products.
I may fail on my first attempt; on the second time, I passed the proposal and started my
research study. With the help of a certain goal, no matter how hard and long the
process takes, I managed to finish my study, defended it, and with those failed attempts
I was able to contribute something not just on my field of interest but also in the
community where I belong.

Failure reminds everyone to never stop trying. It helps us to learn from our
mistakes, to strive harder and do best on everything. Once we fail, we must not get tired
of trying again. In every successful life, failure takes part and that makes them stronger
to win a battle that life offers every day.

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