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0 Introduction
1.1 Origin of the Study

The report was assigned to us by our honorable course teacher Mehanaj Afrin on 03 January,
2018. The topic of the report is ‘Online Business through Facebook (Spring leaves)’. This report
is about the setting up new online business, strategy and way of marketing and all about
measurement of result including security concern which will help us to make a connection
between making plan for virtual business.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

General Objective: The objective of the study is to know the real scenario of online business in

Specific Objectives:

a. To meet our academic purpose

b. To know about virtual Business.

c. To make a connection between plan making and implementation of business.

d. To observe the legal procedures and securities issues in payment in facebook based business.

1.3 Data Collection Methodology

Data has been collected and analyzed in the following way.

1.3.1: Drift of preparing Report

Selection of topics was the first priority. After selecting topic of report, the mission was for
collecting data .Data was collecting through some of the real life business holders who are
actually in market conducting their business. The next part was analyzing data connecting with
our topic requirements. Finally, implication and strategy of online facebook based marketing was
found and report was prepared.

1.3.2: Sources of Data:

Primary Data: Primary data was collected in accordance with the direction with our honorable
madam. We have talked with many of our known friends and roommates owner of
‘--------------‘so that we have been connected with their experience.

Secondary Data:

Secondary data is collected from




1.3.3: period of Data Collection: It has takes more than 3 month to collect, analyze, and to
prepare report.

1.3.4: Analyzing Data: Collected data is analyzed by using our own judgment and

1.4 Scope of the study

During the work of this report we have known about the way of having new online business
which will go a long way to establish our own business firm in future. Only establishing a
business isn’t all. It requires keeping continuous strategy to go on so by preparing report on this
topic will be effective for this. Different tools of marketing and payment procedure for online
marketing are other important parts have coved.

1.5 Limitations of the study

1. As it is new in Bangladesh, Information was not actually available.

2. We are not actually doing business so it is tough to show the real scenario of several
competitions based on facebook business.

2.0 Business Profile
A business profile is a professional introduction of the business and aims to inform the audience
about its products and services. In below, New established business profile is given below:

Business profile: SPRING LEAVES

Email: springleaves
Tel: 2336478.
Mobile: 01767497805
Member: 6 members.
Capital: 06 lacks.
Foundation: 15 February, 2018.
Launch: 01 March, 2018

Slogan: ‘Go Green , Save Earth’

Products: Different kinds of trees for interior decoration of house.
Activities: Retail based selling.

2.1 Product Categories

Today is an era of globalization. People are moving towards industrialization. People of urban
areas suffer from extreme temperature during summer as well as low temperature during winter.
It is hard to found any alleviation because there aren’t any touches of green leaves. So ours effort
is to give people comfort in house with the simple touch of green environment through our
online tree shop. We are going to offer:

1. Bonsai tree
2. Flowers tree
3. Fruits tree
4. Trees for decoration
Product will be available in several sizes and price also. According to season like summer or
winter product will vary.

2.2 Market Research

1. Target customer: Mainly people of urban areas
2. Preference of customer: several kinds of top tress which will be free from transaction
cost and time. Customer will be able to get those without having trouble.
3. Income of the customer: Middle and higher class people are mainly eligible.
4. Competitors: It is a new idea for Bangladesh. No one is now our present competitor so
we may get the advantages of new entrant.
5. Marketing Strategy: Customer will know about us through facebbok and adding
member in our page. We will arrange several strategies to add more members in our page
and show creativity to make our page popular.
2.3SWOT Analysis of Product
Strength: Products are unique in nature and almost new in online era. People may feel
comfort for not having physical time and energy cost.
Weakness: lack of experience of us to start a new type of business. There isn’t much capital
that we have. Those two factors may hamper the product cycle.
Opportunity: At present, people are starting to keep positive impression over online
shopping that’s will be beneficial for us.
Threat: There are a lot of existing frauds in online shopping in Bangladesh .So its need to be
very careful about the product quality. Legal formalities will cost a lot for establishing a new

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3.0 Facebook based business

To start a Facebook based business it is mandatory to create a Facebook page.

3.1 What Is a Facebook Page?

A Facebook page is attached to one’s personal profile so Facebook knows who owns the page,
but it’s a separate presence to promote your business, brand, or cause. Because pages are
designed for business use, they have a number of features not available on profiles including
analytics, advertising, and post scheduling.

There are some steps to create a Facebook page. We followed those steps to create a Facebook
page for our business.

Step 1: Setting Up a Facebook Page

To set up a Facebook page for business, at first, it is need to log into your Facebook profile and
click the Home button next to name. Next, click on the Pages tab in the Explore section of the
left-hand sidebar of profile home page.

Clicking on this takes one to the main Pages area where one can view top page suggestions,
explore invites to other pages, view pages one liked or create a new page. You’ll click on Create

Next, one has to choose a page type for new business page. There are six options:

 Local Business or Place

 Company, Organization or Institution
 Brand or Product
 Artist, Band or Public Figure
 Entertainment
 Cause or Community

After browsing the page type categories, wechoose the Facebook page type and category that
will be the best option for now. Fill out the name of new page along with any other requested
information fields, click Get Started. Then weClick on Settings in the top navigation bar and
open the Page Visibility row in General Settings. Change the visibility to Page Unpublished, and
click Save Changes. Now one can build r page and unveil it when it’s complete.

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Step2: Design and Add a Profile Picture to Facebook Page

Profile photo for business page can be any number of things:

 A photo of a physical product you sell

 A professional photo of yourself if you’re the face of your business
 Your logo

Whatever choose, It is need to keep the composition simple so it’s easily recognized.

Profile photo should be 180 x 180 pixels to ensure all of the details of the image are present.One
can easily create the right size using a free tool like

Step3: Create and Add a Cover Photo for Facebook Page

With the exception of changing dimensions, we go through the same process as above to create a
cover photo; the dimensions for a Facebook cover photo are 828 x 315 px.

Something to keep in mind is that the mobile-friendly area is within the 560 x 315 px area, so if
you want to add words to your cover photo by adding a text overlay, make sure it will be visible
across all devices.

When image is ready, it is need to click on the Add a Cover button in the upper-left corner of the
Cover Photo space, and then click Upload Photo. One can drag the image to position
it correctlyand when thenclick the Save button.

After uploading cover photo, we click on the image to fill out the description. This is a valuable
piece of real estate on our page, so make sure to utilize this area to share a tagline or a price
point, and to include a link to website or a product landing page.

Then, if someone clicks on your cover photo, they’ll find out even more about the page or

Step 4: Add a Call-to-Action Button to Facebook Page

Adding a call-to-action button to our page gives people an easy way to do things like sign up for
our giveaway or newsletter, buy something, and so forth.

Once one click on Add a Button, which is located just under the right corner of cover photo, it’ll
be prompted to choose from seven types of standard buttons.

Step 5: Write and Add a Description to Facebook Page

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Use the Description area to tell people what your page is about. The more information we give
potential new followers, the more likely they are to stick around.

Description is limited to 155 characters and shows up in search results. Click on the Add a Short
Description prompt and write one to two sentences, including keyword phrases where
appropriate, to succinctly describe the focus of our page or business.

Step 6: Create a Custom Username for Facebook Page

Each Facebook page receives a unique identifier in its URL when it’s created; something similar
to To create a closer tie to our business and to make
it easier for people to find us or tag us on Facebook, One can customize the latter portion of your
Facebook URL with a unique username.

Step 7: How to Adjust Important Privacy and Security Settings

Now that our page is set up on the front end, it’s time to make sure it’s secure, define the roles
it’ll give to people who have access to or manage it, configure how the public can message you,
and so on.

Step 8: Finalize Page Details

There are just a few more things to do before you publish your page and begin posting.

Then we click on the three dots on our cover photo to reveal a drop-down that will let add some
final details regarding page. We see all Information to reveal multiple places to provide more
granular information about our business.

Having a Facebook business page makes it easy for new customers to find, engage with content,
and buy from our business.

Facebook page help to-

Keep people updated

People can check Page for information and updates or follow it and sign up to get notifications
about Facebook posts regarding business.

Tell beautiful stories

Share updates through text, photos, videos and more to keep people interested and coming back.

Know how it's working

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With Page Insights, one can see exactly how Facebook Page is helping one to accomplish
business goals.
3.2 Facebook Marketing Tools

3.2.1 Marketplace Ads: Facebook sells display ads and these are displayed in the right column
of users’ home pages and other pages on facebook interface. These ads are created to send users
the business’ facebook page or website. Most of the marketplace ads are socially enabled and
this kind of ads offer the viewers to “Like us on facebook”. Facebook can target market place ads
based on users’ past behavior. That’s why we have targeted the users who are urbanian and have
demonstrated an interest in gardening, love for greeneries and nature. Our facebook ad
campaigns are always focused on two things:

1. Cost Effective
2. Relevant

As beginner we want to stay within our allocated weekly or monthly spend with facebook to
avoid over exposure and useless clicks. We always make relevant facebook ads targeting a broad

3.2.2 New Feed: Facebook users spend most of their time on news feed because posts of their
friends are appeared here.

3.2.3 Brand Pages: The purpose of a brand page is to develop “fan” of the brand by providing
users opportunities to interact with the brand through blogs, comments, contests and offerings on
the brand page.

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3.2.4 Promoted Posts: Promoted posts require a fee to get additional distribution of page links,
videos, photos and special offers among fans, friends of fans, or no friends in their news feeds.

3.2.5 Sponsored Stories: Sponsored stories are the messages coming from users’ friends about
their experience with a page, event or app. These are paid for a business that wants to ensure
their stories are dis played in users’ news feed. A single example of our activities has been
presented below.

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3.2.6 Like Button: It works as an amplifier. “Like” is the engine of social marketing. Recently
reaction options have been introduced for expressing the reaction of users toward a post. These
gives users a chance to share their feelings about content and other objects they are viewing.
Like gives big data real meaning.

3.2.7 Mobile Ads: Market place ads, promoted posts and sponsored stories delivered to
smartphones and tablets. Payment is required for mobile ads.

3.3Facebook Marketing Strategies

There’s an ocean of potential customers we can reach on facebook. But with a larger pool, it’s
harder to dissect and find the spot within its space. That’s why we created our facebook
marketing strategies which includes seven essential steps to not only get started, but also create
an impressive plan. These are-

3.3.1 Creating Facebook Goals That Directly Affect Our Biggest Needs

If we are using facebook for marketing or looking to improve upon an existing strategy, we
obviously have some needs. We don’t create unrealistic goals that chase vanity metrics like
followers and Likes. Instead, addressing our biggest challenges with facebook or social media in
general through proper tracking tools. Here are some common yearly goals for our business:

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3.3.2 Increasing quality of sales: Improving the quality of sales starts with better targeting.
Through a well-planned facebook marketing strategy, we can reach our target audience more
efficiently. Just because the pond is bigger, doesn’t mean we’ll get bigger fish.

3.3.3 Adding more value to the organization: Facebook can better nurture customers, improve
awareness and provide more resources to our audience. We make facebook our go-to source of

3.3.4 Studying Our Facebook Demographics

Demographics are key to any marketing strategy and on social media, it’s no different. When
looking at facebook, we have nearly 1.15 billion people scrolling through their feeds every day,
so it’s important to know who we need to reach and how. We have targeted the urbanian people
with decent choice who loves having green touch in their house of different occupations and age.

3.3.5 Determining the Best Day to Post

Facebook pages have the insights. By going to our posts insights, we can see the average time
when our fans are online. We schedule our posts. By checking the best hours that our fans are
online and select those hours on scheduling our post.

3.3.6 Thinking Outside the Box and Creating Facebook Contest

A report stated that 35% of facebook fans like a page so they can participate in contests. People
love contest and free stuff. Doing a facebook contest for our fans have given us higher
engagement scores and activity. As we sell products, we declare to give one of our products as a
prize for the facebook contests. We promote it and try to make sure that everybody can join.

3.3.7 Using the “@ feature” in Facebook

The facebook @ feature let us tag people or even other facebook pages. Using the @ feature for
facebook we try to make our fans feel that they are important and are part of our business page.
We show gratitude and enthusiasm by using facebook @ feature whenever our fans appreciate or
ask something about our business because it can build a fruitful relationship and loyalty between
our business and our customers.

3.3.8 Engage with Your Facebook Community

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Engaging and talking with our community on facebook could build a strong relationship, trust,
and loyalty. The most exciting result about this is that they can also turn into our repeat
customers or potential leads.

3.3.9 Engage with Other Facebook Pages

We try to engage with other facebook pages in those where our customers hang out using our
facebook page account. Because our comment will serve as a link toward our page that can lead
to an additional like or following.

3.3.10 Using Images and Videos for Our Content Updates

People love images and videos; they can also be seen easily on facebook news feed, which
makes them easy to engage with. Wishpond’s data says that posts that include photos receive
120% more engagement than the average post, while posts that include photo albums received
180% more engagement. So we always use images or videos for our content updates.

3.3.11 Creating or Joining Facebook Groups

Facebook groups have three types of privacy: open, closed, and secret. These different types also
serve different functions and ways to use.

 Open Group. Anyone can see the group, who’s in it, and what memberspost.Open
groups are mainly used to build awareness, authority, and interest in your brand. We use
this group as it is the best group to establish ourself as an expert and to network with
others in our industry. We do not sell on our open group rather encourage participation
and interactions.

 Closed Group. Anyone can see the group and who’s in it. Only members see posts.
Closed groups are best to use for customer support purposes. For example, we are using
Closed Group for one of my clients’ current customers who want to share ideas with
other users. We also use this for customer support and solve problems.

 Secret Group. Only members see the group, who’s in it, and what members post. Secret
members-only groups are great for higher-level discussions that need confidentiality. For
example, since we manage a team and business, we use secret groups for collaboration
and follow-ups.

3.4 Starting A Facebook Ad Campaign

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Properly setting campaigns can help any business better organize, optimize and measure the
performance of business ads.
The right structure can help us:

 Measuring results: Choosing an advertising objective for each of campaigns to help us

better measure results and allocate budgets to achieve goals.
 Testing different audiences:  Creating an ad set for each audience so this system can
determine the most responsive audiences.
 Identifying which ads work better:  Easily creating multiple ads so this system can
optimize for the top performing ad based on variations in images, links, video or text.

3.4.1 Campaign structure

There are three levels to Facebook's campaign structure: campaign, ad set and ad.
Campaign: A campaign contains one or more ad sets and ads. We'll choose one advertising
objective for each of our campaigns.

Ad set: Ad sets contain one or more ads. We'll define our targeting, budget, schedule, bidding
and placement at the ad set level.

Ad: The creative we use makes up an ad.

1. Creating separate campaigns for each objective

Structuring our account begins at the campaign level. Using the ads create tool, creating a
campaign by selecting an objective for the kind of results we want for our ads. All our ad sets
and ads in our campaign will also focus on that objective.
At the campaign level we can:

 Easily turn on and off all our ad sets and ads in our campaign.
 Measuring the performance of each objective across multiple ad sets and ads.

As our business is online based Facebook business (Spring Leaves), we can create multiple
campaigns for different business goals.

 This campaign help us to increase sales from current subscribers.

 We can create a campaign with the page “World Environment day” for creating public
awareness about environment as well as our business that may help to create positive
attitude on public to our business.

2. Organizing ad sets by audience

At first, we determine the audiences we want to target. We will also set our budget, schedule,
bidding and placement for each of our ad sets.

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 Creating a separate ad set for each audience (for example, Males and Female age;16-50
and above, Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, etc.) Mainly we will focus on
female customers.
 Targeting a different audience for each ad set minimize our ad sets from competing
against each other

Budget and schedule

The maximum amount that we want to spend for our ad set is 1,00,000 TK.

3. Bidding for our objective

Choosing to bid for your objective, clicks or impressions.
 Selecting from the placements—desktop News Feed, mobile News Feed and right-hand
column—where we want our ads to show up.
 Picking more than one placement for each ad set to give our ads more opportunities to

4. Creating multiple ads to optimize creative

We have created multiple ads for getting more fans. Then ad level is the place for testing which
ads work better.

 Creating a small variety of ads with variations in image, video, text or links.
 We have no more than 10 ads per ad set.
 Reviewing our ad performance regularly and using the on/off switch to stop poorly
performing ads.

5. Reallocating our budgets

Identifying which ad sets are the most effective in meeting our objectives. Turning off poorly
performing ad sets and ads and reallocating our ad set budgets to focus on the most effective ad

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Constantly testing our ads. We need to test out different types of ads over and over again before
you get an idea of what works. Facebook makes it very easy. This helps us understand what's
happening and act on it.

3.5 Ways of Facebook branding

Facebook Branding is all about helping our readers and fans by delivering quality in their
newsfeed. We make good contribution without any expectation from our readers; they will help
us to make a big brand automatically. So just focus on providing satisfaction with quality content
and good appearance on Facebook.

1. Personalizing Facebook URL

It should be on the top of the list in Facebook brand strategy. Personalize Facebook URL with
brand username before any anyone else takes it. It is a customized URL of Facebook profile.  It
shows like instead of

In the above example, F5 the Refresh is my blog and I use it as my brand name. Similarly, uses
the branded URL for his Facebook business page. Remember
you cannot change your Facebook page URL (or at least easily) after you have 200 likes on it. So
choose a far-sighted username.

 2. Listening and Interacting with Customers

It’s nothing but listening to others and interacting with customers. It is not a good practice of
branding that we just create our account and start sharing our stuff. In order to become a
Facebook celebrity, we have to listen to our fans. First of all understand our fan’s behavior, their
interest, what they are expecting from us and all. Interact with them and try to solve out their
queries. Complaints are addressed, as well as a “thank you” is sent for compliments.

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3. Customizing Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Visualization is the best way to attract our reader toward our profile. Our profile picture and
cover photos tells about us and about our brand. We customized our profile picture and cover
with high quality graphics.

We need to pay attention on our each and every aspect when we are customizing graphics for our
profile or Facebook fan page like font, color etc. we use a tool ‘canva’ which helps us to create
good social media images and give a boost to our Facebook brand strategy.

4. Filling All Details

Our Facebook profile allows to fill all our professional and personal details.  This will helps our
readers or fans to know more about us that who we are, and what we do. We have filled these
fields very carefully and accurately. It is needed to update profile which is key to Facebook

5. Delivering Quality to readers

Quality is the most demanded aspect for everyone. It is kept in setting of post approval system so
that quality post are confirmed in page. We focus on quality to make a brand rather than

6. Creating a Fan Page and Group

Facebook groups are a better place to brand this business. We get become great contributor there
and develop a hustling and bustling community around our blog in Facebook groups. We have
the opportunity to connect with minded people in your niche. In groups mostly people post their
queries and share their suggestions, we respond them with our great answers.

By this people with notice us and we will be able to make a place in their heart. For us, Facebook
groups are the best branding strategy we have come across till date.

We create a fan page with your brand name. This will also help us to brand ourselves. We focus
on quality matters a lot. Engage our fans with our valuable content. We have some sort of
contests to boost engagement.

7. Linking out Facebook profile with blog or website

We integrate our Facebook profile or Fan page with our website or blog so we convert our every
website visitor in our follower on Facebook. It will help our visitor to find us easily on
Facebook. They don’t need to make any search. They can follow us direct from our blog or
website. It will help you to increase our quality follower count because they love our content or
service on blog so they follow us.

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8. Being a Customer-Service Leader

We respond to customers quickly -- sometimes in the middle of the night. Getting a tweet
response to a customer’s problem at midnight always impresses and makes him or her feel
special. It can turn an unhappy customer into an advocate for our company.

3.6 Fan-Acquisition Strategies

1. Turn Buyers into Fans at Time of Purchase

They like us enough to buy, there’s a good chance they’ll like our Facebook page, but it requires
a little work. The easiest way is to make a Facebook Like Box the most prominent thing on our
thank you/confirmation page. A more difficult but stronger strategy is to use another incentive to
get them to like your page. A contest that requires liking to enter. With a little programming we
add them to our database of contest entrants immediately when they post a message on their wall
about us. This increases our fan-base and gets some word of mouth out about us as well.

2. Incentivized Like, or “Reveal Tabs”

Facebook pages have evolved toward better business results. Here are the stages of evolution so

 Get a Facebook page

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 Create a special landing tab for new visitors who haven’t LIKED the page yet, make that
the default tab for non-likers
 Add a special reward (like a discount) to the landing page for Facebook users specifically
 Require people to LIKE the page before they can get the special thing – now the reward
is an incentive

The “Incentivized Like” increases the percentage of new visitors that like our page. And if we
run Facebook ads, that decreases your cost per new fan.

3. Facebook Ads

Combine good Facebook Ads with the “Incentivized Like” strategy above, and you’re getting the
most fans for your money. This combo-strategy can lead to up to 80% of visitors becoming fans.

4. Incentivized Word of Mouth Contests

We have found that, if we have something (or a variety of things) we can give away every week,
we can boost

 Engagement,
 Word of mouth, and
 Fan growth.

We ask any question relevant to our offerings, benefits, or audience. We combine it with a
survey of fan acquisition. We also make them think about the core desire or dream our offering
fulfills for them.

5. Using Core Audience targeting

We are currently targeting people who like our Page, Facebook’s Core Audience targeting option
allows us to reach people based on information they share on their profiles and how they behave
on Facebook. We are running a campaign with the goal of acquiring conversions from people
who have already requested more information about our business, we can upload a list of those
people who have taken an action such as signing up on a website or provided their email at a
local store. We find new people who are similar to our current customers or those who have
already visited our website. Creative work also help us to create new customers in facebook.

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3.7Financial Plan

Realizing how important it is to accurately translate operating and marketing plans we have paid
particular attention to the financial details. As financial sector is the life blood of a business plan
so we tried to make it sustainable. Our business is one type of company that is very financially
simple our only expenses consist of marketing, website hosting and one salary. Our Marketing
expenses and salary cost could even be cut if necessary, since generating lots of income isn't the
primary goal for this business.

Even though generating tons of cash and a huge salary isn't the goal, we do want to remain
profitable and keep a positive cash flow and cash balance to keep the business running strong
and keep it healthy. As long as we keep our expenses low, even minor amounts of sales should
achieve that goal, as shown in the following financial plan.

3.7.1 Important Assumptions

The Financial Plan for “Spring Leaves’’makes the following assumptions:

 That we will be able to generate traffic for our website through our marketing methods.
 Political Situation will be Stable
 That affiliate programs for Earth-friendly products will remain available and that those
retailers will stay in business and fulfill orders correctly and on time.
 The people will remain interested in helping the environment for our business.

3.7.2 Capital Funding of “Spring Leaves” Business

Name Taka Name Taka
FariyaTabassum 3,00,000 SharminAnni 2,00,000
Ritu Rani Sarker 2,00,000 Imdadul Hossain 2,00,000
Pinki Rani 2,00,000 Himel Mia 1,00,000
MahmudaKhatun 3,00,000 City Bank Ltd 5,00,000
Fatima-Tuz-Zohora 4,00,000 Total 24,00,000

3.7.3 Beginning Balance Sheet

Assets Amount Total

Cash Tk.10, 00,000

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Supplies 20,500

Equipment 3, 00,000

Truck and Trailer 15, 00,000

Total AssetsTk.28,20500


Bank loan 10, 00,000

Owner’s Equity 18, 20,500

Total equities Tk.28,20500

3.7.4 Income Statement of “Spring Leaves” Busines

For the first year operations

Particulars Dr. Cr.
Sales Revenue 55,50,000
Cost of Sales 18,00,000
Gross Profit 37,50,000
Operating expenses:
Interest 30,100
Travel Entertainment 26,800
Office Supplies 26,100
Insurance 15,500
Building Rent 5,00,000
Depreciation 13.100
Professional fees 200,000
Automobile 1,50,000
Employee Benefit 6,600
Utilities and securities 4,100
Advertising 200,000
Licenses 1,500

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Repair & Maintenance 1900
Bad debts 400
Office Salaries 4,30,500
Miscellaneous 15000
Operating Profit 2510,000

3.7.4 Balance Sheet of Our“Spring Leaves” Business

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Assets Taka Equities Taka
Account Receivable 10,00,000 Bank Overdraft 400
Inventories 11,00,000 Account Payable 20,000
Cash 10,05,000 Notes payable 50,000
Automobile 2,55,000 Installment notes 50,000
Equipment 60,400 Other liabilities 25000
Furniture’s& fixtures 30,000 Owners Equities 4910000
Others Assets 10,00,000 Bank loan 1000000
Advanced Advertising 100,000

Total Assets 50,55,400 Total equities 50,,55,400

4.1 Conclusion

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Now a day’s Facebook is becoming very popular day by day. So it is a great opportunity to
start a Facebook based business. A Facebook based business attract more customer than any
other traditional business because it is more time consuming, easy to compare products and
prices, No crowd like mall. It is also easy to start a Facebook based business by creating a
group or creating a page. It also gives less capital advantage. At present many people start
Facebook based business which creates employment opportunity and reduce unemployment
problem. Facebook based business marketing strategies also different from traditional
business. It has some limitations also. Except limitation, it is very easy to start a Facebook
based business because it has fewer regulations. Facebook based business is increasing
employment opportunity day by day.


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Lawrance, C. (2018). How to Set Up an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign. [online] Available at:
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Hootsuite Social Media Management. (2018). How to Create a Facebook Business Page in 10
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page/ [Accessed 22 Apr. 2018].
The Balance Small Business. (2018). Here's a List of the Top Internet Marketing Strategies for
Your Business. [online] Available at:
marketing-strategies-2295375 [Accessed 22 Apr. 2018].
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