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Universidad Central del Ecuador

Instituto Académico de Idiomas

Name: Andrea Bustamante

Couse: A2-2 7-10am

A couple of days ago when I was running with my dog Dante a man fell down on the street.
I walked toward the man because he was screaming for help.
Guess what? He was my cousin; I was so scared because he hurted his back. We were so lucky,
I had my cell to call for help.
The ambulance didn’t come. We went to my home because it is closer than my cousin’s home.
I called my uncle, but I had a wrong number, then my cousin left a voice-message.
Well, for my texting is more faster than a call or even easier than a voice-message.
After all his father didn’t come and my cousin recovered by himself.
During night my uncle send a message “Why didn’t you send me a text message?”.
Immediately we called him, but we were breaking up, we didn’t hear my uncle, so we got cut
It was a terrible experience.

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