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Please take a moment to take our wholesome survey. sir's Cla&Ses VVVWV Vv VVvVW VW Vv vv VVVVW Short Stories: /- 9. Dramas of G.B. Shaw: ]- be Be George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) G.B. Shaw Was the youngest child ofa civil servant George Carr Shaw and Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw. He was born m Dublin, Ireland on 26" July 1856 (Saturday), of protestant parents. He was an Trish dramatist and a literary critic. He is considered to be the first modern dramatist to have been awarded both the Nebel Prize in Literature (1925) and an Oscar (1988) for his work on the film of his play “Prenton” He became dedicated socialist aud an early member of the Fabian Societys@ud wrote many speeches for il. He is also known as the co-founder of “The London School of Bonus an Political Science” in 1895, He wrote almost 60 plays with social problems. He worked as a clerk and a cashier in Dublin. He becune a critic of Art when sponsored by William Arc Mall Gazette in 1885. There he wrote under the pseudonym sounded European and nobody knew what Corno di Basseto was. “The Dark Lady of the Sonnets” is a short comedy by Shay He established himsell as a leading theatre and nuisic criti@writing review for the * Saturday Review” (critic of play for i), “Dramaue Review” (1885-86) “Our Corner” (185-86), “The Pall Mall Gazette” (1 885-88), “The World” (1880-949 aud “The Star” (888-90) Sic critic for it). Spouse: Charlotte Payne-lownshend (Lrish ke activist) (1898 - 1943) l Shaw began his literary career by writing névelsbut all five of his novels proved uusuccesslul: joined the reviewing stall of the Pall iodi Basseto” (Basset Horn) because it L-Amimaturity 1879) ¥-Chasel Byron’s Profession (1882) ~ S 3-An Un-esocial Socialist 4-The Irrational Knot YD J- Love Among the Artists. At the age of 25 he became arian. Pow called him second father and musical father. \ George John Vandeleur Lee He died of kidney failure o Jov 1950. Widower’s Houses U8IDeL hE Philanderer and Mrs, Warren ’s Profession ave called unpleasant plays. The man of Desuny, s allel the man, Candida and You never can tellare pleasant plays. } The Black G Om of God (1982) The Miraculous eveuge ublished in 1898): This is the early play that has been categorized as “Unpleasant Play’, ris used to force the spectator to lace unpleasant Lacts. s and it was premicred on 3" Dee 1892 at Royalty Theatre. Plays Unpleasant (? because of the dramatic powe Widower’s House (1892): It is in three act Protagonist: Harry Tench . . . The Philanderer (1893): It is a satire, Shaw wrote two endings lor this play. _ Mrs. Warren’s Profession (1893): It is a problem’s play. Tide refers to prosutuuon. 361 ®* The p ally « : . : lay basically centers on the relauionship between Mrs. Warren, a brothel owner and | daughter Vine , i Icr i. shiter Vivie, who finally comes to know that her mother is running a chan of brothels nitially she 4 “ve . a (ually she ais horilied bat then she considers her mother as a champion 7 ‘ \ Win l | Nou i jy “VC SOWLS ‘Tho + 1 ‘ ISOWIS hi + ( . a . . asant (1898): [Cwas written to amuse the audience. & Pyemation (1913) * Misa romantic comedy, ~ Penrali i smadion, a play named alter a Greek my i is i : ae i On play named alter a Greek mythological character. [tis in V acts. = i ww tle is taken from Ovid’s Metunorphosis. rolessor of Phonetics Henry Higyi 8 Henry Higgins makes a bet that he can tra ‘dragg 1 lon Doolittle ee dees gyins makes a bet that he can tra edraggled cockney lower girl ; ¢, lo pass for a duchess at an ambassador's garde by teaching her to assume a veneer J - ; ‘ : « - «ld> € _ ee re the most important clement of which, he bel an umpeccable speech Olonel Pickering is the person wi -roless igi | . > Tews ne Ing with person with whom ] rolessor Higyins ry ext morumy Lliza appears in Higgins’ Laboratory arning lessons, so that she can speak properly ina flower shop. * Colonel Pickering agrees : i ies ‘Kering agrees to pay the cost of experiment ins on Lhiza. guns trams Eliza lor a number of 1 } s hz, er ol ; are take xe the "SS oi Hinins’ mother’s | j uy mouths and two 5 are taken to judge the progress. One at eine : « s home and a second at an Amba: party which have been a greal success. — ~ na 4 eee ee 7y vith i * i + 7 ee aud Pickering are bored now with the cents that cause Eliza to be hurt. shza throws Hievins’? sleeper - Ty V1. i i | gel rows Higgins’ sleeper at him in rage. returns him the hired jewelry and Higgins accuses her. ha runs away lrom Higgins home. MrsHiggins hided Eliza in the upstairs. 7 hiza was thank Yekerine for: Tt: ar |i ov) 1 L Was thankful lo Pickering for alway: ting her like a lady and threatens Higgins that she will now work with his rival Phonetciay “Nepommuck” >» Vliza leaves for her lather’s wedding? > It never became clear that she Oz a duchess or not. Important Quotes © “Tdon't want to talk gramoiar ; [want to talk Iike a lady”. e “Walk! Not bloody hkely I am gomyg in taxr”. 7-Arms and the Man ~ A It is a comed haw and the first commercial success. The title is takenfrom the opening words of Virgil’s Aeneid in Latin, Arma Virumque Cano (Arms and Vv men I sing) The play takes place during the 1885 Serbo - Bulgarian War. Its heroine Raina Petkoll is a young Bulgarian woman who is engaged to Sergius Saranoll, one of the heroes of that war, whom she idolizes. This play is a part of Shaw's “Pays Pleasant? volume which also includes his other popular plays like “Candida”, “You Never Can Tell” and “The Man of ‘Destiny’. One night, a Swiss mercenary soldier in Serbian Army Captain Bluntschil climbs in through her bedroom window aud threatens to shoot Raina if she gives alarm. > The war ends with Bulgarians and Serbians signing a realy vis protected by Bluntschil and thus Sergius proposes marriage to Louka. Vv ww Vv and Sergius returns to Raina but Louka tells Sergius that Rain > Raina tells Bluntschill, she lett.a photograph of herself in Coat’s pocket inscribed: “To my chocolate cream soldier” (it was written on Mr, Petkoll’s coal). >» As Louka convinces Sergius that Raina totally loves Bluntschil, Sergius challenges Bluntschil avoid fighting, Sergius and Raina broke their chgagement, » Major Paul Petkoll, Raina’s lather, discovers the portrait im the pocket of housecoat but Raina and Bluntschll remove it before he finds it again. > Bluntschll married Raina Petkoll, Important Quotes cury pistol and cartridges, the old ones grub” © “You can ahvays tell a soldier by the mside of lis holsters go boxes. The young onc 8-Candida (1898) YH It is a comedy by G.B. Shaw. DH r > The play is set in the northeast suburbs of London it ue ol October. » Ittells the story of Candida, wile ola famous clergymaimJa Morrel, a Christian socialist but Candida is responsible lor his suecess. > Candida returns to London with Eugene Marchi: loves Candida and considers her divine. >» But ultimately Candida selects her husband. » Famous “Auction Scene” of Candida appears atthe end. ’!, 9-The Man of Destiny (1897) ® < » Itis set in Italy during the early on BNn | 10-You Never Can Tell | NS > Itisa tour act play, setting in August 1896 at the place of an English seaside resort. It tells the story of Mrs. | Clandon, and her three chi ally, Philip and Gloria. | > The play continues with a dy of errors and conlused identities with the [riendly and wise waiter Walter, dispensing his ey om with the titular phrase “You Never Can Tell”. 11-Three Plays for Pun @ De sciple: Vhis melodrama is in three acts. The setting is in the fall of 1777 during the Saratoga Campaign. e = ‘The play tells the story of Richard Dedguan, a local outeast and sell-proclaimed “David Disciple”. e Quotes: “AMartyrdom...the only way in which aman can become fumous without ability" (a) Caesar and Cleopatra (1898): It is a live acts” play. The play has a prologue and an “alternative to prologue” (ii) Captain Brassbound’s Conversation (1899): It is a three acts play. It is a melodrama and a problem play. An aggrieved captain is persuaded to forgo revenge. 3Ic7> U4 /2-Man and Superman (1903) Important Characters: * Anne Whitefield: A young woman somewhat enigmatic. She corresponds to character Dona Ana in the Don Juan myth. * John Tanner (also called Jack Tanner): He is well educated and well-spoken man, who takes even thing seriously, including himself “a political firebrand and confirmed bachelor”. He is the descendent of Dou Juan. ° Octavius Robinson: An amiable young mau who is in love with Anu Whitefield and brother of Violet Robinson. He represents Don Octavio from the Don Juan myth. * Roebuck Ramsden: An aging civil reformer and a friend of Mr. Whitelicld®He corresponds to the statue in the Don Juan myth. ® Mendoza: An anarchist who collaborates with Tanner. She is the “Presidént of the league of the Sierra”, Plot >» Itisa four acts drama based on the theme of Don Juan. > It was staged in 1905 with the omission of 3" act, a pa “this act 3, scene 2 (Dou Juan m Hell was perlormed later in 1907. > The tle has come from Friedrich Nietzsche’s phi ideas about the “Uberensch” (Superman). > The eternal triangle of love plot is John Tanner, obinson and Ann Whitefield. > Mr. Whitelicld has recently died, and his will indi iat his daughter Ann should be lelt in the care of two men Roebuck Ramsden and Jack Tanner (also called John Tanner). > Ramsden, a venerable old man distrusts Jack er, au eloquent youth with revolutionary ideas. > Amnaccepts Tanner as her guardian but ‘Pannemdoes not want this position. > Ann challenges Tanner’s revolutionary beliels with her own ideas. > Despite Tanner’s professed dedicati anarchy he could not disarm Ann’s charm and she uluimately persuades him to marry her choosing hiitjover her more persistent suitor Octavius Robinson. three days?” 2 "As an older sole adnut the cowardice: iUs as universal as sea sickness, and matlers as yust tittle”. 3 “Democtaey § tutes election of the mcompetent many for the appomtnent by the corrupt tow”, ~ 4, “Hon the girls prison and the women workhouse” 5 “Vake careto get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get’. 6. “There ae two uagedies in life: one ts not to get your heart's desire. The other ts to gett” Z “Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of femptation with the maximun of opportunity”. 8. “Everyman over 40 1s a scoundrel”. . 13-Back to Methuselah (1912) > It consists ofa preface and a series of 5 plays. > The live plays are: 1) In the Beginning: BC 4004 il) The Gospel of the Brother Barnabas: Present Day i) The Thing Happens: AD 2170 364 mp. My Ae Boe tenant af Enalied) Titerature os ye Crenthenmatn AD 3000 iv) Dragedy of au Llderts Gentlem M1) 31,920 v) As Fauras Thought can Reach: ALA OT * y . et CYDLCSSI gscom Quotes: “ence 1s tie most perlect expression of s¢ D [4-Saint Joan (1923) @) ® Iris the last play of Shaw. . -oyd has Yeterized this play as “A tragedy without > Ttis the “Only Tragedy” by Shaw and Michael Holroyd has ‘ villain”. rh * "a a . > The play is based on the life and trial of “Joan ol Ar . >, ves and an epilogue” . . . 1 8A os icle pi SIX SCENCS «¢ € 5 . Ss i Thevy el eharactenzed S: an as “A chronicle 3 ; r Shaw hime SOT » pee nie uice was.a.V wdom owing allegiance to English King Heury % ry : . tho the ar °C OY - - : > The period is carly 15° century when PTs as VI ; : . * - oO ., a . ar “gsf{o« VO > Joan, a French peasant girl saw divine visions aad heard voices of St. carat Ma a and Angel Mi aS i i ive ‘nelish out of France. Michael, commanding her to dress and Don Armor as a soldier and dnc ie : Oe ler of ~ . ; Protest: : a prote ist mterlere ce by church mi a matter > She is accused of arch heresy ol Protestai isp ic. protest against miericren J a mk personal faith. > She was burnt at Rouen on 80" Mayel de cA ryt * : ’ aa C . sels xe ze . cas > The idea of the play was suggested to Shaw when i 1920, the Roman church canonized Joan of Are as Samt Joan. 15-The Apple Cart (1929): A Political Extra’ > Ttisa satirical comedy abo ‘al political philosophies. > Itis based on King Magnus Paygely. 16-Too True to be Good (1931) > Itis sub-titled “A Colle 17-On Rocks * > A political comed > Wdeals with sock 18-Heartbreak Ho omel Stage Sermons” by a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. -s of great depression. tasia in Russian Manner on English ' 19-The Dark Lady of the Sonnets > Itis the collection of essays by G.B. Shaw: I. Quimiessence of Tbsenism (1891) VW. | he Perlect Waguerite: Conanentary on the Rung (1898) Ill. The Intelhgent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism (1928) Chapter-150

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