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Hello there, random chocolate bar.

(I betcha Tristan is
salivating.) This may be the most random and longest (did I
forget to say this is gonna be long?) website ever so if you are
not glad with your experience send a note to 400 Ehhnopenope
Dr, Jupiter 29394 and we will NOT refund it because 1. you
didn't even pay for this, and 2. WE ARE JERKS! So like this was
inspired by flamingchicken's LTE and the other wall of text in
the book "Pick Me Up". I am going for now just a world record,
but a UNIVERSE RECORD! I am trying to type the longest and
most confusing and most random website ever made our of
completely text wait not really all text but a little bit of pictures.
BUCKLE UP YA SEATS! Oh wait, we didn't even put seats in here.
Alright so our first topic is..... take a!...NO!...Something... YES! Well
we're talking about the mighty Eerp Alliance. It was formed in
4000 by a group of derps, Mike "Mikey the Spikey" Sanchez-
Yang-Smith and Nicholas Maximillian "Nick the Quick" "Max the
Axe" Petersen-Schmelldorf- Yin-Yang-Yo-Schmellymen-Jones-
Voltire-Jones (the awesomer one). It was formed during the
Asparagan Invasion when a group of jerk aliens almost
COMPLETELY (note almost, idiot) destroyed the Solar System.
They killed everyone except a select 2000 people to enslave.
Some went, some stayed. And Mikey the Spikey and Max the
Axe stayed. (What badasses.) And yes I did curse, whatcha
ganna do? They formed the um... uhh.. Eschpenellderp Alliance
to fight back. (Oh hey finally our pizza's here!) So anyways they
were sneaky, got their weapons, and fought and fought and
huffed and puffed to get them out. They eventually did. The
jerk aliens lost and died in outer space. (Great this pizza is the
wrong one!) Well I might as well tell the rest to you. In 10000,
guess what... NO! They came back... as MUTANT ALIENS!What
the fudge? Great now this thing is loading and there will be an
interruption: Here it goes oh boy...
blopvb 8suijodz iopl;[eplokij
grewslfyewljhorspiohqfiuyhfe8oyuhoirgwudyjhg lqiwakusy
eiagfdaifdkahgfkdahgfauhgaubguwefbgh graeogewshg
aiewgrsuh 93qaugdraidfklhgks,zkqeayti3qyoiuyewuesgrew
ouytr fiqgfugwiugafeiwauflewakifelwau feawigfeigagfkeaigfea
l/end Well finally it ends! Oh wait there was yet another part  -
_- Copyright 3940 Annoying Stuff, 1000 Awful Drive,
Somewhere, The Universe (never gonna find us! ) Well we start
again. A unicorn and an apple pie met. They kissed. They did
stuff. They had kids and blah. WOOHOO. Shoutout to each and
every one of the 7 billion people in the world! Hey, I have a n
ickname for our class! The Fifteen Fighters. Lol that doesn't
work. I hate when I have writers block. it sucks. Well i have the
NJASK test coming up. Its a big big test. HUGE HUGE HUGE. And
I hate the language arts open endeds. They suck big time. I dont
like it! Goddangit I should be doing homework. Also check out
Ownage Pranks haha. Alright so here's my long awaited rant on
my neighborhood. Its really boring. People dont do anything. I
mean like its so small. So boring. They should have moved the
Walmart over to Greenville that would make it less boring.
People always talk about them hearing guns. I dont hear them
here. And in the summer the only thing we do is either stay in
our houses or ride bikes which very few people do. -5-18-13-
Lets talk about the Society of the Knights of Rhubarbs. It all
started ago when the founder, Genevoius Fartacus, founded
the SKR when he thought about vegetables. He thought for a
new society to be founded. To protect rhu

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