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Countable and uncountable nouns.

Useful Expressions in a restaurant

I’m sure you remember that in the last video we mentioned

some ingredients and dishes, as well as the expressions for you
to say if you like a dish or not.
In this video we will learn some nouns that can help you
when preparing a recipe or ordering a dish in a restaurant.

Let’s hit the road!

When you want to prepare a recipe for the dish that you like,
the ingredients will pro bably be mentioned as:

An Apple + A banana + A pineapple + A little sugar

In a recipe you can identify countable and non-countable nouns like apple or sugar.
Note that countable nouns can be singular or plural "apple” or “apples”

- A. Hello! What’s todays special?

- B. It’s Alfredo Spaghetti.
- A. Oh great, I’ll have that plate and please, add
some extra cream. Do you have something to
Now, when you go to a restaurant
and want to order a dish with you
- B. OK, sir. I have fresh lemonade and Chicha
might have a conversation like this
- A. Great, I’ll have the lemonade, but with no
sugar, please.
- B. Sure. I’ll bring your order in a moment.

As you can see, in this conversation we have used countable and

uncountable nouns. I hope this point is clear to you. Now we’ll put it
into practice with some exercises on your platform.

Good luck!

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