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● Equalization is used by a lot of people to improve sound quality
● There are many smaller equalization methods, but they can be quite large and


● Equalization will be used during every rehearsal
● The equalizer will be taken in safe conditions
● The XLR cable has a set length

● Equalizers are found in higher end speakers
● Approximately 40% of speakers have equalization or leveling hardware
● 68% of students who took our survey expressed interest in an XLR cable with built in
preamp and EQ function
● 44% of students who took our survey believed that an XLR cable with built in preamp
and EQ function would be good (a notable portion didn’t understand the jargon)

● People would want to have equalization software on lower-end, cheaper speakers

● Adding additional EQ control to speakers will make rehearsals easier and better for
amateur musicians

● It would be easier to have your own equalizer set up how you like it


D: Must have a pre-amp in order to allow for equalization
D: Will not interfere with the preamp in the speaker
D: Two knobs: One for leveling, the other is for tilt equalization
W: Will be able to connect to a variety of devices
W: Will have a easy to interact with interface

D: Must be able to accommodate the wiring for a preamp and equalizer
D: Must be able to be attached to an XLR cable
D: Must be relatively small (less than 6" x 12") to compete with other products
W: It will be compact and easy for transport

D: Durable exterior to protect interior
D: Will require basic electronic preamp, balancing circuits
W: Reliable
W: Long-lasting

D: Uses enough energy to accomplish its task
D: Battery-powered, a 9-volt should suffice
W: Must not consume too much power

W: Must be easy to set up

W: must be relatively affordable for amateur musicians

D: Must not violate any district, state, federal, or international laws
D: Uses a physical audio interface
W: Does not violate Geneva Conventions

D: Must not be dangerous to plug in
D: must not be explosive
W: cannot be damaged by water

D: must be mobile
W: must be light

W: pleasant to the ears

W: recyclable components

During live rehearsals, there is often very little control over the levels and equalization. As a
result, instruments can sound too loud or too quiet, and some instruments can be unpleasant to
listen to because they’re unbalanced.

Problem Definition
We want a simple way to give people more control over their audio during live rehearsals.

Survey Results and Issues for Revision

This question was flawed due to the other option and the phrasing of the question. We need to
revise in order to get clear data.
This question was too technical and alienated the survey taker.

Most people were either interested or maybe interested which is a good sign despite the flaws in
this survey.

This part of the survey was actually quite useful for defining our audience's vocabulary. Most
students knew the definition of an XLR cable, about half knew the definition of equalization, and
only 30% knew the definition of a preamplifier.

These questions highlight the problems in the survey:

I don't know the terms in the previous question.
This survey could have been structured better in the current format it's not very useful
I have no further questions.
Derek what does any of this mean
i really have no idea what this is i'm just filling it out cuz you asked lol
i didn't understand these questions
I don't fully understand what the product is but it sounds useful.
What is all of what you said

Survey 2.0

If answered no this question was meant to end the survey, this function did not work properly.
This question helps define our problem statement.

This questions results pared with the last one help narrow down our problem statement.
These results, considering the majority of the survey takers answered no to the first question is
a good sign.

This question really enforced our focus on portability as a main functionality of our project.

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