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Multimodal Transportation

Presented by:

Ayda Katherine Caicedo Q.

Yoselin Batalla Q.

Richard Marino Estupiñan M.

Fabian David Muñoz V.

Faisury Julieth Ortiz T.

Liceth Daniela Ramirez A.


Technology in port management


Jefferson Cuesta


Centro Naútico Pesquero


Buenaventura – Valle del Cauca

Multimodal Transportation

Multimodal transportation is the movement of one unit load from origin to

destination by several methods or transportation under one document without
breaking up the unit load.

The development of container traffic has made this possible, as containers can
travel from end to end without being opened/unloaded/reloaded during the course
of the journey.

Companies which can offer multimodal transportation are large firms or forwarding
agents who specialize in such traffic, as it obviously requires diligent organization
to ensure that the chain of transport events works smoothly.

The advantage for those who make use of multimodal transportation is that they
have one document only for the whole operation and that the operator is legally
responsible for a satisfactory overall performance by his own staff and by the
agents or branches that he is employing.
 Multimodal: Multimodal.
 Transportation: Transporte
 Multimodal transportation: Transporte multimodal.
 Unit: Unidad
 Load: Carga
 Unit load: Unidad de carga.
 Document: Documento.
 Container: Contenedor
 Unloaded: Descargue
 Reloaded: Cargue
 Companies: Empresas
 Operation: Operación.
 Operator: Operador
 Agents: Agentes

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