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Banaue National High School – Annex

Kinakin, Banaue


Name: ________________________________________ Date:__________________
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the shaking or trembling of the earth’s crust caused by the sudden release of energy.
A. Tsunami B. Earthquake C. Hurricane
2. These are waves that transmit the energy released by an earthquake.
A. Sonic waves B. Ocean waves C. Seismic waves
3. It is the standard Do’s during an earthquake.
A. duck, cover and hold B. look, listen, and run C. run, cover and stand
4. It is generally known as “shooting stars. A. comet B. meteors C. asteroids
5. Moon is an example of a __________________. A. planet B. satellite C. comet
6. Where is the asteroid belt found?
A. between Saturn and Uranus B. between Mars and Jupiter C. between Earth and Mars
7. Gold is an example of a / an ___________________. A. Mixture B. Element C. Compound
8. The following are examples of compounds. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Salt B. carbon dioxide C. Iron
9. Which of the following is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?
A. Coffee B. Sugar C. Halo – halo
10. Which of the following best describes an element?
A. Elements can be broken down into a simpler type of matter.
B. Elements consists of 2 or more kinds of atom
C. Elements consists of only one kind of atom.
11. All but one is NOT a component of an atom.
A. Proton B. Neutron C. Megatron D. Electron
12. Fluorine is an element that exist on toothpaste. It has an atomic number of 9. How many proton are found in
Fluorine? A. 18 protons B. 9 protons C. 12 protons
13. This illustrates the transfer of energy from green plants to a series of organisms.
A. Food chain B. Food pyramid C. Food energy transfer meter
14. All but one is NOT an example of a producer.
A. petchay B. fern (unje) C. chicken
15. Mushroom is an example of a fungi, they help in decomposing plants and animals. In the food chain,
where does mushroom belong?
A. decomposer B. producer C. Consumer
16. This cycle that occurs in our planet is a cycle that involves the continuous circulation of water in the
Earth-atmosphere system.
A. Water cycle B. Nitrogen cycle C. Phosphorus cycle
17. By evaporation, water in the liquid state is transferred to the gaseous state. What do we call water at its
gaseous state? A. water vapor B. distilled water C. carbonated water
18. Where do the process of condensation happen?
A. on the mountains B. under the sea C. in the atmosphere
19. The oxygen-carbon cycle involves two important organisms, these are the flora and fauna of the earth.
Plants has one of most important role in the cycle. Plants can produce their own food through photosynthesis
and they emit __________________________ for animals to use.
A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Helium
20. Complete the analogy. Plants : Oxygen Animals : ___________________
A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Helium
TEST II. SENTENCE COMPLETION: Complete the sentence by filling the blanks with the correct
answer. Get your answer from the box below.

telecommunications seismograph negative

chemical atmosphere carbon dioxide oxygen
greenhouse effect precipitation producers

1. _____________________________ is used to detect and record seismic waves during an earthquake.

2. Artificial satellites are used for _____________________________ and for remote sensing. This gives us
the internet today.
3. Compounds can be broken down to simpler matter by ________________________ means.
4. Electrons are sub atomic particles that have _______________________ charge.
5. Condensation takes place in the ________________________.
6. Cellular respiration is the process by which animals take in sugars and oxygen and emit
__________________________, water and energy.
7. There is a limit to the amount of carbon that the oceans and plants can take up, so the rest remains in the
atmosphere and increases the ____________________________, causing climate change.
8. Food chain always start from _______________________ and ends up to decomposers.
9. Plants release _________________________ and water vapor as byproducts.
10. By condensation, water vapour in the atmosphere is released to form ___________________________.

Test III. ESSAY. What do you think will be the situation of our planet after 20 years? Focus your essay on
the situations and the effect it gives to our environment. Use your imagination to answer this question. There
is no wrong answer in this question.
(5 points): 3 pts – Content; 2 points - Grammar


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