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Háblame de ti, ¿qué tipo de alumno y profesor eres?

Preguntas orientadoras

a) Make a paragraph about yourself, describe, activities, likes, dislikes, living

style, family, work, you as a teacher etc.
Soy Kiriam Medrano Navarro, tengo 35 años, soy hija única. Soy casada, no tengo
hijos, perdí un bebé hace 8 años, tener hijos es mi sueño. También espero ser una
excelente profesora.
Me gusta leer, escuchar música, cocinar, compartir tiempo con mi familia y amigos,
me encanta ir a la playa, no me gusta el aguacate y soy alérgica a los mariscos, vivo
en Necoclí Antioquia, un pueblo ubicado a orilla de mar, pero yo soy de Acandí
Yo como una profesora integral, me interesaría mucho por las personalidades de
cada uno de mis alumnos y sus procesos académicos.

b) ¿Cuál es su opinión sobre la educación?

c) ¿Qué tipo de educación recibió?

d) ¿Te acuerdas de tus profesores? ¿Por qué los recuerdas?

e) ¿Por qué estudias esta carrera?

Tell me about you, what kind of learner and teacher are you? 

Guiding Questions

a) Make a paragraph about yourself, describe, activities, likes, dislikes, living style,
family, work, you as a teacher etc.
I am Kiriam Medrano Navarro, I am 35 years old, I am an only child. I am married, I
have no children, I lost a baby 8 years ago, having children is my dream.
I study a degree in EnglishI also hope to be an excellent teacher.
I like reading, listening to music, cooking, spending time with my family and friends, I
love going to the beach, I don't like avocado and I'm allergic to shellfish, I live in
Necoclí Antioquia, a town located on the seashore, but I'm from Acandí Chocó.
As an integral teacher, I would be very interested in the personalities of each of my
students and their academic processes.
b) What is your opinion about education?

For me education is a fundamental process in the life of every person, this helps
each person feed their ideas, their thoughts, their intellect and have a broad vision of
the world, through education work achievements are achieved

c) What kind of education did you receive?

I received a religious education in school, this is why the importance of God in my

life. Then in high school he received a traditional education in an agricultural

d) Did you remember your teachers? Why did you remember them ?

Yes, I remember my teachers, especially the one who taught me from first to fifth
grade. He taught me not only subject content but also values, crafts. From high
school I have fond memories of my teachers.

e) Why do you study this career?

I study this career in the first measure because since my time in high school I love English,
another reason is because I want to contribute to the education of the boys and girls of my

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