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Advanced phrasal verbs 5

• dumb something down (make something simpler): I think they have dumbed down the news.
It doesn't talk about complicated situations any more.
• smarten (yourself) up (make yourself clean and tidy): You need to smarten yourself up a bit
before the guests arrive.
• suss something out (to try to understand a situation): She listened hard to try and suss out
what was going on.
• urge someone on (encourage): He urged his team on.
• veg out (to sit still and do nothing): Let's veg out and watch an old film this afternoon.

Let's review! Add the phrasal verb.

1. The schools have _________________________ exams in the last few years.

2. He _________________________ (himself) before the party.
3. I need to _________________________ the cafes in the area.
4. The father _________________________ his son and the son won the race.
5. She wants to _________________________ at home today.
6. Julia will be able to _________________________ what's going on at work.
7. We _________________________ the children when they were playing football.
8. Could you please _________________________ (yourself) a bit? You're not going to a
restaurant dressed like that.
9. We _________________________ all weekend and did absolutely nothing.
10. Don't _________________________ your explanation for me!

1. The schools have dumbed down exams in the last few years.
2. He smartened himself up before the party.
3. I need to suss out the cafes in the area.
4. The father urged on his son and the son won the race.
5. She wants to veg out at home today.
6. Julia will be able to suss out what's going on at work.
7. We urged on the children when they were playing football.
8. Could you please smarten yourself up a bit? You're not going to a restaurant dressed like that.
9. We vegged out all weekend and did absolutely nothing.
10. Don't dumb down your explanation for me!

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