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LOVER OF US ALL Commissioned by our brothers and sisters of DIGNITY/SAN FRANCISCO for their Fiftcenth Anniversity, January, 1988. Inspired by Ephesians 2:7-10, 5:19-20 Dan Schut [rRODUCTION] Toyfully.atiegio J 66 c co, CE G Gust G GF EF Am Amq/G fe Fo FC Em CIE «Dadar Gust GIG). Am? GiB G With all the carth we sing your__ praise! We come to give you Am AIG F Em ce Din pore T —s thanks, O Lov- er of us all, and Giv - er of our Gust (c) Am? GeG ¢ cD ce F G Gsust With sun and moon we dance for joy! or E Am ATG == EE =z We are your work. of are, the glo - ry of your Em os. Dm? F « c cades hand, the chil - dren of your lov : 8 CCopyeight © 1987, 1989 by Daniel L, Schutte and North American Liturgy Resources (NALRY. 4ou02 North 2ird Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 88029. All rghit reverved. Lover of Us + VERSES 13] comercie Am AmvG DF # cor tm oc me 1, Tam Mak = er of moun-tains; 1 am God of the earth. Like a 2, As 1. know of your la - bor, so. I watch while you sleep. Ev - er 3. I the night would sur~ round you and the sun fall from sight, yet my Am AmiG Die g G Gust Gs Gass Gm GB to Refrain 1, moth- er in la- bor 1 bring all to beth 2. close at your call - ing so my love will be. 3. hand will ‘protect you; 1 will be your light. VERSES 46 c Ba Am AmviG oF Dm Gest G a = as 4 Long be - fore there were mead-ows, or wa ters on the shore, 1 5. We you av - el the heav- ens, or sail the farthest shore, 1 6. Inthe womb of my wis- dom, I fashioned ev = ‘ty star, 1 E Em cre F Dee G Gut G Am7 GB G # erese ves 0 Refrain = SSS “o t : “4. laughed and 1 luved you, so. now and ev = er = more!___ 5. stand there be - side you, to guide you ev - et - more! 6. formed you in won-der, and loved youfrom a - far! [FINAL REFRAIN c cD Cre F « Gust or ok Descant all the earth we sing— your praiset Give == = With all the earth we sing your. praise! We come to give you Lover of Us All (3) Am AmIG F Em OE Ddim 9H thanks, O Lov- er of us all, and Giv- er of our Gus G (G) Am7GiBG oC co ce OF c Gauss With sunand moon we = With sun and moon we dance for. joy! G cr E Am AmtIG F We are your work of art, the gio - ry of your Em ce Dm? F G c cadeo hand, the chil - dren of your lov ing. cl chan Gust © caaay€

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