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The headline of the article is “Are you aware of the need to look after the environment, or

do you believe it is none of your concern and there is little you can do about it.” The headline
make the reader engage in self - reflection and think about if he is ecologically conscious and if
the fate of the earth depends on him.
The author in the article touches upon the problem of man's attitude to the nature and his
impact on the environment that led to some problems . The article under discussion may be
divided into several logically connected parts which are the fate of the Earth, the most pressing
environmentally issues, the ways to solve them and the author's conclusion conclusions.
The author starts by telling the reader a story of the life of the Earth from its origin to the
appearance of people who have radically changed it. In addition, author introduces the most
pressing problems that face our planet such as global warming or climate change, deforestation
that lead to a rise in sea levels, floods and extensive droughts. Furthermore, the author gives
ways how to we solve the environmental issues. In conclusion, the author make the reader think
about the environment and motivates the reader to be ecologically minded by the phrase “when
there is a way to save the oases of life there is always a way to do it.”
The author starts with the statement of the problem and then logically passes over to its
possible solutions. The author asserts that global warming brings about melting ice caps, a rise in
in sea levels, floods and extensive droughts, consequently, the humanity now is on the brink of
the war to end all wars, therefore, people can contribute to a better world. The author draws a
conclusion that if there is a chance to save the world, people must use this chance.
To draw the reader's attention to the problem the author uses simile comparing the Earth
with the forty-six-year-old man. Besides, using litotes foregrounds how quickly changes are
happening on earth.
I have found the article of great value because the author highlights important issues, give
ways to solve them and motivates the reader to be ecologically aware.

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