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Subject: SST Duration : 1 hr 30 min

Total Marks : 30 Additional Material Reqd:

Q1. Multiple Choice Question (1x5=5)

1] This continent is surrounded by southern ocean :

a. Antartica b. Africa c. North America d. Asia

2]Nishat Bagh is built by _____

a. Shahjahan b. Jahangir c. Asaf Khan d. Babur

3] The Mariana Trench lies in this ocean :

a. Atlantic b. Pacific c. Arctic d. Indian

4] This continent is the smallest continent :

a. Antarctica b. Europe c. Australia d. Asia

5Taj Mahal is located at ______

a. Agra b. Delhi c. Mumbai d. Kashmir

Q2. Fill in the blanks (1x5=5)

1]______ is the smallest ocean.

2] Shalimar Bagh is located in _____ city.

3]______ laid the foundation of QutubMinar.


4]______ built Taj Mahal for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

5] ______ is the second largest continent.

Q3. Identify the Picture (2x3=6) :

Identify the monument and the ruler who built it.

2. Identify the monument and the place where it is located.

3.Identify the monument and the ruler who has built it.

Q4. Answer the following in one sentence (1x8=8) :

1] How many terraces does Shalimar Bagh has ?

2] Which continent has the largest Desert in it ?

3] Name the five oceans

4] Where is Red fort Located ?

5] Which is the deepest ocean in the world ?

6] What is Eurasia ?

7] What is meant by ocean ?

8] Which of the Indian monument is considered as seven wonders of the world ?

Q5. Answer in 2 to 3 lines (2 x3=6);

1] Write any two Features of North American Continent.

2] Which water bodies are surrounding the continent of Asia and in which direction do
they lie ?

3] Write any two features of Qutub Minar.

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