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Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)

- Your Highlight at location 2034-2036 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020


Rather than steering people straight to the heart of the problem, we nudge them to
arrive there on their own, because the most powerful truths—the ones people take
the most seriously—are those they come to, little by little, on their own. Implicit
in the therapeutic contract is the patient’s willingness to tolerate discomfort,
because some discomfort is
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2036 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020 23:19:06

Cum are loc aceasta descoperire a adevarului?

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2105-2107 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020

I’ve noticed that dreams can be a precursor to self-confession—a kind of pre-

confession. Something buried is brought closer to the surface, but not in its
entirety. A patient dreams that she’s lying in bed hugging her roommate; initially
she thinks it’s about their strong friendship but later she realizes she’s
attracted to women.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2107 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020 23:23:39

Importanta viselor in terapie

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2159 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020

not. I hadn’t had a stroke. I just said no. I said no because something felt wrong
about it. Mainly, I didn’t think that the world needed another helicopter-parenting
book. Dozens
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2159-2163 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020

After all, two hundred years ago, the philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
succinctly summarized this sentiment: “Too many parents make life hard for their
children by trying, too zealously, to make it easy for them.” Even in recent
history—2003, to be exact—one of the early modern overparenting books, aptly named
Worried All the Time, put it this way: “The cardinal rules of good parenting—
moderation, empathy, and temperamental accommodation with one’s child—are simple
and are not likely to be improved upon by the latest scientific findings.”
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2163 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020 23:42:46

Parenting advice vechi de 2000 de ani

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2199-2200 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020
Apparently, you can make people happy by delivering bad news and then taking it
back (which, personally, would just make me mad).
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2200 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020 23:50:17

Cheia fericirii - siretlic

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2218-2219 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020

So many of our destructive behaviors take root in an emotional void, an emptiness

that calls out for something to fill it.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2219 | Added on Saturday, 22 February 2020 23:54:13

Sursa comportamentelor negative

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2324-2329 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 00:12:27

Men tend to be at a disadvantage here because they aren’t typically raised to have
a working knowledge of their internal worlds; it’s less socially acceptable for men
to talk about their feelings. While women feel cultural pressure to keep up their
physical appearance, men feel that pressure to keep up their emotional appearance.
Women tend to confide in friends or family members, but when men tell me how they
feel in therapy, I’m almost always the first person they’ve said it to. Like my
female patients, men struggle with marriage, self-esteem, identity, success, their
parents, their childhoods, being loved and understood—and yet these topics can be
tricky to bring up in any meaningful way with their male friends. It’s no wonder
that the rates of substance abuse and suicide in middle-aged men continue to
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2324-2329 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 00:12:35

Men tend to be at a disadvantage here because they aren’t typically raised to have
a working knowledge of their internal worlds; it’s less socially acceptable for men
to talk about their feelings. While women feel cultural pressure to keep up their
physical appearance, men feel that pressure to keep up their emotional appearance.
Women tend to confide in friends or family members, but when men tell me how they
feel in therapy, I’m almost always the first person they’ve said it to. Like my
female patients, men struggle with marriage, self-esteem, identity, success, their
parents, their childhoods, being loved and understood—and yet these topics can be
tricky to bring up in any meaningful way with their male friends. It’s no wonder
that the rates of substance abuse and suicide in middle-aged men continue to
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2329 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 00:13:20

Barbatii vs Femeile despre sentimente impartasite

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2461-2463 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 00:33:35

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2462 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 00:33:45

Ce e pacea?
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2643-2644 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:08:26

Often people talk about suicide not because they want to be dead but because they
want to end their pain. If they can just find a way to do that, they very much want
to be alive.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2644 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:09:16

Suicidul-calea de a sfirsi durerea?

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2739-2741 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:25:48

But it’s a deep human need. It’s well documented that touch is important for well-
being throughout our lifetimes. Touch can lower blood pressure and stress levels,
boost moods and immune systems. Babies can die from lack of touch, and so can
adults (adults who are touched regularly live longer). There’s even a term for this
condition: skin hunger.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2741 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:26:19

Atingerea si important ei !!
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2805-2806 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:39:20

Before having a baby, I’d relished the freedom of a non-office job. But now I
longed to get dressed every day and be in the company of verbal grownups.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2806 | Added on Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:39:49

Nevoia de comunicare este impprtant

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 2967-2973 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 00:01:47

Then one summer, just after Wendell turned thirteen, he went missing. The clan of
cousins had returned for lunch, and while they were munching on watermelon,
somebody noticed that Wendell wasn’t there. They checked inside the cabins. Empty.
Groups dispersed to search for him at the lake, in the woods, around town. But
Wendell was nowhere to be found. After four terrifying hours for his family,
Wendell returned—riding a bike. Apparently, a cute girl he’d met by the lake had
asked him to go on a bike ride with her, so he went to the bike shop and explained
his problem. The owner looked at this eager, skinny thirteen-year-old and instantly
understood. He shut down the store, took Wendell to an abandoned lot, and taught
him how to ride. Then he gave him a free day’s rental.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 2973 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 00:02:22

Cum a invatat Wendell sa mearga pe bicicleta

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 3107-3111 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 10:47:40

What most people mean by type is a sense of attraction—a type of physical

appearance or a type of personality turns them on. But what underlies a person’s
type, in fact, is a sense of familiarity. It’s no coincidence that people who had
angry parents often end up choosing angry partners, that those with alcoholic
parents are frequently drawn to partners who drink quite a bit, or that those who
had withdrawn or critical parents find themselves married to spouses who are
withdrawn or critical. Why
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 3111 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 10:48:38

Familia si cum iti influenteaza ea relatiile amoroase

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 3292-3296 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 23:15:20

This felt like a classic example of projective identification. In projection, a

patient attributes his beliefs to another person; in projective identification, he
sends them into another person. For instance, a man may feel angry at his boss at
work, then come home and say to his spouse, “You seem angry.” He’s projecting,
because the spouse isn’t angry. In projective identification, on the other hand,
the man may feel angry at his boss, return home, and essentially insert his anger
into his partner, actually making the partner feel angry. Projective identification
is like tossing a hot potato to the other person. The man no longer has to feel his
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 3296 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 23:15:57

Proiectarea furie
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 3303-3303 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 23:17:03

benefits from a phone call from the therapist, particularly if the

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 3365-3367 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 23:26:20

Medical school was also a trial by fire; in medicine, students learned procedures
by the “see one, do one, teach one” method. In other words, you watched a
physician, say, palpate an abdomen, you palpated the next abdomen yourself, and
then you taught another student how to palpate an abdomen. Presto! You’re deemed
competent to palpate abdomens.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 3367 | Added on Monday, 24 February 2020 23:26:42
See one do one teach one !
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 3700-3702 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020

ultracrepidarianism, which means “the habit of giving opinions and advice on

matters outside of one’s knowledge or competence.” It’s a reminder to myself that
as a therapist, I can come to understand people and help them sort out what they
want to do,
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 3702 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 17:59:47

Un fel de "nu-ti baga nasul"

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 3736-3740 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Sometimes people can’t identify their feelings because they were talked out of them
as children. The child says, “I’m angry,” and the parent says, “Really? Over such a
tiny thing? You’re so sensitive!” Or the kid says, “I’m sad,” and the parent says,
“Don’t be sad. Hey, look, a balloon!” Or the child says, “I’m scared,” and the
parent says, “There’s nothing to be worried about. Don’t be such a baby.” But
nobody can keep profound feelings sealed up forever. Inevitably, when we least
expect it—seeing a commercial, for instance—they escape.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 3740 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 18:05:51

Mereu recunoaste si valideaza emotiile copilului

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4074-4075 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020

“If you’re talking that much, you can’t be listening” and its variant “You have two
ears and one mouth; there’s a reason for that ratio”),
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4075 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 23:48:05

Ascultare vs vorbire
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4090-4090 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020

You won’t get today back.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4090 | Added on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 23:50:26

Importanta prezentului
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4107-4110 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
They imagined that they were rushing now in order to savor their lives later, but
so often, later never came. The psychoanalyst Erich Fromm had made this point more
than fifty years earlier: “Modern man thinks he loses something—time—when he does
not do things quickly; yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains
except kill it.” Fromm was right; people didn’t use extra time earned to relax or
connect with friends or family. Instead, they tried to cram more in.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4110 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 00:03:12

Viteza vietii moderne

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4148-4152 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020

“Why are we essentially outsourcing the thing that defines us as people?” Turkle
asked in the video. Her question made me wonder: Was it that people couldn’t
tolerate being alone or that they couldn’t tolerate being with other people? Across
the country—at coffee with friends, in meetings at work, during lunch at school, in
front of the cashier at Target, and at the family dinner table—people were texting
and Tweeting and shopping, sometimes pretending to make eye contact and sometimes
not even bothering.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4152 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 00:10:05

Singuratate sau socializare

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4158-4160 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020

The second people felt alone, I noticed, usually in the space between things—
leaving a therapy session, at a red light, standing in a checkout line, riding the
elevator—they picked up devices and ran away from that feeling. In a state of
perpetual distraction, they seemed to be losing the ability to be with others and
losing their ability to be with themselves.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4160 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 00:11:46

Singuratatea-boala grea
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4553-4556 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Every relationship is a dance. The Dude does his dance steps (approach/retreat),
and Charlotte does hers (approach/get hurt)—that’s how they dance. But once
Charlotte changes her steps, one of two things will happen—the Dude will be forced
to change his steps so that he doesn’t trip and fall down, or he’ll simply walk off
the dance floor and find somebody else’s feet to stomp on.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4556 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 23:33:19

Dansul relatiilor
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4593-4595 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020

I particularly liked this line from Frankl’s book: “Between stimulus and response
there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our
response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4595 | Added on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 23:42:14

Find the elusive space

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4727-4737 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020

Infant (hope)—trust versus mistrust Toddler (will)—autonomy versus shame

Preschooler (purpose)—initiative versus guilt School-age child (competence)—
industry versus inferiority Adolescent (fidelity)—identity versus role confusion
Young adult (love)—intimacy versus isolation Middle-aged adult (care)—generativity
versus stagnation Older adult (wisdom)—integrity versus despair The eighth stage is
where people Rita’s age generally find themselves. Erikson maintained that, in
later years, we experience a sense of integrity if we believe we have lived
meaningful lives. This sense of integrity gives us a feeling of completeness so
that we can better accept our approaching deaths. But if we have unresolved regrets
about the past—if we think that we made poor choices or failed to accomplish
important goals—we feel depressed and hopeless, which leads us to despair.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4737 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020 09:42:53

Cele 8 etape psihologice

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4796-4799 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020

Forgiveness is a tricky thing, in the way that apologies can be. Are you
apologizing because it makes you feel better or because it will make the other
person feel better? Are you sorry for what you’ve done or are you simply trying to
placate the other person who believes you should be sorry for the thing you feel
completely justified in having done? Who is the apology for?
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4799 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020 09:53:59

Pt cine eu imi cer scuze????!

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4821-4850 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020

We may want others’ forgiveness, but that comes from a place of self-gratification;
we are asking forgiveness of others to avoid the harder work of forgiving
ourselves. I thought of something Wendell had said to me after I’d listed my own
regrettable missteps that I took great pleasure in punishing myself for: “How long
do you think the sentence for this crime should be? A year? Five? Ten?” Many of us
torture ourselves over our mistakes for decades, even after we’ve genuinely
attempted to make amends. How reasonable is that sentence? It’s true that in Rita’s
case, her children’s lives were significantly affected by their parents’ failures.
She and her children would always feel the pain of their shared pasts, but
shouldn’t there be some redemption? Did Rita deserve to be persecuted day after
day, year after year? I wanted to be realistic about the considerable scars they
all bore, but I didn’t want to be Rita’s warden. I can’t help but think about her
evolving relationship with the hello-family girls next door; what if she had been
able to offer her four children what she offers them? I put the question to Rita:
“What should your sentence be, as you approach seventy, for the crimes you
committed in your twenties and thirties? They were significant crimes, yes. But
you’ve felt remorse for decades, and you’ve tried to make repairs. Shouldn’t you
have been released by now, or at least out on parole? What do you think is a fair
sentence for your crimes?” Rita considers this for a moment. “Life in prison,” she
says. “Well,” I say. “That’s what you got. But I’m not sure that a jury that
included Myron or the hello-family would agree.” “But the people I care most about,
my kids—they’ll never forgive me.” I nod. “We don’t know what they’re going to do.
But it doesn’t help them in any way for you to be miserable. Your misery doesn’t
change their situation. You can’t lessen their misery by carrying it for them
inside you. It doesn’t work that way. There are ways for you to be a better mother
to them at this point in all of your lives. Sentencing yourself to life in prison
isn’t one of them.” I notice that I have Rita’s attention. “There’s only one person
in this entire world who benefits from you not being able to enjoy anything good in
your life.” Rita’s forehead becomes a series of lines. “Who?” “You,” I say. I point
out to her that pain can be protective; staying in a depressed place can be a form
of avoidance. Safe inside her shell of pain, she doesn’t have to face anything, nor
does she have to emerge into the world, where she might get hurt again. Her inner
critic serves her: I don’t have to take any action because I’m worthless. And
there’s another benefit to her misery: she may feel that she stays alive in her
kids’ minds if they relish her suffering. At least somebody has her in mind, even
in a negative way—and in this sense, she’s not completely forgotten. She looks up
from her tissue, as if considering the pain that she’s carried for decades in an
entirely new way. For maybe the first time, Rita seems to see the crisis she has
been in the midst of—the battle between what Erik Erikson called integrity and
despair. Which, I wonder, will she choose? 42 My Neshama I’m at lunch with my
colleague Caroline.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 4821-4823 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020

We may want others’ forgiveness, but that comes from a place of self-gratification;
we are asking forgiveness of others to avoid the harder work of forgiving
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 4823 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020 09:59:54

Cum evit sa ma iert singura?

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 5233-5233 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020

Just as parents raise their kids to leave them one day, therapists work to lose
patients, not retain them.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 5233 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020 17:19:00
Therapist Vs parents
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 5293-5297 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020

I remember how, initially, John’s appointment was scheduled after Julie’s and how I
regularly made an effort to remember one of the most important lessons from my
training: There’s no hierarchy of pain. Suffering shouldn’t be ranked, because pain
is not a contest. Spouses often forget this, upping the ante on their suffering—I
had the kids all day. My job is more demanding than yours. I’m lonelier than you
are. Whose pain wins—or loses?
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 5297 | Added on Thursday, 27 February 2020 23:08:51

There is no ranking in pain

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 5797-5800 | Added on Friday, 28 February 2020 17:55:23

“It’s like the eggs,” I say, and he nods in recognition. I once told Wendell that
Mike, my colleague, had said a while back that when we feel fragile, we’re like raw
eggs—we crack open and splatter if dropped. But when we develop more resilience,
we’re like hard-boiled eggs—we might get dinged up if dropped, but we won’t crack
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 5797-5801 | Added on Friday, 28 February 2020 17:55:32

“It’s like the eggs,” I say, and he nods in recognition. I once told Wendell that
Mike, my colleague, had said a while back that when we feel fragile, we’re like raw
eggs—we crack open and splatter if dropped. But when we develop more resilience,
we’re like hard-boiled eggs—we might get dinged up if dropped, but we won’t crack
completely and spill all over the place. Over the years, I’ve gone from being a raw
egg to a hard-boiled egg with my mother, but sometimes the raw egg in me emerges.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 5801 | Added on Friday, 28 February 2020 17:55:45

Viata de ou
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 6434-6437 | Added on Saturday, 29 February 2020

But we’re also taught something else that we can’t really understand until we’ve
done thousands of hours of sessions: We grow in connection with others. Everyone
needs to hear that other person’s voice saying, I believe in you. I can see
possibilities that you might not see quite yet. I imagine that something different
can happen, in some form or another. In therapy we say, Let’s edit your story.
Early on,
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Highlight at location 6435-6437 | Added on Saturday, 29 February 2020

We grow in connection with others. Everyone needs to hear that other person’s voice
saying, I believe in you. I can see possibilities that you might not see quite yet.
I imagine that something different can happen, in some form or another. In therapy
we say, Let’s edit your story.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Lori Gottlieb)
- Your Note at location 6437 | Added on Saturday, 29 February 2020 13:32:18

Growing in connection
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 414-415 | Ajouté le lundi 2 mars 2020 15:32:29

Remember, nobody who is actually happy has to stand in front of a mirror and tell
himself that he’s happy.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1043-1044 | Ajouté le mardi 3 mars 2020

As a rule, people who are terrified of what others think about them are actually
terrified of all the shitty things they think about themselves being reflected back
at them.)
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1044 | Ajouté le mardi 3 mars 2020 22:53:20

Teama de gura lumii

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1070-1072 | Ajouté le mardi 3 mars 2020

This, in a nutshell, is what “self-improvement” is really about: prioritizing

better values, choosing better things to give a fuck about. Because when you give
better fucks, you get better problems. And when you get better problems, you get a
better life.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1072 | Ajouté le mardi 3 mars 2020 22:57:13

Cum devenim mai buni

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1315-1319 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

And let’s be honest here. If you were to add up all of the people who have some
psychiatric disorder, struggle with depression or suicidal thoughts, have been
subjected to neglect or abuse, have dealt with tragedy or the death of a loved one,
and have survived serious health issues, accidents, or trauma—if you were to round
up all of those people and put them in the room, well, you’d probably have to round
up everyone, because nobody makes it through life without collecting a few scars on
the way out.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1319 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 12:12:11

Toti avem cicatrici in viata

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1335-1339 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

The writer and media commentator Ryan Holiday refers to this as “outrage porn”:
rather than report on real stories and real issues, the media find it much easier
(and more profitable) to find something mildly offensive, broadcast it to a wide
audience, generate outrage, and then broadcast that outrage back across the
population in a way that outrages yet another part of the population. This triggers
a kind of echo of bullshit pinging back and forth between two imaginary sides,
meanwhile distracting everyone from real societal problems. It’s no wonder we’re
more politically polarized than ever before.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1339 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 12:28:38

Cum media instiga la alarmare

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1341-1344 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

People get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives them a high;
being self-righteous and morally superior feels good. As political cartoonist Tim
Kreider put it in a New York Times op-ed: “Outrage is like a lot of other things
that feel good but over time devour us from the inside out. And it’s even more
insidious than most vices because we don’t even consciously acknowledge that it’s a
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1344 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 12:30:04

Dependenta de a fi victima
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1392-1395 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Growth is an endlessly iterative process. When we learn something new, we don’t go

from “wrong” to “right.” Rather, we go from wrong to slightly less wrong. And when
we learn something additional, we go from slightly less wrong to slightly less
wrong than that, and then to even less wrong than that, and so on. We are always in
the process of approaching truth and perfection without actually ever reaching
truth or perfection.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1395 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 15:26:58

Procesul invatarii
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1417-1418 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Certainty is the enemy of growth. Nothing is for certain until it has already
happened—and even then, it’s still debatable. That’s why accepting the inevitable
imperfections of our values is necessary for any growth to take place.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1418 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 15:31:32
A fi sigur de tooot ce se intimpla stopeaza dezvoltarea
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1456-1466 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Our minds are constantly whirring, generating more and more associations to help us
understand and control the environment around us. Everything about our experiences,
both external and internal, generates new associations and connections within our
minds. Everything from the words on this page, to the grammatical concepts you use
to decipher them, to the dirty thoughts your mind wanders into when my writing
becomes boring or repetitive—each of these thoughts, impulses, and perceptions is
composed of thousands upon thousands of neural connections, firing in conjunction,
alighting your mind in a blaze of knowledge and understanding. But there are two
problems. First, the brain is imperfect. We mistake things we see and hear. We
forget things or misinterpret events quite easily. Second, once we create meaning
for ourselves, our brains are designed to hold on to that meaning. We are biased
toward the meaning our mind has made, and we don’t want to let go of it. Even if we
see evidence that contradicts the meaning we created, we often ignore it and keep
on believing anyway. The comedian Emo Philips once said, “I used to think the human
brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me
this.” The unfortunate fact is, most of what we come to “know” and believe is the
product of the innate inaccuracies and biases present in our brains.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1466 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 19:31:34

How the brain creates associations

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1485-1490 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Ever play the telephone game as a kid? You know, you say something in one person’s
ear and it gets passed through like ten people, and what the last person hears is
completely unrelated to what you started with? That’s basically how our memories
work. We experience something. Then we remember it slightly differently a few days
later, as if it had been whispered and misheard. Then we tell somebody about it and
have to fill in a couple of the plot holes with our own embellishments to make sure
everything makes sense and we’re not crazy. And then we come to believe those
little filled-in mental gaps, and so we tell those the next time too.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1490 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 19:34:43

Mintea-telefon stricat
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1540-1543 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

If we’re all wrong, all the time, then isn’t self-skepticism and the rigorous
challenging of our own beliefs and assumptions the only logical route to progress?
This may sound scary and self-destructive. But it’s actually quite the opposite.
It’s not only the safer option, but it’s liberating as well.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1543 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 19:58:00
Always question your gut
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1610-1613 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Uncertainty removes our judgments of others; it preempts the unnecessary

stereotyping and biases that we otherwise feel when we see somebody on TV, in the
office, or on the street. Uncertainty also relieves us of our judgment of
ourselves. We don’t know if we’re lovable or not; we don’t know how attractive we
are; we don’t know how successful we could potentially become. The only way to
achieve these things is to remain uncertain of them and be open to finding them out
through experience.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1613 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 20:08:32

Puterea de a nu fi 100 procente sigur de nimic

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1626-1629 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it. That means
the more something threatens to change how you view yourself, how
successful/unsuccessful you believe yourself to be, how well you see yourself
living up to your values, the more you will avoid ever getting around to doing it.
There’s a certain comfort that comes with knowing how you fit in the world.
Anything that shakes up that comfort—even if it could potentially make your life
better—is inherently scary.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1629 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 20:11:13

Manson s Law
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1632-1636 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

You avoid writing that screenplay you’ve always dreamed of because doing so would
call into question your identity as a practical insurance adjuster. You avoid
talking to your husband about being more adventurous in the bedroom because that
conversation would challenge your identity as a good, moral woman. You avoid
telling your friend that you don’t want to see him anymore because ending the
friendship would conflict with your identity as a nice, forgiving person.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1635 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 20:12:14

Ex of Manson s Law
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1694-1696 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

As a general rule, we’re all the world’s worst observers of ourselves. When we’re
angry, or jealous, or upset, we’re oftentimes the last ones to figure it out. And
the only way to figure it out is to put cracks in our armor of certainty by
consistently questioning how wrong we might be about ourselves.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1696 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 20:21:13

EU sint cel mai prost observator al meu

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1708-1710 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Aristotle wrote, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a

thought without accepting it.” Being able to look at and evaluate different values
without necessarily adopting them is perhaps the central skill required in changing
one’s own life in a meaningful way.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1710 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 20:23:51

Accepta chiar daca nu aprobi

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1777-1780 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

Improvement at anything is based on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude

of your success is based on how many times you’ve failed at something. If someone
is better than you at something, then it’s likely because she has failed at it more
than you have. If someone is worse than you, it’s likely because he hasn’t been
through all of the painful learning experiences you have.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1780 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 23:34:41

Fail to improve
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1788-1789 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

We can be truly successful only at something we’re willing to fail at. If we’re
unwilling to fail, then we’re unwilling to succeed.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1789 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 23:36:49

SI tu veux avoir du succès soit préparé d échouer

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1890-1892 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020

When I was in high school, my math teacher Mr. Packwood used to say, “If you’re
stuck on a problem, don’t sit there and think about it; just start working on it.
Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, the simple act of working on it will
eventually cause the right ideas to show up in your head.”
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1892 | Ajouté le mercredi 4 mars 2020 23:58:32

Lucreaza asupra problemei fara sa te gindesti

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1902-1908 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

you want to accomplish something but don’t feel motivated or inspired, then you
assume you’re just screwed. There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s not until a
major emotional life event occurs that you can generate enough motivation to
actually get off the couch and do something. The thing about motivation is that
it’s not only a three-part chain, but an endless loop: Inspiration → Motivation →
Action → Inspiration → Motivation → Action → Etc. Your actions create further
emotional reactions and inspirations and move on to motivate your future actions.
Taking advantage of this knowledge, we can actually reorient our mindset in the
following way: Action → Inspiration → Motivation
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1908 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 00:01:06

Action inspiration motivations

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1984-1986 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

Travel is a fantastic self-development tool, because it extricates you from the

values of your culture and shows you that another society can live with entirely
different values and still function and not hate themselves. This
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 1986 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 00:14:28

Calatoria si dezvoltrea
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2018-2020 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

That rejection is an inherent and necessary part of maintaining our values, and
therefore our identity. We are defined by what we choose to reject. And if we
reject nothing (perhaps in fear of being rejected by something ourselves), we
essentially have no identity at all.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2020 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 10:41:18

Necesitatea respingerii
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2062-2069 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

The difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship comes down to two
things: 1) how well each person in the relationship accepts responsibility, and 2)
the willingness of each person to both reject and be rejected by their partner.
Anywhere there is an unhealthy or toxic relationship, there will be a poor and
porous sense of responsibility on both sides, and there will be an inability to
give and/or receive rejection. Wherever there is a healthy and loving relationship,
there will be clear boundaries between the two people and their values, and there
will be an open avenue of giving and receiving rejection when necessary. By
“boundaries” I mean the delineation between two people’s responsibilities for their
own problems. People in a healthy relationship with strong boundaries will take
responsibility for their own values and problems and not take responsibility for
their partner’s values and problems. People in a toxic relationship with poor or no
boundaries will regularly avoid responsibility for their own problems and/or take
responsibility for their partner’s problems.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2069 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 10:46:25

Relatia sanatoasa vs nesanatoasa

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2138-2139 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

It’s not about giving a fuck about everything your partner gives a fuck about; it’s
about giving a fuck about your partner regardless of the fucks he or she gives.
That’s unconditional love, baby.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2139 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 10:55:01

Dragoste neconditionata, baby :)

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2196-2199 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

But more is not always better. In fact, the opposite is true. We are actually often
happier with less. When we’re overloaded with opportunities and options, we suffer
from what psychologists refer to as the paradox of choice. Basically, the more
options we’re given, the less satisfied we become with whatever we choose, because
we’re aware of all the other options we’re potentially forfeiting.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2199 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 11:02:42

Paradoxul optiunilor
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2397-2400 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

This willing and even exuberant interfacing with one’s own mortality has ancient
roots. The Stoics of ancient Greece and Rome implored people to keep death in mind
at all times, in order to appreciate life more and remain humble in the face of its
adversities. In various forms of Buddhism, the practice of meditation is often
taught as a means of preparing oneself for death while still remaining alive.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2400 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 18:26:31

Gindeste te la moarte c sa apreciezi viata

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2426-2430 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

Whether you’re listening to Aristotle or the psychologists at Harvard or Jesus

Christ or the goddamn Beatles, they all say that happiness comes from the same
thing: caring about something greater than yourself, believing that you are a
contributing component in some much larger entity, that your life is but a mere
side process of some great unintelligible production. This feeling is what people
go to church for; it’s what they fight in wars for; it’s what they raise families
and save pensions and build bridges and invent cell phones for: this fleeting sense
of being part of something greater and more unknowable than themselves.
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2430 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 18:30:18

The basic root of happiness

6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2441-2443 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020

People declare themselves experts, entrepreneurs, inventors, innovators, mavericks,

and coaches without any real-life experience. And they do this not because they
actually think they are greater than everybody else; they do it because they feel
that they need to be great to be accepted in a world that broadcasts only the
6b35da5092e62e87a1610345519760d8 (Zamzar)
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ʼ 2443 | Ajouté le jeudi 5 mars 2020 18:32:08

Nevoia de a fi extraordinar
O mie nouasute optzeci si patru (George Orwell)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 893-897 | Ajouté le mardi 10 mars 2020 23:52:40

Syme, care a tăcut de câteva momente, desenează modele în sosul de la tocană, cu

vârful lingurii. Vocea de la masa de alături măcăie de zor mai departe, acoperind
cu uşurinţă vacarmul din jur. — E un cuvânt în Nouvorbă, zice Syme, nu ştiu dacă-l
ştii: macavorbi - a măcăi ca o raţă. Este unul dintre cuvintele interesante, care
are două sensuri contradictorii. Aplicat unui adversar, este o insult ă; aplicat
cuiva cu care eşti de acord, e o laudă.
O mie nouasute optzeci si patru (George Orwell)
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ʼ 897 | Ajouté le mardi 10 mars 2020 23:53:21

Educated (Tara Westover)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 4168-4174 | Ajouté le lundi 30 mars 2020

carried the books to my room and read through the night. I loved the fiery pages of
Mary Wollstonecraft, but there was a single line written by John Stuart Mill that,
when I read it, moved the world: “It is a subject on which nothing final can be
known.” The subject Mill had in mind was the nature of women. Mill claimed that
women have been coaxed, cajoled, shoved and squashed into a series of feminine
contortions for so many centuries, that it is now quite impossible to define their
natural abilities or aspirations. Blood rushed to my brain; I felt an animating
surge of adrenaline, of possibility, of a frontier being pushed outward. Of the
nature of women, nothing final can be known. Never had I found such comfort in a
void, in the black absence of knowledge. It seemed to say: whatever you are, you
are woman.
Educated (Tara Westover)
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ʼ 4174 | Ajouté le lundi 30 mars 2020 23:28:19

The nature of woman

Educated (Tara Westover)
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ʼ 4274-4276 | Ajouté le lundi 30 mars 2020

“Shawn used to say that,” she said, fixing her eyes on mine. That moment would stay
with me. I would remember it the next day, when I boarded a plane in Salt Lake
City, and it would still be on my mind when I landed in London. It was the shock of
it that I couldn’t shake. Somehow, it had never occurred to me that my sister might
have lived my life before I did.
Educated (Tara Westover)
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ʼ 4276 | Ajouté le lundi 30 mars 2020 23:46:08

Surorile nu discuta
Educated (Tara Westover)
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ʼ 4761-4762 | Ajouté le mardi 31 mars 2020

began to read—Hume, Rousseau, Smith, Godwin, Wollstonecraft and Mill. I lost myself
in the world they had lived in, the problems they had tried to solve. I
Educated (Tara Westover)
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ʼ 4762 | Ajouté le mardi 31 mars 2020 16:26:03

Lista de citit
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 261-262 | Ajouté le samedi 4 avril 2020

pulling the wool over their eyes,”

Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 556-557 | Ajouté le lundi 6 avril 2020 15:05:41

We think we can easily see into the hearts of others based on the flimsiest of
clues. We jump at the chance to judge strangers. We would never do that to
ourselves, of course. We are nuanced and complex and enigmatic. But the stranger is
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
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ʼ 557 | Ajouté le lundi 6 avril 2020 15:06:01

Judecam strainii
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre signet à lemplacement
ʼ 800 | Ajouté le lundi 6 avril 2020 22:50:18
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 872-874 | Ajouté le mardi 7 avril 2020 22:32:51

You believe someone not because you have no doubts about them. Belief is not the
absence of doubt. You believe someone because you don’t have enough doubts about
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
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ʼ 874 | Ajouté le mardi 7 avril 2020 22:33:22

Incredere vs indoiala
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 996-1005 | Ajouté le mardi 7 avril 2020

Levine’s theories are laid out in his book, Duped: Truth-Default Theory and the
Social Science of Lying and Deception (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press,
2019). If you want to understand how deception works, there is no better place to
start. 4 In my book Blink, I wrote of Paul Ekman’s claim that a small number of
people are capable of successfully detecting liars. For more on the Ekman-Levine
debate, see the extended commentary in the Notes. 5 SAFE stands for Security
Analyst File Environment. I love it when people start with the acronym and work
backward to create the full name. CHAPTER FOUR The Holy Fool 1. In November 2003,
Nat Simons, a portfolio manager for the Long Island– based hedge fund Renaissance
Technologies, wrote a worried email to several of his colleagues. Through a
complicated set of financial arrangements, Renaissance found itself with a stake in
a fund run by an investor in New York named
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 996-998 | Ajouté le mardi 7 avril 2020 22:54:21

Levine’s theories are laid out in his book, Duped: Truth-Default Theory and the
Social Science of Lying and Deception (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press,
2019). If you want to understand how deception works, there is no better place to
start. 4
Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 998 | Ajouté le mardi 7 avril 2020 22:55:42

Book recommendation
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 78 | Ajouté le mardi 28 avril 2020 17:13:45

Cartea despre rusine

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 78-78 | Ajouté le mardi 28 avril 2020 17:13:45

Thought It Was Just Me.1

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 308-311 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Shame hates it when we reach out and tell our story. It hates having words wrapped
around it—it can’t survive being shared. Shame loves secrecy. The most dangerous
thing to do after a shaming experience is hide or bury our story. When we bury our
story, the shame metastasizes. I remember saying out loud: “I need to talk to
someone RIGHT NOW. Be brave, Brené!”
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 311 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 10:34:17

Ce faci cind apare rusinea

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 416-418 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a
relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be
present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our
shared humanity.”3
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 418 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 11:02:09

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 477-477 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships, Daniel Goleman

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 477 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:15:39

Carte neurologir
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 488-492 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

As we think about the definition of connection and how easy it is to mistake

technology for connecting, we also need to consider letting go of the myth of self-
sufficiency. One of the greatest barriers to connection is the cultural importance
we place on “going it alone.” Somehow we’ve come to equate success with not needing
anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we’re very reluctant
to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve divided the world
into “those who offer help” and “those who need help.” The truth is that we are
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 492 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:18:21

Lumea celor care ofera sau primesc ajutor

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 528-529 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Here’s what is truly at the heart of Wholeheartedness: Worthy now. Not if. Not
when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 529 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:32:35

Tu meriti acum
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 468-469 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen,
heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 468-470 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen,
heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they
derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 469 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:33:56

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 493-495 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open
heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly
attach judgment to giving help.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 495 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:34:22

Arta de a primi s oferajutor

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 542-545 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

One of the biggest surprises in this research was learning that fitting in and
belonging are not the same thing, and, in fact, fitting in gets in the way of
belonging. Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to
be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who
we are; it requires us to be who we are.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 545 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:36:43

Fitting in versus belonging

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 565-566 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the
roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are
acknowledged, healed, and rare.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 566 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:40:18

Despre love
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 567-570 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Belonging: Belonging is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than
us. Because this yearning is so primal, we often try to acquire it by fitting in
and by seeking approval, which are not only hollow substitutes for belonging, but
often barriers to it. Because true belonging only happens when we present our
authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be
greater than our level of self-acceptance.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 570 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:41:36

apartine ma
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 583-585 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

It’s so much easier to say, “I’ll be whoever or whatever you need me to be, as long
as I feel like I’m part of this.” From gangs to gossiping, we’ll do what it takes
to fit in if we believe it will meet our need for belonging. But it doesn’t. We can
only belong when we offer our most authentic selves and when we’re embraced for who
we are.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 585 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:44:32

True story sad but true

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 586-587 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

To begin by always thinking of love as an action rather than a feeling is one way
in which anyone using the word in this manner automatically assumes accountability
and responsibility.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 587 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:47:29

Lov as as an action
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 789-792 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Shame needs three things to grow out of control in our lives: secrecy, silence, and
judgment. When something shaming happens and we keep it locked up, it festers and
grows. It consumes us. We need to share our experience. Shame happens between
people, and it heals between people. If we can find someone who has earned the
right to hear our story, we need to tell it. Shame loses power when it is spoken.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 792 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 15:19:12

Shame résistance
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 916-919 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things,
or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then
do what you really need to do, in order to have what you want. — Margaret Young
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 919 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 15:43:07

Viata traita invers

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 987-990 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020
Our unexpressed ideas, opinions, and contributions don’t just go away. They are
likely to fester and eat away at our worthiness. I think we should be born with a
warning label similar to the ones that come on cigarette packages: Caution: If you
trade in your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety,
depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 990 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 21:30:24

Consecintele frustrarii
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1024-1027 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is

not about healthy achievement and growth. Perfectionism is the belief that if we
live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of
blame, judgment, and shame. It’s a shield. Perfectionism is a twenty-ton shield
that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s
really preventing us from taking flight.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1027 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 21:39:46

pacatul perfectionistului
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1116-1117 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1117 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 avril 2020 21:52:55

Cel mai sensibil vers

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1303-1305 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

Practicing spirituality is what brings healing and creates resilience. For me,
spirituality is about connecting with God, and I do that most often through nature,
community, and music. We all have to define spirituality in a way that inspires us.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1305 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 11:31:18

Cum ma pot conecta la Dumnezeu

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1310-1310 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

It’s called the vowel check: AEIOUY.

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1310 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:00:54

Metoda buna
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1375-1375 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1375 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:11:16

Carte despre fericire

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1390-1391 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

my gratitude posts on Fridays that I call TGIF. I turned this quote into a small
badge, and part of my gratitude practice is a weekly post about what I’m Trusting,
what I’m Grateful for, what Inspires me, and
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1391 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:14:51

Tgif pe blog
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1418-1419 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

My friend Lynne Twist has written an incredible book called The Soul of Money.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1419 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:19:03

De cautat cartea
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1440-1441 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020
Thought It Was Just Me, I write,
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1441 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:22:01

Carte brene
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1449-1451 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

When I’m flooded with fear and scarcity, I try to call forward joy and sufficiency
by acknowledging the fear, then transforming it into gratitude. I say this out
loud: “I’m feeling vulnerable. That’s okay. I’m so grateful for ____________.”
Doing this has absolutely increased my capacity
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1451 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:23:17

Lupta cu frica
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1454-1455 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

From taking turns being thankful during grace to more creative projects like
creating a jar to keep gratitude notes in, we’re making Wholeheartedness a family
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1455 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 16:24:01

Gratitude jar
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1527-1531 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

quote that literally cracked open my heart. It’s from a book by Anne Lamott: “The
opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty.”4 Her books about faith and grace
inspire me.5 I’m inspired by and thankful for When the Heart Waits by Sue Monk
Kidd6 and Pema Chödrön’s Comfortable with Uncertainty7; they saved me.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1531 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 22:43:27

Carti despre nesigurant

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1535-1536 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to
change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen!
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1536 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 22:44:30

Sérénité Prayer
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1571-1571 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

“Comparison is the thief of happiness.”

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1571 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 22:50:11

Good point
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1626-1629 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020

Dr. Stuart Brown. Dr. Brown is a psychiatrist, clinical researcher, and founder of
the National Institute for Play. He is also the author of a wonderful book titled,
Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul.1
Drawing on his own research, as well as the latest advances
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1629 | Ajouté le vendredi 1 mai 2020 22:58:03

Cartea despre joaca

- Votre surlignement sur la page 9-9 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 10:53:07

how Christianity works: If you’re Native American and you

pray to the wolves, you’re a savage. If you’re
African and you pray to your ancestors, you’re a
primitive. But when white people pray to a guy who turns water
into wine, well, that’s just common sense.
- Votre note sur la page 9 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 10:53:31

Cum functioneaza crestinismul

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1728-1729 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

“Anxiety is extremely contagious, but so is calm.”

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1729 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 10:57:11

Spread calm
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1837-1838 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

of One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success.1 Alboher

interviewed hundreds
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1837-1837 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

author of
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1837-1838 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success.1

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1838 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:30:35

Cariere multiple
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1852-1853 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1853 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:32:31

Lupta cu indoiala
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1858 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:34:01

Malcom gladwell despre cariere multiple

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1858-1858 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1861-1861 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

Last, I think everyone should read Paulo

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1860-1861 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

journey. Last, I think everyone should read Paulo

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1861 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:35:19

To read
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1861-1861 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

The Alchemist
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1869-1870 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you’ve
never been hurt and live like it’s heaven on Earth.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1870 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:36:36

De facut motto
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1876-1877 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy, social critic Barbara

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1877 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:38:18

Collective ecstazy
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1926-1927 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020

A good belly laugh, singing at the top of your lungs, and dancing like no one is
looking are unquestionably good for the soul.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and
Embrace Who You Are (Brown, Brene)
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ʼ 1927 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 11:44:34

Reteta bucuriei
- Votre surlignement sur la page 10-10 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 21:51:02

David slaying Goliath

- Votre surlignement sur la page 11-11 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 21:58:29

Almost everything that’s ever gone wrong in my life I can

trace back to a secondhand car. Secondhand cars made me get
detention for being late for school. Secondhand cars left us
hitchhiking on the side of the freeway. A secondhand car was
also the reason my mom got married. If it hadn’t
been for the Volkswagen that didn’t work, we never would have
looked for the mechanic who became the husband who
became the stepfather who became the man who tortured
us for years and put a bullet in the back of my
mother’s head—I’ll take the new car with the warranty every
- Votre note sur la page 11 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 21:58:45

Fara second cars

- Votre surlignement sur la page 13-13 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 22:05:42

just that we were. I was aware of the fact that there was
a thing called apartheid
- Votre surlignement sur la page 14-14 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 22:11:00

“If God is with me, who can be against me?

- Votre note sur la page 14 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 22:11:21

Curajul credinciosului
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- Votre surlignement sur la page 26-26 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:03:20

I wasn’t a lonely kid—I was good at being alone.

I’d read books, play with the toy that I had, make up
imaginary worlds. I lived inside my head. I still live inside
my head. To this day you can leave me alone for hours and
I’m perfectly happy entertaining myself. I have to remember
to be with people. —
- Votre note sur la page 26 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:03:31

Happy alone
- Votre surlignement sur la page 32-32 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:19:33

My grandmother always told me that she loved my prayers.

She believed my prayers were more powerful, because I
prayed in English. Everyone knows that Jesus, who’s white,
speaks English. The Bible is in English. Yes, the Bible was
not written in English, but the Bible came to South Africa
in English so to us it’s in English. Which made my
prayers the best prayers because English prayers get
answered first. How do we know this? Look at white
people. Clearly they’re getting through to the right
person. Add to that Matthew 19:14. “Suffer little
children to come unto me,” Jesus said, “for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.” So if a child is praying in
English? To White Jesus? That’s a powerful combination right
there. Whenever I prayed, my grandmother would say, “That
prayer is going to get answered. I can feel it.”
- Votre note sur la page 32 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:19:51

Biblia engleza
- Votre surlignement sur la page 33-33 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:23:30

People built homes the way they bought eggs: a little at

a time. Every family in the township was allocated a
piece of land by the government. You’d first build a shanty on
your plot, a makeshift structure of plywood and corrugated
iron. Over time, you’d save up money and build a brick wall. One
wall. Then you’d save up and build another wall. Then, years later,
a third wall and eventually a fourth. Now you had a
room, one room for everyone in your family to sleep,
eat, do everything. Then you’d save up for a roof. Then
windows. Then you’d plaster the thing. Then your daughter
would start a family. There was nowhere for them to go,
so they’d move in with you. You’d add another corrugated-iron
structure onto your brick room and slowly, over years, turn
that into a proper room for them as well. Now your house
had two rooms. Then three. Maybe four. Slowly,
- Votre note sur la page 33 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:23:50
Greul cladirii casei
- Votre surlignement sur la page 39-39 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:46:46

Language brings with it an identity and a culture, or

at least the perception of it. A shared language says “We’re
the same.” A language barrier says “We’re different.”
The architects of apartheid understood this. Part of the effort
to divide black people was to make sure we were
separated not just physically but by language as well. In the
Bantu schools, children were only taught in their home language.
Zulu kids learned in Zulu. Tswana kids learned in
Tswana. Because of this, we’d fall into the trap the government
had set for us and fight among ourselves, believing that we
were different
- Votre note sur la page 39 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:47:01

Limba ca identitate
- Votre surlignement sur la page 40-40 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:49:35

Because I don’t know how to hit a white child,” she said.

“A black child, I understand. A black child, you hit
them and they stay black. Trevor, when you hit him he
turns blue and green and yellow and red. I’ve never seen those
colors before. I’m scared I’m going to break him. I don’t
want to kill a white person. I’m so afraid. I’m not
going to touch him.”
- Votre note sur la page 40 | Ajouté le samedi 2 mai 2020 23:49:53

Bruise for black and white

- Votre surlignement sur la page 43-43 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:08:47

, until they felt we were part of the same tribe, and then
we were cool. That, and so many other smaller incidents in my
life, made me realize that language,
- Votre surlignement sur la page 43-43 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:08:52

from white people. Have a good day, man.” They were ready to do
me violent harm, until they felt we were part of the same
tribe, and then we were cool. That, and so many other
smaller incidents in my life, made me realize that language,
- Votre surlignement sur la page 43-43 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:09:00

That, and so many other smaller incidents in my life, made me

realize that language, even more than color, defines who
you are to people. I became a chameleon. My color didn’t
change, but I could change your perception of my color.
If you spoke to me in Zulu, I replied to you in
Zulu. If you spoke to me in Tswana, I replied to
you in Tswana. Maybe I didn’t look like you, but if
I spoke like you, I was you.
- Votre note sur la page 43 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:09:10

Limba ne defineste
- Votre surlignement sur la page 48-48 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:19:29

My mother used to tell me, “I chose to have you because

I wanted something to love and something that would love
me unconditionally in return.” I was a product of her
search for belonging. She never felt like she belonged
anywhere. She didn’t belong to her mother, didn’t belong
to her father, didn’t belong with
- Votre note sur la page 48 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:19:53

Pt ast facut eu bebe?!!!!

- Votre surlignement sur la page 52-52 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:35:03

, alone. There was this sense of the two of us embarking on

a grand adventure. She’d say things to me like, “It’s you
and me against the world.” I understood even from an early
age that we weren’t just mother and son. We were a
team. It was when we
- Votre note sur la page 52 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:35:24

Team pascan
- Votre surlignement sur la page 53-53 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:36:56

Jimmy Swaggart sermons

- Votre surlignement sur la page 53-53 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:37:18

Jimmy Swaggart sermons

- Votre surlignement sur la page 53-53 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:37:35

radio wasn’t getting reception, my mom would pop in a

cassette of Jimmy
- Votre surlignement sur la page 54-54 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:42:26
My job is to feed your body, feed your spirit, and feed your
- Votre note sur la page 54 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:42:58

Mama hraneste copilul

- Votre surlignement sur la page 60-60 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:58:15

The child will look you dead in the eye and say, “Got it.” Ten
minutes later the child is drawing on the wall. You start
screaming. “Why the hell are you drawing on the wall?!”
The child looks at you, and he genuinely has no idea why
he drew on the wall. As a kid, I remember having
that feeling all the time. Every time I got punished, as
my mom was whooping my ass, I’d be thinking, Why did
I just do that? I knew not to do that. She told me
not to do that. Then once the hiding was over I’d say to
myself, I’m going to be so good from here on. I’m never
ever going to do a bad thing in my life ever ever ever
ever ever—and to remember not to do anything bad, let me
write something on the wall to remind myself…and then I
would pick up a crayon and get straight back into it,
and I never understood why.
- Votre note sur la page 60 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 00:58:29

Mintea copilului
- Votre surlignement sur la page 69-69 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:10:54

There was a famous incident during an Orlando Pirates

soccer match a few years ago. A cat got into the stadium
and ran through the crowd and out onto the pitch in the
middle of the game. A security guard, seeing the
cat, did what any sensible black person would do. He said
to himself, “That cat is a witch.” He caught the cat
and—live on TV—he kicked it and stomped it and beat
it to death with a sjambok, a hard leather whip. It
was front-page news all over the country. White people
- Votre surlignement sur la page 69-69 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:11:00

There was a famous incident during an Orlando Pirates

soccer match a few years ago. A cat got into the stadium
and ran through the crowd and out onto the pitch in the
middle of the game. A security guard, seeing the
cat, did what any sensible black person would do. He said
to himself, “That cat is a witch.” He caught the cat
and—live on
- Votre surlignement sur la page 69-69 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:11:13
There was a famous incident during an Orlando Pirates
soccer match a few years ago. A cat got into the stadium
and ran through the crowd and out onto the pitch in the
middle of the game. A security guard, seeing the
cat, did what any sensible black person would do. He said
to himself, “That cat is a witch.” He caught the cat
and—live on TV
- Votre note sur la page 69 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:11:24

Sarmana pisica
- Votre surlignement sur la page 70-70 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:13:41

In a black neighborhood, you wouldn’t dare own a cat,

especially a black cat. That would be like wearing a sign
that said, “Hello, I am a witch.” That would be suicide.
Since we’d moved to a colored neighborhood, my mom
thought the cats would be okay. Once they were grown we let
them out during the day to roam the neighborhood. Then we
came home one evening and found the cats strung up by
their tails from our front gate, gutted and skinned and bleeding
out, their heads chopped off. On our front wall someone had
written in Afrikaans, “Heks”—“Witch.” Colored people, apparently,
were no more progressive than black people on the issue of
cats. I wasn’t exactly devastated about the cats. I don’t
think we’d had them long enough for me to get attached; I
don’t even remember their names. And cats are dicks for the
most part. As much as I tried they never felt like real pets.
They never showed me affection nor did they accept any
of mine. Had the cats made more of an effort, I might have
felt like I had lost something. But even as a kid,
looking at these dead, mutilated animals, I was like, “Well,
there you have it. Maybe if they’d been nicer, they could have
avoided this.”
- Votre note sur la page 70 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:13:54

Cats are dicks

- Votre surlignement sur la page 71-71 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:16:26

That’s when we realized that their whole lives the one dog had
been telling the other dog what to do somehow. The smart,
hearing one was helping the dumb, deaf one.
- Votre note sur la page 71 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:16:43

- Votre surlignement sur la page 71-71 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:17:05
dog is a great thing for a kid to have. It’s like a
bicycle but with emotions
- Votre note sur la page 71 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:17:16

Bicicleta cu emotii
- Votre surlignement sur la page 74-74 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:21:35

I believed that Fufi was my dog, but of course that wasn’t

true. Fufi was a dog. I was a boy. We got along well.
She happened to live in my house. That experience shaped
what I’ve felt about relationships for the rest of my life:
You do not own the thing that you love. I was lucky to
learn that lesson at such a young age. I have so many
friends who still, as adults, wrestle with feelings
of betrayal. They’ll come to me angry and crying and
talking about how they’ve been cheated on and lied to,
and I feel for them. I understand what they’re going through.
I sit with them and buy them a drink and I say,
“Friend, let me tell you the story of Fufi.”
- Votre note sur la page 74 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:21:59

Love is difficile
- Votre surlignement sur la page 80-80 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:39:59

I’ve been following you,” he said, and he opened it up. It

was a scrapbook of everything I had ever done, every time
my name was mentioned in a newspaper, everything from magazine
covers to the tiniest club listings, from the beginning of
my career all the way through to that week. He was
smiling so big as he took me through it, looking
at the headlines. “Trevor Noah Appearing This Saturday at
the Blues Room.” “Trevor Noah Hosting New TV Show.” I felt
a flood of emotions rushing through me. It was
everything I could do not to start crying. It felt like
this ten-year gap in my life closed right up in an
instant, like only a day had passed since I’d last seen
him. For years I’d had so many questions. Is he thinking
about me? Does he know what I’m doing? Is he proud of me?
But he’d been with me the whole time. He’d always been proud
- Votre note sur la page 80 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 10:40:15

Tata fiu réunion

- Votre surlignement sur la page 86-86 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 21:32:59

That’s what apartheid did: It convinced every group that it was

because of the other race that they didn’t get into the
club. It’s basically the bouncer at the door telling you,
“We can’t let you in because of your friend Darren
and his ugly shoes.” So you look at Darren and say, “Screw
you, Black Darren. You’re holding me back.” Then when Darren
goes up, the bouncer says, “No, it’s actually your friend Sizwe
and his weird hair.” So Darren says, “Screw you,
Sizwe,” and now everyone hates everyone. But the truth is
that none of you were ever getting into that club.
- Votre note sur la page 86 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 21:33:18

Ideea divide si cucereste

- Votre surlignement sur la page 86-86 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 21:34:20

Learn to walk upright like the white man. Then all of a

sudden it’s Planet
- Votre surlignement sur la page 86-86 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 21:34:38

the Apes,
- Votre surlignement sur la page 99-99 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 22:25:54

was everywhere with everybody, and at the same time I was all
by myself
- Votre note sur la page 99 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 22:26:08

Trist Aqdevar
- Votre surlignement sur la page 100-100 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 22:26:37

don’t regret anything I’ve ever done in life, any choice

that I’ve made. But I’m consumed with regret for the things
I didn’t do, the choices I didn’t make, the things
I didn’t say. We spend so much time being afraid of
failure, afraid of rejection. But regret is the thing
we should fear most. Failure is an answer. Rejection is
an answer. Regret is an eternal question you will
never have the answer to. “What if…” “If only…” “I wonder
what would have…” You will never, never know, and it will
haunt you for the rest of your days
- Votre note sur la page 100 | Ajouté le dimanche 3 mai 2020 22:26:46

- Votre surlignement sur la page 137-137 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:45:28

Hitler, although an unusual name, is not unheard-of in South

Africa. Part of it has to do with the way a lot
of black people pick names. Black people choose their
traditional names with great care; those are the names that have deeply
personal meanings. But from colonial times through the days
of apartheid, black people in South Africa were required
to have an English or European name as well—a name
that white people could pronounce, basically. So you had your
English name, your traditional name, and your last name: Patricia
Nombuyiselo Noah. Nine times out of ten, your European name was
chosen at random, plucked from the Bible or taken from
a Hollywood celebrity or a famous politician in the
news. I know guys named after Mussolini and Napoleon. And, of
course, Hitler. Westerners are shocked and confused by
that, but really it’s
- Votre surlignement sur la page 137-137 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:45:35

Hitler, although an unusual name, is not unheard-of in South

Africa. Part of it has to do with the way a lot
of black people pick names. Black people choose their
traditional names with great care; those are the names that have deeply
personal meanings. But from colonial times through the days
of apartheid, black people in South Africa were required
to have an English or European name as well—a name
that white people could pronounce, basically. So you had your
English name, your traditional name, and your last name: Patricia
Nombuyiselo Noah. Nine times out of ten, your European name was
chosen at random, plucked from the Bible or taken from
a Hollywood celebrity or a famous politician in the
news. I know guys named after Mussolini and Napoleon. And, of
course, Hitler.
- Votre note sur la page 137 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:45:46

- Votre surlignement sur la page 139-139 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:49:36

The day of the event, we booked a minibus

- Votre surlignement sur la page 138-138 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:49:42

There is also this to consider: The name Hitler does not offend
a black South African because Hitler is not the worst
thing a black South African can imagine. Every country thinks
their history is the most important, and that’s especially
true in the West. But if black South Africans could go back
in time and kill one person, Cecil Rhodes would come up
before Hitler. If people in the Congo could go back
in time and kill one person, Belgium’s King Leopold would
come way before Hitler. If Native Americans could go back
in time and kill one person, it would probably be
Christopher Columbus or Andrew Jackson.
- Votre note sur la page 138 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:50:04
Fiecare natie cu dusmanul sau
- Votre surlignement sur la page 141-141 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:57:36

We didn’t walk out of that school. We danced out. We

danced down the street pumping our fists in the air. “Go
Hit-ler! Go Hit-ler! Go Hit-ler! Go Hit-ler!” Because Hitler
had shut shit down. Hitler had the most gangster dance moves
ever, and those white people didn’t know what hit them
- Votre note sur la page 141 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 15:57:54

Go Hitler scoala evreilor

- Votre surlignement sur la page 153-153 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 16:39:57

Hustling is to work what surfing the Internet is to

reading. If you add up how much you read in a year
on the Internet—tweets, Facebook posts, lists—you’ve read the
equivalent of a shit ton of books, but in fact you’ve
read no books in a year. When I look back on it, that’s
what hustling was. It’s maximal effort put into minimal
gain. It’s a hamster wheel. If I’d put all that energy
into studying I’d have earned an MBA. Instead I was
majoring in hustling, something no university would give me
a degree for. When I first went into Alex
- Votre surlignement sur la page 153-153 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 16:40:22

Hustling is to work what surfing the Internet is to

reading. If you add up how much you read in a year
on the Internet—tweets, Facebook posts, lists—you’ve read the
equivalent of a shit ton of books, but in fact you’ve
read no books in a year. When I look back on it, that’s
what hustling was. It’s maximal effort put into minimal
gain. It’s a hamster wheel. If I’d put all that energy
into studying I’d have earned an MBA. Instead I was
majoring in hustling, something no university would give me
a degree for.
- Votre note sur la page 153 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 16:40:39

Hustling and reading

- Votre surlignement sur la page 160-160 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 22:24:12

“Yes, but the pressure of the university is going to get you.

I know you. You won’t sit by and watch these guys become
better than you. If you’re in an environment that is
positive and progressive, you too will become that. I
keep telling you to change your life, and you don’t.
One day you’re going to get arrested, and when you do,
don’t call me. I’ll tell the police to lock you up just
to teach you a lesson.”
- Votre note sur la page 160 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 22:24:25

Mediul conteaza
- Votre surlignement sur la page 167-167 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 22:39:40

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that

goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language,
that goes to his heart.” He
- Votre note sur la page 167 | Ajouté le mardi 5 mai 2020 22:39:51

Limba cap ratiune

- Votre surlignement sur la page 191-191 | Ajouté le mercredi 6 mai 2020 00:01:30

It is so easy, from the outside, to put the blame on the

woman and say, “You just need to leave.” It’s not like my
home was the only home where there was domestic abuse. It’s
what I grew up around. I saw it in the streets
of Soweto, on TV, in movies. Where does a woman go
in a society where that is the norm? When the police
won’t help her? When her own family won’t help her? Where does
a woman go when she leaves one man who hits her and
is just as likely to wind up with another man who
hits her, maybe even worse than the first? Where does a woman
go when she’s single with three kids and she lives in a
society that makes her a pariah for being a manless
woman? Where she’s seen as a whore for doing that? Where does
she go? What does she do?
- Votre note sur la page 191 | Ajouté le mercredi 6 mai 2020 00:01:43

Violenta domesticz
484c05458ad93b34d20b6dfd462da431 (Unknown)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 83-83 | Ajouté le lundi 11 mai 2020 23:48:53

Flautistului din Hamelin)? Un strat subţire de praf

484c05458ad93b34d20b6dfd462da431 (Unknown)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 143-143 | Ajouté le mardi 12 mai 2020 19:19:41

astfel de lucruri. Acolo am locuit şi am crescut

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 533-536 | Ajouté le vendredi 15 mai 2020

“Inteligenţa nesfîrşită, care mi-a oferit această dorinţă, mă orientează, mă

conduce şi-mi revelează cel mai bun mod în care ea poate fi îndeplinită. Ştiu că
înţelepciunea profundă a subconştientului va răspunde favorabil şi că tot ceea ce
simt şi doresc în interiorul fiinţei mele se va manifesta în exterior. Totul în
mine este în armonie şi echilibru.”
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 536 | Ajouté le vendredi 15 mai 2020 22:47:32

Fraza de aur
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 653-657 | Ajouté le samedi 16 mai 2020 20:43:42

“Acest ceas a fost făcut de un ceasornicar care, înainte de a-l fi creat, a

conceput în minte, mai întîi, forma sa; dacă ceasul se defectează, el va şti cu
siguranţă cum să-l repare.” Tot astfel, subconştientul care mi-a creat acest trup
este precum un ceasornicar şi ştie foarte bine cum să-l vindece, să-l îngrijească
şi să dirijeze toate funcţiile sale vitale. Dar, pentru aceasta, eu va trebui să-i
sugerez ideea unei sănătăţi perfecte. Această idee va fi cauza, iar vindecarea
bolii va constitui efectul dorit.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 657 | Ajouté le samedi 16 mai 2020 20:43:50

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1657-1660 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

cazul fiinţei umane, atît timp cît sîngele circulă prin corp în mod liber, ea se va
afla într-o stare de sănătate deplină. Prin analogie, dacă banii circulă fără
obstacole în viaţa voastră cotidiană, sunteţi sănătoşi din punct de vedere
economic. Cînd omul începe însă să-i acumuleze, să-i pună la ciorap sau în safe-
uri, cînd începe să se teamă pentru ei, atunci el se îmbolnăveşte.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1659 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:06:44

Boala cauzata de bani

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1701-1704 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Îmi plac banii pentru ceea ce pot realiza cu ei şi îi folosesc cu înţelepciune, în

mod constructiv. Banii circulă în mod constant în viaţa mea, eu îi cheltui cu
bucurie, iar ei se întorc la mine multiplicaţi. Banii sunt un lucru foarte bun. Am
parte de ei din abundenţă şi nu-i folosesc decît pentru a face bine. Sunt
recunoscător pentru prosperitatea de care mă bucur şi pentru recunoaşterea
spirituală pe care o deţin.”
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1704 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:10:51

Afirmatii bani multi in viata mea

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1724-1725 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020
principiului antic, conform căruia: “Avînd clar în minte scopul, veţi descoperi şi
mijloacele pentru realizarea acestui ţel”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1725 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:13:08

Principiul antic
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1753-1756 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Mă aflu în legătură cu bogăţiile infinite din subconştient. Am dreptul să fiu

bogat, fericit şi liber. Banii îmi sosesc din abundenţă, fără nici un obstacol.
Sunt pe deplin conştient de adevărata mea valoare. Îmi folosesc perfect liber
talentul şi sunt răsplătit într-un mod minunat”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1756 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:15:49

Pastrarea banilor
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1775-1776 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Banii sunt utili. Mă folosesc de ei cu înţelepciune, în mod constructiv şi

judicios. Îi dăruiesc cu bucurie, iar ei îmi sosesc multiplicaţi de mii de ori.”
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1776 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:17:41

Fraza de intretinut banoo

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1785-1787 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

Experimentarea continuă a acestor binefaceri, constituie chiar viaţa eternă la care

se referea Iisus, cînd afirma că lucrurile cele mai importante sunt pacea, armonia,
siguranţa, libertatea individuală şi fericirea şi că acestea sunt intangibile,
deoarece nimeni nu vi le poate răpi. Ele provin din Sinele esenţă al fiinţei
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1784-1789 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

A dobîndi mereu succesul, atunci cînd vi-l propuneţi, înseamnă să reuşiţi în viaţă,
să fiţi cu adevărat fericiţi. Experimentarea continuă a acestor binefaceri,
constituie chiar viaţa eternă la care se referea Iisus, cînd afirma că lucrurile
cele mai importante sunt pacea, armonia, siguranţa, libertatea individuală şi
fericirea şi că acestea sunt intangibile, deoarece nimeni nu vi le poate răpi. Ele
provin din Sinele esenţă al fiinţei voastre. Cine meditează asupra acestor
calităţi, va intra imediat în rezonanţă cu sursa divină, umplînduşi subconştientul
cu ideile lor forţă. Acestea sunt adevăratele comori “pe care nici molia, nici
rugina nu le strică”. (Matei 6: 20)
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1789 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:19:44

Calitatile indispensabile
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1796-1797 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Infinita înţelepciune a subconştientului îmi va arăta care este adevăratul meu loc
în această viaţă”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1797 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:20:54

Rugaciune pt rolul in viata

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1893-1896 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Subconştientul este sediul întregii înţelepciuni. Doar el poate găsi casa ideală
pentru mine, astfel încît să fie dotată cu tot ceea ce trebuie, fără să aibă un
preţ prea mare. Trimit aceste dorinţe către subconştient, fiind sigur că nu mă va
dezamăgi. Am o încredere deplină că aceste gînduri vor da roadele aşteptate, aşa
cum ţăranul, cînd pune seminţe în pămînt, se supune legilor imuabile ale naturii”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1896 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:31:58

Rugaciune pt casa perfe ct

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1908-1912 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Înţelepciunea infinită ce sălăşluieşte în subconştient ştie deja care este

cumpărătorul ideal al acestei case, cel care să aibă nevoie de ea şi să-mi aducă un
profit bun. Ea îl trimite acum către mine şi, chiar dacă va vedea şi alte case,
numai a mea îl va mulţumi, căci este călăuzit de inteligenţa universală a
subconştientului. Sunt sigur că totul va fi perfect: cumpărătorul, momentul
tranzacţiei şi preţul. Forţele ascunse din subconştient acţionează mereu, punîndu-
mă în rezonanţă cu armonia divină.”
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1912 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:33:31

Rugaciune pt vonderea csei

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1955-1956 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Memoria infinită a subconştientului îmi revelează, în orice moment, ceea ce am

nevoie să ştiu”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1956 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:37:52

Ruga pt memorie
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1957-1958 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Înţelepciunea subconştientului ştie deja care este cumpărătorul ideal pentru acest
lucru şi îl atrage către mine”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1957 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:38:28

Vindeeem apart
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2048-2049 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

Dr. John Bingelow - “The Mystery of Sleep”, New York and London, Jasper Brothers
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2048 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 10:54:56

Carte de deux tit

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2127-2134 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Picioarele se relaxează, braţele se relaxează, spatele se destinde complet,

creierul se umple de calm şi bucurie, faţa mi se destinde; întregul corp este
perfect relaxat şi psihicul se linişteşte complet. Iert din tot sufletul pe toţi
cei care au greşit faţă de mine şi trimit către toate 111 fiinţele universului
gînduri de iubire, armonie, pace şi sănătate. Mă învăluie un ocean de linişte şi
bucurie şi devin conştient de Prezenţa Divină din mine. Percep intuitiv fascinantul
mister al Vieţii şi al Iubirii. Fericirea mă cuprinde şi devin plin de bunăvoinţă
faţă de cei din jur. Întreaga noapte voi dormi în această pace fermecată, iar
dimineaţa mă voi trezi plin de vitalitate şi de iubire. O sferă de beatitudine mă
cuprinde mereu, făcîndu-mă din ce în ce mai bun şi mai înţelept. Nu-mi este teamă
de nimic, căci ştiu că Tu eşti cu mine. Voi dormi în pace şi mă voi trezi plin de
bucurie, dedicîndu-Ţi întreaga mea viaţă şi iubire.”
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2134 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 11:05:37

Rugaciune inainte de somn

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2318-2319 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

produce în realitate. CAPITOLUL XV CUM SÃ DEVENIM MAI FERICIŢI William James, tatăl
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2339-2339 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

ceea ce este sublim şi bun. În virtutea legii imuabile a rezonanţei

0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2336-2340 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020

“Mă încredinţez armoniei divine şi o chem să vină în sufletul meu. Începe o zi nouă
şi minunată pentru mine. Nici o zi nu a fost atît de frumoasă ca cea de astăzi.
Divinul mă ghidează în tot ceea ce fac şi orice acţiune îmi va fi încununată de
succes. Sunt un veritabil focar de iubire şi pace. Dacă în timpul zilei voi uita
aceste gînduri luminoase, trebuie să mi le amintesc imediat, să fiu mereu orientat
către ceea ce este sublim şi bun. În virtutea legii imuabile a rezonanţei voi fi
întîmpinat doar cu gînduri curate şi binevoitoare. Orice acţiune va fi încununată
de succes. Voi fi fericită întreaga zi.”.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2340 | Ajouté le jeudi 21 mai 2020 22:11:30

Inceput de zi
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2592-2594 | Ajouté le vendredi 22 mai 2020

Conectaţi-vă mereu la sursa infinită de înţelepciune, care este subconştientul.

Aveţi încredere în răspunsurile pe care vi le dă acesta, aşa cum credeţi în mama
voastră, care v-a ţinut în braţe.
0b1c932c923fb100b2660d3fb07cbf0c (Miruna)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2594 | Ajouté le vendredi 22 mai 2020 10:40:13

Incredere in subconstient
НИ СЫ. Восточная мудрость, которая гласит: будь уверен в своих силах и не позволяй
сомнениям мешать тебе двигаться вперед (Джен Синсеро)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 451-453 | Ajouté le vendredi 22 mai 2020

и подумать об убеждениях, которые могли их создать. Давай возьмем для примера

старый и любимый всеми вопрос – отсутствие денег. Ты зарабатываешь намного меньше
Sept jours pour une éternité... (Levy, Marc)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 75-76 | Ajouté le lundi 25 mai 2020 21:21:53

signe de s'éloigner. — Ne restez pas là-dessous, vous êtes dans une zone d'aplomb :
Sept jours pour une éternité... (Levy, Marc)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 90-93 | Ajouté le lundi 25 mai 2020 21:27:32

ou à bord des cargos. Au loin, dans l'invisible, la corne de brume d'un remorqueur
répondit à l'arrêt de l'activité. — A force de jours chômés, ce port finira par
fermer. — Ce n'est pas moi qui fais la pluie et le beau temps, Manca, j'empêche
juste vos hommes de se tuer. Arrêtez de faire cette tête-là, je déteste quand nous
sommes fâchés, je vous offre un café et des œufs brouillés. Venez !
- Votre surlignement sur la page 45-45 | Ajouté le mercredi 27 mai 2020 11:42:13

Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the
world can’t poke enough holes in it to drain it dry
- Votre note sur la page 45 | Ajouté le mercredi 27 mai 2020 11:42:32

Increderea in sine
- Votre surlignement sur la page 47-47 | Ajouté le mercredi 27 mai 2020 22:47:33

Think of it this way. Your child has a hole in her heart that can be filled only by
her parents’ praise. And if she doesn’t receive enough affirmation from you, she’ll
go her whole life trying desperately to find it. She’ll try her If a child lives
with approval, he learns to live with himself. Dorothy Law Noltebest, even as a
grown woman, to do anything she can to please you and win your affirmation — and
eventually the affirmation of everyone else
- Votre note sur la page 47 | Ajouté le mercredi 27 mai 2020 22:47:53

Nevoia de afirmare
- Votre surlignement sur la page 52-52 | Ajouté le mercredi 27 mai 2020 23:00:40

American writer Eric Hoffer, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by
Ronald Regan in February 1983, said something interesting about Martha Bauer, the
woman who raised him after his mother died.“I remember a lot of talk and a lot of
laughter,” said Hoffer.“I must have talked a great deal because Martha used to say
- Votre note sur la page 52 | Ajouté le mercredi 27 mai 2020 23:00:53

Asculta copilul
- Votre surlignement sur la page 47-47 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 21:31:01

Think of it this way. Your child has a hole in her heart that can be filled only by
her parents’ praise. And if she doesn’t receive enough affirmation from you, she’ll
go her whole life trying desperately to find it. She’ll try her If a child lives
with approval, he learns to live with himself. Dorothy Law Noltebest, even as a
grown woman, to do anything she can to please you and win your affirmation — and
eventually the affirmation of everyone else. 45
- Votre surlignement sur la page 60-60 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 21:34:45

Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting,

- Votre surlignement sur la page 60-60 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 21:35:06

Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting,

- Votre surlignement sur la page 60-60 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 21:35:33

Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting, suggests

- Votre note sur la page 60 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 21:35:52

Carte de citit
- Votre surlignement sur la page 86-86 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 22:15:16

book You Matter More Than You Think

- Votre note sur la page 86 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 22:15:31

carte de cautat
- Votre surlignement sur la page 88-88 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 22:19:21

What is “the blessing”? It’s the knowledge that someone in the world loves and
accepts you unconditionally. And that’s exactly what you give your child when you
picture a special future for him. According to Gary and John, seeing a special
future for a child is like building him a campfire on a dark night. It draws him
“toward the warmth of genuine concern and fulfilled potential — instead of leaving
a child to head into a dark unknown.”1 So as you light a pathway for your child’s
future, don’t neglect the importance of giving your child the blessing of
unconditional love and acceptance. Painter Benjamin West is a good example of
someone who received this blessing as a child. He tells how he loved to paint as a
youngster. One day when his mother left the house, he pulled out all the paints and
made quite a mess. He hoped to get it cleaned up before his mother came back, but
she returned before he was finished and discovered the mess. West explains that
what she did next completely surprised him. She picked up his painting and said,
“My, what a beautiful painting of your sister. ” Then she gave him a kiss on the
cheek and walked away. With that kiss, West says, he became a painter. Every day
you have the opportunity to paint a picture of the future for your child — even
when it seems they’ve made a mess. And each time you apply a single
- Votre note sur la page 88 | Ajouté le jeudi 28 mai 2020 22:19:32

The blessing
- Votre surlignement sur la page 96-96 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:25:17

Let’s do Mad, Sad, and Glad.

- Votre note sur la page 96 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:25:32

Super game de familie

- Votre note sur la page 97 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:26:58

Conectare prin juurnal

- Votre surlignement sur la page 97-97 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:26:58
parent-child journal
- Votre surlignement sur la page 99-99 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:31:15

game that we know has worked wonders for many parents. It’s called “verbal tennis
- Votre note sur la page 99 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:31:39

Joc de comunicare
- Votre surlignement sur la page 99-99 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:31:39

verbal tennis,
- Votre surlignement sur la page 107-107 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:42:40

Mike and his mother were in the doctor’s office for his pre-school physical. The
receptionist, completing his medical history, asked, “What is your birth date?”
“February 25,” Mike answered.“What year?” the receptionist asked.“Every year,” was
Mike’s matter-of-fact reply. Good answer! In a child’s mind, what matters is the
celebration, not the historical data105
- Votre note sur la page 107 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:42:56

Good answer
- Votre surlignement sur la page 115-115 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:52:29

Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.
- Votre note sur la page 115 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 22:52:50

De implimentat
- Votre surlignement sur la page 123-123 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:11:11

Trust men and they will be true to you,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson, “treat them
greatly and they will show themselves great. ” The same holds true for kids. In
fact, the surest way to garner your child’s trust and respect is to show your child
that you genuinely trust and respect her. This simple act, more than anything else
you do as a parent, will engender a mutual authenticity that roots your
relationship in
- Votre note sur la page 123 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:11:25

Trust respect your child

- Votre note sur la page 132 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:24:54
De citit
- Votre surlignement sur la page 132-132 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:24:54

Anatomy of Love
- Votre surlignement sur la page 134-134 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:28:30

One night a child was late coming home for supper; when her worried father met her
at the door, she explained that on her way she had encountered a friend who had
broken her favorite doll on the sidewalk.“So you stopped to help her pick up the
pieces?” her father asked.“Oh no,” she answered.“I stopped and helped her cry. ”
- Votre note sur la page 134 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:28:37

- Votre surlignement sur la page 136-136 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:32:00

Every time you look past words or actions or even appearances that aren’t lovely —
and love a child anyway — you’re saying, “I choose you. ” And remember, you’re
doing more than soothing your child’s spirit. You’re building a fortress of love,
the safest place on earth, around her heart. Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your
staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4134
- Votre note sur la page 136 | Ajouté le vendredi 29 mai 2020 23:32:14

Fortress of love
- Votre surlignement sur la page 144-144 | Ajouté le samedi 30 mai 2020 23:33:57

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.

- Votre note sur la page 144 | Ajouté le samedi 30 mai 2020 23:34:08

CArt de cautat
- Votre surlignement sur la page 148-148 | Ajouté le samedi 30 mai 2020 23:41:28

Born to Buy: The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture,
- Votre note sur la page 148 | Ajouté le samedi 30 mai 2020 23:41:53

Carte de cauta
- Votre surlignement sur la page 148-148 | Ajouté le samedi 30 mai 2020 23:42:35

The Shelter of Each Other, author Mary Pipher

- Votre note sur la page 148 | Ajouté le samedi 30 mai 2020 23:42:45

Carte de cautat
- Votre surlignement sur la page 168-168 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:07:45

Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch

- Votre note sur la page 168 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:08:02

Carte decautat
- Votre surlignement sur la page 169-169 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:10:31

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde,

- Votre note sur la page 169 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:10:45

Bok bipolar behaviour

- Votre surlignement sur la page 173-173 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:18:09

Comedian Martin Mull says, “Having children is like having a bowling alley
installed in your head
- Votre note sur la page 173 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:18:15

- Votre surlignement sur la page 181-181 | Ajouté le lundi 1 juin 2020 00:27:17

a child’s life than the moral power of quiet example.

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 275-275 | Ajouté le mardi 2 juin 2020 23:09:55

essentially no big deal. If we can’t integrate them into the ups and
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 296-301 | Ajouté le vendredi 5 juin 2020

am definitely not in control of what thoughts or emotions are going to arise, nor
can I halt their flow. Stillness is followed by movement, movement flows back into
stillness. Even the most persistent physical pain, when I pay attention to it,
changes like the tides. I feel gratitude to the Buddha for pointing out that what
we struggle against all our lives can be acknowledged as ordinary experience. Life
does continually go up and down. People and situations are unpredictable and so is
everything else. Everybody knows the pain of getting what we don’t want: saints,
sinners, winners, losers. I feel gratitude that someone saw the
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 324-326 | Ajouté le vendredi 5 juin 2020

personality. As a student once asked, “Doesn’t experiencing egolessness make life

kind of beige?” It’s not like that. Buddha was pointing out that the fixed idea
that we have
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 310-311 | Ajouté le vendredi 5 juin 2020

aversion to it. We want permanence; we expect permanence.

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 653-654 | Ajouté le dimanche 7 juin 2020

of happiness.” In teaching this I’ve found that

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 658-659 | Ajouté le dimanche 7 juin 2020

fundamental well-being. The aspiration of another person is that all beings—

including himself—begin to trust in their basic goodness.
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 875-875 | Ajouté le mercredi 10 juin 2020

there are no guarantees when we practice tonglen. We have

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 875-876 | Ajouté le mercredi 10 juin 2020

there are no guarantees when we practice tonglen. We have to answer our own
questions. Does it really alleviate
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 953-953 | Ajouté le mercredi 10 juin 2020

of us, she kept feeding the gloom with

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 948-949 | Ajouté le mercredi 10 juin 2020

Rather than appreciate where we are, we continually struggle and nurture our
dissatisfaction. It’s like trying to get the flowers to grow by pouring cement on
the garden.
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 949 | Ajouté le mercredi 10 juin 2020 22:47:34

Ciment peste flori

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1119-1120 | Ajouté le vendredi 12 juin 2020

Booker T. Washington was right when he said, “Let no man pull you so low as to make
you hate him.” Cruelty when rationalized or unacknowledged destroys us.
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1120 | Ajouté le vendredi 12 juin 2020 23:04:02

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Pema
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1122-1122 | Ajouté le samedi 13 juin 2020

of connecting us with others, this separates us.

A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 140-141 | Ajouté le mercredi 17 juin 2020

infinitesimally compact that it has no dimensions

Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 6 | Ajouté le jeudi 25 juin 2020 22:25:39

Metoda de a invata a citi

Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 6-6 | Ajouté le jeudi 25 juin 2020 22:25:39

Words in Color;
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 8-8 | Ajouté le jeudi 25 juin 2020 22:31:54

Let's Read is the title of a book by Leonard Bloomfield and Clarence Barnhart,
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 8 | Ajouté le jeudi 25 juin 2020 22:32:07

Carte de cautat
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 11-11 | Ajouté le jeudi 25 juin 2020 22:42:13

Gyns at Wrk, by Glenda Bissex

Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 11 | Ajouté le jeudi 25 juin 2020 22:42:30

Cartedespre citit
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 21-21 | Ajouté le vendredi 26 juin 2020 11:11:07

We could write each letter on a separate card or piece of paper, vowels in one
color, and consonants in another. Then we could say to the child, "Put together any
two, or three, or four (or more) of these cards, and I will tell you what they
say." If the child gave us bsrx, we could do our best to make those sounds. The
child would begin to notice after a while that the only combinations of letters
that made sounds that sounded like the words he heard around him were the ones that
had both colors in them, and that these were very often in the form of consonant-
color + vowel-color + consonant-color. If he ever asked, "What do you call this
kind of letter, and what do you call this kind?" (I can't guess whether a child
would be likely to do this), I would say, "We call these kinds of letters 'vowels'
and these consonants."' (
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 21 | Ajouté le vendredi 26 juin 2020 11:11:19

Cum inveti literele

Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 4-4 | Ajouté le vendredi 26 juin 2020 11:18:08

The typical class-room, with other children ready to point out, correct, and even
laugh at every mistake, and the teacher all too often (wittingly or
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 25-25 | Ajouté le vendredi 26 juin 2020 11:56:57

In any case, the problem this proposal aims to solve is wholly unnecessary. If
teachers would only stop making children read aloud in class, they would not need
to worry about how to respond to their mistakes. And, even more important, if
children were allowed to read privately and for their own pleasure, they would soon
catch and correct most of these mistakes themselves.
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 25 | Ajouté le vendredi 26 juin 2020 11:57:19

Stop reading in voice

Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 28-28 | Ajouté le samedi 27 juin 2020 21:09:39

In still other ways we could make dear to the children that writing is an extension
of powers they already have, and that they, got for themselves: namely the powers
of speech. We should constantly remind them that they figured out for themselves
how to understand and talk like all the bigger people around them, and that
learning to write and to read writing is easy Writing is a kind of magic or deep-
frozen speech, which the writer can use, day after day, to say to everyone who
looks at it whatever he wants to sly. It is an extension of the voice of the-
speaker, and since children sense their littleness and want to be larger and more
potent, the idea that through writing they can make their voices I reach much
farther could be very exciting to them.
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 28 | Ajouté le samedi 27 juin 2020 21:09:58

Puterea scridului
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 29-29 | Ajouté le samedi 27 juin 2020 21:14:41

Thus, to take a very simple example, a child writing a card for the word horse
would write HORSE on one side (perhaps both in capitals and lowercase letters), and
on the other side would draw a figure of a horse, or perhaps stick on a picture
taken from a magazine. The child might also write a sentence about a horse, like "I
want to ride a----," or "My -- eats hay," or "A colt is a young -------," and so
on. It is important that those who will use the card draw the picture and or make
up the sentence(s); that way, they are much more likely to remember. Then what the
time comes to test themselves, the students can put the cards down, picture-side-
up, take 1 card look at the picture and read the sentence, figure out what the word
is, spell it on another piece of paper, and then turn the card over to see whether
they were right The "right" cards could be put aside in one stack the "wrong" cards
in another. It would probably be good for students to go through their "wrong"
cards again at the end of the test. The students themselves would decide how many
words to try People who are anxious about spelling would probably do better not to
test themselves too long at a time. And it would probably be a good idea, whenever
there got to be as many as, my five cards in the 'wrong" stack for students to
retest themselves on them before going on with other words
Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre note sur la page 29 | Ajouté le samedi 27 juin 2020 21:15:06

Cum invat copilul scrierea

Learning All The Time by John Holt (
- Votre surlignement sur la page 81-81 | Ajouté le lundi 6 juillet 2020 22:08:23

children who are made to practice. We need to take serious account of the fact,
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre signet à lemplacement
ʼ 614 | Ajouté le dimanche 19 juillet 2020 14:30:23

A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1185-1186 | Ajouté le lundi 27 juillet 2020

cause of this froth was a strange assertion by the great French naturalist the
Comte de Buffon—he of the heated spheres from the previous chapter—that
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1193-1197 | Ajouté le lundi 27 juillet 2020

found repeated or echoed in European texts till near the end of the nineteenth
century. Not surprisingly, such aspersions were indignantly met in America. Thomas
Jefferson incorporated a furious (and, unless the context is understood, quite
bewildering) rebuttal in hisNotes on the State of Virginia , and induced his New
Hampshire friend General John Sullivan to send twenty soldiers into the northern
woods to find a bull moose to present to Buffon as proof of the stature and majesty
of American quadrupeds. It took the men two weeks to track down a suitable subject.
The moose, when shot,
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1549-1551 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 juillet 2020

surgeon’s knife because no one thought of the gas’s most obvious practical
application. I mention this to make the point that chemistry, having come so far in
the eighteenth century, rather lost its bearings in the first decades
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1569 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 juillet 2020 23:50:07

A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1569-1569 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 juillet 2020

A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1581 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 juillet 2020 23:52:59

Ce e asta???
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1581-1581 | Ajouté le mercredi 29 juillet 2020

pleasures of nitrous oxide.

A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 1606-1608 | Ajouté le jeudi 30 juillet 2020

Despite the occasional tidyings-up, chemistry by the second half of the nineteenth
century was in something of a mess, which is why everybody was so pleased by the
rise to prominence in 1869 of an odd and crazed-looking professor at the University
of St. Petersburg named Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev.
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 1608 | Ajouté le jeudi 30 juillet 2020 00:06:59

A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
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ʼ 2010-2011 | Ajouté le dimanche 2 août 2020

Every atom you possess has almost certainly passed through several stars and been
part of millions of organisms on its way to becoming you.
A Short History Of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2011 | Ajouté le dimanche 2 août 2020 23:04:07

Curios despre atomi

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2290-2290 | Ajouté le mardi 18 août 2020

The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule.

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2290 | Ajouté le mardi 18 août 2020 21:29:53

Carte tradotii
The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 2860 | Ajouté le lundi 31 août 2020 22:57:48

Toxic childhood de citit

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 2860-2860 | Ajouté le lundi 31 août 2020

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 3021 | Ajouté le lundi 31 août 2020 23:15:02

De citit in praise of slow

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 3021-3021 | Ajouté le lundi 31 août 2020

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 3029-3030 | Ajouté le lundi 31 août 2020

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk. (I’ve
The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 3030 | Ajouté le lundi 31 août 2020 23:16:18

De citit
The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 3375 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020 22:22:43

Creativity expert
The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 3375-3375 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020

Ken Robinson,
The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 3384 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020 22:24:27

Sa deschid scoala montzssoro

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 3384-3384 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 3752 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020 22:33:34

Scoala de certificare montzssori

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 3752-3753 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020

Association Montessori Internationale,

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 3806-3806 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020

Nonviolent Communication courses run by Yoram Mosenzon from

The Montessori Toddler (Simone Davies)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 3806 | Ajouté le mardi 1 septembre 2020 22:39:29

Info de cautat comunicare non violenta

The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 16-16 | Ajouté le mercredi 2 septembre 2020

We are survival machines-robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish

molecules known as genes. This
The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 16 | Ajouté le mercredi 2 septembre 2020 13:33:07

The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 124-124 | Ajouté le mercredi 2 septembre 2020

If superior creatures from space ever visit earth,

The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 124 | Ajouté le mercredi 2 septembre 2020 13:39:43

Deja ador cartea asta

The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
- Votre surlignement à lemplacement
ʼ 856-858 | Ajouté le dimanche 6 septembre 2020
Without having any way of knowing what S or Y are-there could be many such
substances-we can simply make the general prediction that the more you can simulate
or mimic the properties of a young body in an old one, however superficial these
properties may seem, the longer should that old body live.
The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
- Votre note à lemplacement
ʼ 858 | Ajouté le dimanche 6 septembre 2020 23:43:53

Sfatul zilei

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