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- My opinion about positive and negative effects of technology on the
- How I see the future of our planet.
- How to mitigate the environmental damage.

Global warming has caused a lot of environmental damage to our planet and
the outbreak of the terrible effects are suffered by human beings right now and
the impact will be noticed worse on the generations to grow.
The rapid urbanization, caused harm to our planet and still does; and if people
do not reconsider and change their waste habits, for instance, the rising levels
of consumption, and attend the recommendations of The United Nations,
degradation of lands particularly on developing countries, will cause increasing
rates of poverty and resources scarcity.
Even though, technology seems essential to our generation, it has developed
not being eco-friendly technology and wasting necessary natural resources, just
to explode poisonous resources (a clear example, is the overuse of water in
order to look for oil by a terrible practice of fracking).
The future of our loved planet is not very promising, from my point of view.
Overuse of natural resources has caused lots of suffering and starvation (just
have a look to African countries)
We could just start to revert the damage process by taking actions as planting
trees, recycling, as well as following the common sense to take care of our
precious natural resources as rivers lakes and oceans.
To start with, I consider, we could begin to combat the increasing rate of
environmental pollution, just making our family and friends to decrease the
unnecessary waste of water, oxygen and also make them to avoid the overuse
of aerosols, carbon and fuel.

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