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Activity 9 Unsolved mysteries.

Raymond West
blew out a puff of smoke and repeated the
words with a kind of deliberate and conscious
pleasure. - Unsolved mysteries. He looked
around with satisfaction. The room was
ancient, with wide dark beams running across
the ceiling, and was furnished with good quality
furniture well suited to it. Hence the look
Raymond West approver. He was a writer by
profession and liked the atmosphere to be
evocative. Her Aunt Jane's house had always
seemed a very fitting setting for her personality.
Looked at across the room to where she was,
sitting stiffly in a large wing chair. Miss Marple
wore a black brocade gown, tight-fitting at the
waist, with a bib white Dutch lace from Mechlin.
She was wearing black lace mittens and a hat
In black lace she gathered her silky white hair,
wove something soft and white, and her clear
eyes blue, kind and benevolent, they gazed
with pleasure at their nephew and their
nephew's guests. I know They stopped first at
Raymond himself, so pleased with himself,
then at Joyce Lemprière, the artist, with thick
black hair and strange greenish eyes, and Sir
Henry Clithering, the great man of World.
There were two other people in the room: Dr.
Pender, the old clergyman from the parish; and
Mr. Petherick, lawyer, a wiry little man who
wore glasses, though he looked above and not
through the glass. Miss Marple devoted a
moment of attention to each of these

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