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Activity 3 Spanish

"I came, Monsieur Harrison, because ... I like you."

In a more carefree voice he added, "I see there is a
hornet's nest in your garden." Why don't you
destroy it?

The change of subject made Harrison frown. He

followed Poirot's gaze and said:

-Thought to do it. Or rather, young Langton will.

Do you remember Claude Langton? He attended the
dinner where you and I met. He comes tonight
expressly to destroy the nest.

-Ah! exclaimed Poirot. And how do you plan to do


-With oil sprayed with a garden injector. You will

bring yours which is more suitable than mine.

-There is another system, right? asked Poirot. For

example, potassium cyanide.

Harrison looked up in surprise.

-It is dangerous! There is a risk of its fixation on the

Poirot nodded.

-Yes; It is a deadly poison. "He was silent for a

minute and repeated," A deadly poison.

-Useful to get rid of the mother-in-law, right?

Harrison laughed. Hercule Poirot remained serious.

"Are you quite sure, Monsieur Harrison, that

Langton will destroy the hornet's nest with oil?"

-Sure. Why?

-Just curiosity. I was at the Bachester Pharmacy this

afternoon, and my purchase required that I sign the
poison book. The latest sale was potassium cyanide,
purchased by Claude Langton.

Harrison raised his eyebrows.

-Thats weird! Langton objected the other day to our
use of this substance. In his opinion, it should not be
sold for this purpose.

Poirot looked over the roses. His voice was very

quiet when he asked:

-Do you like Langton?

The question took Harrison by surprise, who felt its


-What do you want me to say! Well, yes, I like it.

Why shouldn't I like it?

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