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Activity 2 Agatha Christie

-You say it is a crime? A serious crime?

-One of the most serious crimes.

-Maybe a ...?

"Murder," completed Poirot.

So much emphasis was put on the word that

Harrison was overwhelmed. And as if that weren't
enough, the detective's pupils were so fixedly fixed
on him that daze washed over him. At last he was
able to articulate:

-I don't know that any murder happened here.

'No,' said Poirot. It is not possible that I know.


- At the moment, nobody.


-I have already told you that it is not possible that

you know. I am investigating a crime not yet

"Come on, that sounds silly."

-Absolutely. Investigating a murder before it is

consummated is much better than after. Even, with
a little imagination, it could be avoided.

Harrison looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you serious, Monsieur Poirot?"

-Yes I'm serious.

- Do you really think a crime is going to be

committed? That's absurd!

Hercule Poirot, ignoring the observation, said:

Unless you and I can avoid it. Yes, mon ami.

-You and me?

-You and me. I will need your cooperation.

-Is that the reason for your visit?

Poirot's eyes made him uneasy.

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