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PSYC2005 Lecture 3

RCT (Randomized Control Treatment)

Control treatment for Group 2: Active control (another type of psychotherapy / medication) /
no treatment

Compare whether post-treatment outcome for group 1 is better than group 2 (if yes =

Was not ALWAYS the benchmark (kinda new), was not the ONLY benchmark

Basic Principles

5. The client’s difficulties can be manifested in their therapeutic relationship (the problem can
be seen and identified in the relationship, so improving therapeutic relationship =>
POSSIBLY improving client’s problems [generalized])

Treatment Goal

Not immediate goal! Long-term outcome 

One-person vs Two-person

One-Person = therapies should not influence, respond, provide materials… to the clients or
the therapeutic relationship.
Blank slate = Solely for clients to project themselves.

Therapeutic stance

Hierarchical relationship (not friendship)

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