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English Professional

Week 10
Sesssion 14

Summarizing and Paraphrasing Texts

Creating Business Promotion Tool
ENGL6163 - English Professional

On successful completion of this Course, students will be able to:

LO 1: Demonstrate the Intermediate-level Academic English Listening skills of Basic

Comprehension, Pragmatic Understanding, and Connecting Information (a minimum of
IBT TOEFL Listening scaled score of 15 of scale 30)
LO 3: Demonstrate the Intermediate-level Business English speaking skills in terms of Delivery,
Clarity and Appropriacy (a minimum of BINUS English Speaking scaled score of 15 of
scale 30)


1. Listening Skill: Taking notes from some lecturers
2. Speaking Skill: Practicing the opening, main, and closing parts of a short business

ENGL6163 - English Professional


In our today’s online class, we will focus on English listening and speaking skill.
Specifically, there are 3 main discussions related to the listening skill especially on listening
comprehension. The activity of it is taking note. Besides, a review on the presentation skills.
Starting from the opening, main, and closing parts will also be discussed including the way to
hook the audiences and some expressions uses in the example The whole maaterials are
commonly in the form of theoretical and practical discussion.

ENGL6163 - English Professional


1. Listening Skill: Taking notes from some lecturers

Better notes will help you remember concepts, develop meaningful learning skills, and
gain a better understanding of a topic. Effective notes will even lead to less stress when test time
comes around. If your in-class notes are messy, unorganized, and unclear at first glance, you’re
not going to get much use out of them. This has nothing to do with how neat your handwriting is
it’s all about how your notes are structured. One of the most effective ways to remember (and
understand) what you are learning in class is to take effective notes in the classroom.
Learning how to take better study notes in class helps improve recall and understanding
of what you are learning because it:
 Ensures you are actively listening to what the teacher is saying
 Requires you to think about what you are writing
 Helps you make connections between topics
 Serves as quality review material for after class

Using different note taking strategies is important, especially as you progress through high
school and transition to college or university. There are several note taking techniques you can
use to start taking better notes in class such as writing in a hand writing note, typed note, or both.

2. Speaking Skill: Practicing the opening, main, and closing parts of a short business
To start a presentation, you can: introduce yourself, tell about your topic, tell the reason
why you choose that topic, tell about time limit for your presentation, give a plan of your talk,
and invite questions.
a. Introducing yourself
Good morning, everyone.
Hello everyone, welcome to …

ENGL6163 - English Professional

b. Structuring the presentation
I’m going to divide my talk into 4 parts. First, I’ll give you… After that, … Finally, …

c. Inviting questions
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be glad to answer any questions (at the
end of my talk).

d. Giving background information

I’ll give you some background

Let’s start with the background

Referring to the audience’s knowledge

As you know, … / As you are aware, …

e. Changing the topic

Right, let’s move on to … / OK, I’ll now look at …

f. Referring to visuals
If you look at the graph …

Could I draw your attention to the chart?

g. Concluding
To sum up, … / To summarize, …

h. Ending
Thanks very much. Any questions? / Well, that’s all I have to say / Thank you for listening.

Beside paying attention to those structure, in doing presentation there should be a hook to grab
the audience attention. The way to do hook such as:

ENGL6163 - English Professional

a. Tell a personal story
“when I was on holiday a few years ago in Greece, I remember talking to the owner of a
taverna. He said to me that in 20 years’ time, the little island where he lived would be a
popular tourist resort.”

b. Offer an amazing fact

“Let me start by giving you a statistic: 92% of all Americans do not posses a passport. Think
about that, & consider the opportunity it presents to the travel industry.”

c. Use a quotation
“Someone once said that ‘travel broadens the mind’. What I hope to do in this presentation is
demonstrate how to convince the next generation of travelers that this is still true.”

d. Ask a question
“I wonder if any of you here know the answer to this question: What’s the most popular
holiday destination in Europe for people under the age of 25?”

e. State a problem
“We’re facing a crisis with our market share.”

to my presentation. I know you’re all very busy, so I’ll be as brief as possible. OK then, I’m
going to talk about the new noodle product we’re putting on the market, the SuperMie. I’ll tell you
about the test launch we carried out in several malls in Jakarta a few weeks ago.

My presentation is divided into 3 parts. First, I’ll give you some background about the launch.
After that, I’ll tell you how we got on & assess its effectiveness. Finally, I’ll outline our future plans
for the product. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Right, let’s start with the background to the launch. As you know, SuperMie is a low-calorie
but high nutritious rice noodle with a distinctive taste. It’s been thoroughly tested in focus groups &
special attention was paid to the packaging. It’s wrapped in a recycle paper. The colors are
dominantly green, soft, to give an environment-friendly impression. OK everyone?

So, that’s the background. Right, let’s now move on to the test launch. How successful was it?
Well, in 2 words, very successful. If you look at the graph, you’ll see the noodle’s actual sales
compared with forecast sales. Quite a difference isn’t there? The sales were over 20% higher than
we predicted. In other words a really good result. Well above our expectations. The sales show that
the pricing of the product was correct. And they show that, as a premium line, the SuperMie should
be successful nationwide.

To sum up, a very promising test launch. I believe the noodle has great potential in the
market. Right, where do we go from here? Obviously, we’ll move on to stage 2 & have a national
advertising & marketing campaign. In a few months, you’ll be visiting our sales outlets & taking
orders, I hope, for the new product. Thanks very much. Any questions?

ENGL6163 - English Professional


In this meeting, we reviewed on the development of meaningful learning skills, and gain
a better understanding of a topic through note taking study. Effective notes will even lead to less
stress when test time comes around. After that in the speaking skill, doing a practice on the
opening, main, and closing parts of a short business presentation covering the introduction,
structuring, telling the reason, changing topic, using visual aids, concluding, ending, and doing a
good hook become the activity of smoothing a business presentation.

ENGL6163 - English Professional


1. Deborah Phillips. (2014). Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: IBT. 3rd
Edition. Pearson Longman. New Jersey. ISBN-10: 0133248127/ ISBN-13: 978-

ENGL6163 - English Professional

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