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Internship Quiz 1

Session :2

As the complaints and symptoms are noted, start exploring the core due which the child is showing the
outburst, what are the triggers and what he gains by doing this. CBT may apply in this condition by
processing the client's thoughts and shaping his behaviour. And other aspect highlights sibling rivalry as
the client reacts more to his younger brother. learn about the family dynamics of both siblings with
parents. As the client is young Play therapy can also be applied to calm the outburst and focus on the
stimulus which brings his reaction. Give a home task which keeps him busy, carries a positive outcome
for the therapy and requires less interaction with the things that triggers him, Like an short essay on 'My
family'. It can be a good draft to carry forward for upcoming session and to know the family dynamics
and relations.

Session: 3

Get feed back of the previous session and ask about the intensity of complaints after the previous
session. The client start showing this symptoms after a fight with his brother in which they both lost
some of there belonging, that may be a good reason, maybe the client wasn't so much indulge in the
fight or maybe it was not his fault but the loss he faced was greater than his brother in numbers which
may placed a thought of inferiority or having less attention from parents which resulted in sort of
detachment from his family. Find out client's relation with his parents before the birth of his younger
brother. A drastic shift in attention after the birth of his brother may have affect the relation. In addition
call the client's parents for a family counselling session. A child also shows outburst for attention or
maybe he had experienced a history of comparison of him and his brother. Ask th client's parents to give
him required attention because maybe when the times when the client wanted to share something with
someone, he couldn't find anyone and due to the unsaid things those things started irritating him which
also resulted in lack of concentration in his daily life.

Session: 4

Get feedback from the client and his family too, whether anything new came into the light or a decrease
in intensity of the complaints. After linked all the informations enlight the client that why the symptoms
are occuring and how to help him. whether it is sibling rivalry, conflict or misurderstandings, give him
the required needs and if the reason behinds the complaints is not in client's favour then make him
ready to face the facts which may have been previously taken as an injustified act. Make some possible,
realistic and equal boundries between the client and his brother which both have to follow. Like they
can not have eachothers belonging without asking for permission, they both are not allowed to interfare
in eachothers matter and both have to show respect to eachother. And in addition for their parents,
they have to be more attentive towards both of their children equally.

Session : 5

Get feedback of the previous session on behaviour and attention, make him ready for termination and
ask him to excercise the techniques which can overcome the causes in time s of need. Assess him either
the client is ready for the termination, enlight him with the skills and strengths in the client which can
help him to get back to his daily lifr e in a healthy manner, Ask parents for full support and to handle the
situations wisely in times of conflicts.

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