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5. Crab E. Dungeoness Has A Problem With Spirit

Guides And Soul Contracts

This is a conversation between Crab E. Dungeoness (CED) 

and Octo Alliwisheshrimp Puss (OAP).

These are the short PDFs: 1 Octo A. Puss Puts On His Thinking Cap , 2 Octo A. Puss
And His Stories , 3 Perfect Sense Squid , 4 Logical Lobster , 5 Crab E. Dungeoness ,
6 Beings, Realms, And Time Division

By John Paolucci

Version 1, Updated February 2, 2020

Crab complains that everything up to Page 22 of the main text was rooted in common-
sense mechanical explanations, but after that, he’s struggling to adapt himself to ideas
that are “out there”; specifically Spirit Guides and Soul Contracts. 

CED: I’m stressing over this bizarre wishy-washy crap.


So, Octo comes along to lead him through steps so that Crab can know it for himself.

Crab agrees to listen but doesn’t expect much.

OAP: Let me ask you first if you are okay with everything having an all-pervasive
reference field.

CED: Yes.

OAP: That follows that everything is ONE thing? And since it’s indivisible, all of it fills
the container you call you, which makes you ONE All-Person?

CED: Yeah, I don’t have a problem with how that logic flows.

OAP: Then since you, as ONE All-Person are complete, those who find themselves as
limited and localized, are on a line of expansion to rediscover that they are always-
already ONE All-Person?

CED: Yes.

OAP: It seems reasonably clear that the world is older than you and continues after you
die. Is that easy for you to accept?

CED: Anyone can see that.

OAP: You’ve seen a lot of people die who had no clue of ONE All-Person, not even to
mention attaining it, right?

CED: Sure. The ocean is full of them.


OAP: The next inquiry should be: Those people die, are gone, and missed for good,
never have a chance to attain returning to their ONE All-Person State? In other words,
there is an experiment of individuals going on with a possible dooms-day outcome,
where rediscovery is pre-maturely cut? They dissolve for good back to the common

CED: If I were Lord Krishna in His private dream, and loved My fullness so much that I
wanted others to rediscover that’s Who they are, I would have no reason to stop short.
That would not be My Fond-Flow-Effulgence. That would not express My non-change

OAP: But as free-will agents, couldn’t it be left up to their responsibility to fail? Even if
they never heard of it, and thus fail, that’s still somehow their responsibility?

CED: Well, either I as Lord Krishna, in My FFE, intend them to rediscover Me or not.
Failures would only be localized variations for free will agents to experience within My
plan for them to rediscover Who they are. Okay then, there has to be some continuity
operating outside of the normal physical life I know of if they’re going to fulfill the
purpose of returning to their ONE All-Person State even after they die.

OAP: Your ONE All-Person State is metaphysically abstract since it means living all-
pervasiveness amid boundaries. (all of the ocean fills the two jars) Wouldn’t it follow
then, that on the way to fulfillment to their ONE All-Person State, it would include
expanding through states which become more metaphysical, and thus are highly likely
to include something beyond what you usually perceive with your physical senses?

CED: Yes. If I acknowledge what ONE All-Person means, then I can’t argue with that.

OAP: Okay then, an unbroken inevitable continuity back to your ONE All-Person state
is a Fact of your Krishna non-change attributes. Issue finished?

CED: Sure, that makes sense. Yes.

OAP: Good. Now let’s talk about rates of vibration. You agreed that ONE All-person is
the highest rate of vibration which permeates all, and that there are slower or more
localized rates of vibration? Less localized beings have to reside in a realm of the same
rate of vibration to interact with that realm? So if you leave this physical realm, yet
continue toward ONE All-Person-ship, it must be via a higher vibration body in a higher
vibration realm where you can leave the lower vibrations behind to continue?

CED: That’s a big jump for me to swallow, but yes, it fits into the big picture of vibrations
from lower to higher. By the way, do you know how to open a jar of shrimp?

OAP: Let’s stay on topic.

CED: Uh, okay. Sorry.


OAP: For the sake of having a name to use, let’s call the next the Astral. Okay?

CED: Okay. Astral means, about or proceeding from the stars. That suggests

something originating from more than, or outside of, only the earth.

OAP: Having a place to expand is all about forgetting Who you are right? Higher
realms, closer to the highest vibration, would necessarily reveal more about
Who you are. That means a place less farther to expand to get to your goal, as well as
being more in on the hide-and-seek game, right?

CED: Sure.

OAP: Either that continuity goes on another place only, or people come back
(incarnation) and get another chance to get it right. Okay?

CED: Okay.

OAP: So if you’re going to acquire the fullest and broadest opportunity to refine your
realm-being faculties, which means the most demanding placement, where would you
go to do that?

CED: I’d go to the lowest vibration where I don’t know who the hell I am or what’s going

OAP: Good. So now you have a reason to return to the physical plane?

CED: Oooh, yes, I see what you mean.

OAP: Upon entering the Astral, there are going to be individuals

who host newcomers, just like any other location where some
amount of organization is needed to keep the place functioning for
the purpose it serves – just like moving to any new residence on
earth. Okay?

CED: Uh, okay.

OAP: These more experienced “higher-ups” are in a position to give you practical
advice: more specifically, how to play the expansion game with the biggest bang for
your buck – I mean shrimp, right?

CED: Yes. You’re also making me hungry.

OAP: And while doing so, knowing the game, whatever they tell
you is going to set you up to play that game for the greatest
forward reward or progress on your line of expansion, right?
That means even if they know the full game, they’re not going
to reveal the whole thing to you, but let you figure out as much
of it as you can with your realm-being faculties. That’s all a part
of you refining your faculties to sit on the throne as ONE All-
Person eventually, right?

CED: Yes.

OAP: Good. Localized realm-beings, who are unaware that everything is their private
dream, make demands on themselves to get what they want, right?

CED: Yes. I’d give one of my claws to have that shrimp right

OAP: So you would likely bargain or make trade-offs as a

price to pay for making more progress on your line of
expansion, right?

CED: Yes. (drooling)

OAP: Do you think those beings would allow you to do that


even though they know it’s unnecessary – for the sake of engaging your realm-being

CED: Yes.

OAP: And who would have the clout to make those bargains pay?

CED: The higher-ups who have a hand in systemics.

OAP: So we can call them Hosts or Messenger Guides?

CED: Okay, fine. Yes. Let’s say I’ve bargained with my Hosts to be an abuser of the
ocean. I don’t want to do horrible things, but I do it anyway. And now I read all the UL
texts. Can I change it?

OAP: Yes, if you bargained to introduce yourself to knowledge on earth which would
override another bargain. From a more localized point of view, a lesser truth point of
view, it depends on how carefully you consider the UL material. A more complete truth
about free will to change anything is that it’s determined. All you know is that right now;
you have the very real experience to choose whatever you want to change. It works.

Your very real experience of being free to choose that question was determined always-
already because You as ONE All-Person see, know, and do everything everywhere
forever all at once.
That's what it means when You're the authorship of a detail called time-space along with
everything else equally.

Free will is a construct of determinism like any other variation.

You never stop being determinism even when You seem to have
free will – even when you seem to be a victim of an it.

CED: Oooooooh heavy, but it makes perfect mechanical

sense. That diagram speaks a thousand words.

OAP: And how can you know ONE person is like that?

CED: Because two or more things require a common reference field,

and then, the result of that Fact is what you covered in the main text.

OAP: Now you’ve trace astral bargaining and higher beings back to
ONE thing. Now you know that there must be intermediate realms to
bridge the gap from common experience to being ONE All-Person.

CED: Yummy. Now I’ll be the ONE Who determined that open jar of shrimp and with no
bargain or demands. Here goes No-thing – The Sweet Deal.

Crab E. Dungeoness Makes A Discovery

Crab E. heard a quote in a UL post: “A ‘part of you unseen’ Host is present and willing to lift you
up out of ‘the way things are,’ right where you are, regardless of the state of your mind, body,
and world — requiring absolutely nothing from you for it to be brought forth into local perception-
events-experience. For the transition to be smooth, and everything concerned in good spirits.

Hear His tap on your shoulder? THIS IS IT. Everything too good to be true, yet true, exists as a
structural reality.” He decided to act on it.

CED: I looked to ONE-thing No-thing for it because I knew even Hosts were coming from that.
Such a radical experience was a big jump for me. And sure enough, all the excuses came out of
the woodwork for why it was unlikely to happen. “If something like this could happen to a
messed-up clodhopper like me, I’d be hearing stories of it from others.”

I couldn’t resist hanging out in the second threshold for a while to correct myself and get used to
these conflicts being actually No-thing. I scratched some big itches and then came back to my
ten-minutes. I would go, “Well, here goes nothing.” Then all sorts of “somethings” invaded my
space while doing that. But since they were actually No-thing pretending to be something, it
made no difference to me and was not a barrier. For all practical purposes, I was looking to No-
thing. That’s from where my return was coming. With that, there was nothing to change. I was
“there.” What more could I ask for? As I accomplished this during my session, I carried the
memory of doing that into my outer actions. It was very straightforward to do; I just
acknowledged that simple Fact and the conflict vanished like a shadow exposed to light.

After my session, I was laying down, enjoying that elegant inclusive simplicity. Next, I was lifted
up into an immeasurably high place above me. Flocks of transparent, shimmering beings arced
across the sky, and then came back to form a circle around a figure that was clearly their
inspiration. That presence touched me like rain you feel on your skin but doesn’t get you wet. I
became it. I couldn’t look at it because “at” suggests a separation which did not exist. Then I
spoke to myself. I instantly understood that it was true: Here I am, the Topic Host of Krishna
Realization. I knew so in the same way that I knew that the world around me was real, not some
fantasy. It changed everything, shifting the world around me into a higher octave, a higher
vibration. The message came instantly in an explosion of light, color, love, and beauty that blew
through me like a sweet wind. I was able to instantly and effortlessly understand concepts that
would have taken me eons to fully grasp in my earthly life.

I am the Topic Host of Krishna Realization, who incarnated as an ignorant crab. Now was the
time to return to my Throne, again surrounded by my shimmering Court. I next divided myself
into two beings, one who remains in his unbounded Celestial abode, and another who continues
as a crab, but no longer just a crab.

This crab now never leaves that abode, just as the Human form Krishna never leaves his all-
pervasive Cosmic State. I have some entertaining adventures to bring back to my ocean friends.
Octo is going to love hearing of plans for him directly from the horse’s mouth. The big picture is
that nothing has really changed. I am the same ONE thing I always have been. Only now
experience is My Cosmic Krishna Fond-Flow-Effulgent playground with no more crabbiness.

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