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Subject:Man 2nd year B

Umutbek Kalbekov

-Hey mate,how are you doing?

-Great bro.What about you?
-Wonderful.Don't you want to came my country on summer holidays?
-i don't know...i have never been in other countries,and moreover i am not really
into traveling
-Okay...then let me just tell you reasons why you should come to here and after
all if you don't like,i will back you off.
-Hmm...Try out
-So...let's start.I know that Japan in which you live is developed by advanced
technologies and leads in this,
but unfortunately it does not compare with the nature of which our country is rich.
I'm sure you're already exhausted of hearing the sound of cars and sirens and the
whole stone jungle stuff.And coming here,
I will introduce you to the real nature,our country is a Paradise for travelers,
everyone absolutely everyone admires our rich culture,
warm hospitality, our dense walnut forests, boundless steppes, the greatest
and of course the unusual cuisine that even vegetarians have a hard time and
sometimes get tired of to violate its principles for the sake of delicious lamb.
People from the CIS ,if not from all over the world,
come to our pearl Issyk-Kul to sunbathe on the hot Golden Sands and swim in the
crystal water of our lake.and
I am quite sure that Kyrgyzstan will be a great start for traveling,and you will
love this country ;)

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