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Scenario 1:

At an Airport entry gate, the Passengers are required to perform security screening before entering.
There are special facilities for passengers with special needs and minors. Special need passengers go
through a different security screening. Generally, passengers check-in at the gate individually, however,
in case of group of passengers the tour guide manages group check-ins. While checking in the Airport,
individual bags and other commodities are also checked in.

Scenario 2:

Consider an online shopping system, where user can get registered, search and buy products, get
notifications regarding new products, analyse their previous shopping history etc. Draw a use
case diagram for the scenario considering following constraints. 
a. There must be generalization constraints on both users and subsystems.
b. There must be at least one secondary actor. 
c. There must be at least one include and extend relation.
d. Specify at least one pre-condition and exception

Identify 3 functional and non-functional requirements for the scenario.

Identify and justify which architectural pattern would you use?

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