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D: Hello Mariela. How are you?

M: Hello Dina, I'm fine thanks, and

D: I’m glad to heart it, but I'm more
angry than worried.
M: Why?
D: I'm waiting for my friend, but he
hasn't arrived yet.
M: Sure, eight o 'clock in the
morning is the worst time for traffic.
D: It may be, but Walter is the most
unpunctual person of all my friends.
W: Hi Dina. Sorry for the delay.
There was a lot of traffic. I walked
the rest of the way, I am very tired.
Traffic in the morning is worse than
at night.
D: Hello Walter, it's late.
She’s the best friend of my
childhood, her name is Mariela.
W: Hi Mariela, nice to meet you.
M: Hi Walter, nice to meet you too.
Don't worry I was keeping Dina
company while I was waiting for
W: You will travel on your vacation, I
would like to recommend places.
In the world, Machu Picchu is as
beautiful as other wonders of the
world. I recommend you travel to
M: Yes, we were thinking of
traveling to Tacna because imported
clothes arrive and it is cheap as if
we were buying wholesale.
D: I wanted to travel to Mollendo, its
beaches are as beautiful as those in
the north of Peru.
W: Let's continue the conversation
in other place.
If you like, we can go to eat. I invite
D: I want to eat Salchipapa,
Salchipapa is as rich as grilled
M: oh great walter, you are as kind
as cousin xD you think if we go to
W: In my opinion “Pollo a la brasa”
is the most delicious dish in town.
D: What about transport? What is
the best way to travel?
W: I think that traveling by taxi is
better than traveling by bus.
Because it’s faster.
M: for me it is better to walk
because walking is as good for your
health as exercising.
D: I have an idea about a business.
I want to form my bicycle company.
W: This is very interesting. I think
that traffic is a big problem in the
M: Is it cheaper than other
W: Yes, because bicycles don’t use
gasoline and it’s cheaper than taxis.
M: What is the name of the
company? Will we advertise?
D: The company is called: "Dina la
rapidita S.A." and if we will advertise
on Facebook.
M: We already arrived.
D: Okay, let´s go to eat.

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