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My spirit sang all day S.A.T.B. ROBERT BRIDGES* GERALD FINZI Vivace de c.tas + + SOPRANO a # = My spi- rit sang all day ° my — joy. CONTRAETO ss i —- FF My = spi- rit sang all day ° my — joy. TENOR My spi- rit’ sang all BASS My spi- rit. sang all Vivace Jc. 144 EIae, for practice ory 4, + No-thing my tongue —— ys £ No-thing my tongue could say, My thing my tongue could say, thing my tongue could say, + Reprinted fom the ‘Collected Poems of Robert Bridges' by kind permission of the Clarendon Press ‘This song is the third in a cycle of Bridgcs’s songs, Though any ofthe songs may be sung separately, “when performed as # set they should follow the order indicated by the compoter. . u R= =H aa me*thy SS me thy = ‘Mide not thy f Wee aeZann, Hide not “thy oye thought, Hide not — thy joy. thought, Hide not What bem - ty hast thou found? SS ete beau ty = hast. thou found? hast thou found? | ee z — i e a T lous ears 4 —— aoe = Saar e S45 Se i =e Sa Shew us thy ley. yy My Hea Tous ears pa # =e =e Shew us thy 0 joa Tous ears 44 — — as = Mo-siefromhea-ven ist, Mu-siefrom hea-ven 1S Mu- sic from hea-ven iz, Sent for our from hea-ven ist, Sent for our al - so came and heard; Sind heard omy jey 4} —t5 5 = —S al - so came and heard; ° my joy, al - so came and heard; =F said she, ix this stid she, is this said she, is this word? ‘A tempo + Apd 1 re-plicd, *Tis| thee, => ioye™ [And 1 re-plied, is_thee, joy? I re-plied, ———— "Tis_thee, = — ‘And 1 re-plied, =, Atempo 4, Alla 1d pfrllarzando *tis_| theez_ Allargando I,

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