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1. Where and when were you born?

R// I was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan Gospi's Austro-Hungarian
2. tell me how you contributed to the world with your profession?

R// I demonstrated wireless communication via radio waves in 1894 and then
was victorious in the war of the currents, I was recognized as one of the
greatest electrical engineers in the United States of America.

3. did you have children?

R// I had no children, dedicate my life to the discovery of new forms of

communication and my profesión

4. what contributions you think you made to the present day?

R// In addition to my work in electromagnetism and electromechanical

engineering, I thought it would later serve the development of robotics, remote
control and radar

5. Tell us what you were like?

R// I was the son of Serbian parents, I was regarded as a mad scientist
because I had a genetic condition for my father who spoke alone, my brother
suffers hallucinations and I one day received extraterrestrial radio signals

6. did you go to the university?

R// yes, I was a doctor of science at the University of Carolina and the
technologic university of graz

7. What were your parents called?

R// my father's name was Milutin Tesla and my mother was Auka Madic
8. tell me about your coil Project?

R// I found this new discovery and decided to explore it further. Repeating, and
then expanding try to feed a Ruhmkorff coil with a high-speed alternator, which
he had developed as part of an improved arc lamp system

9. Did you get married?

R// I didn't get married, I always thought that my chastity was very useful to my
scientific abilities, in my youth I felt that I could never be worthy enough for a
woman, always consider superior women in every way

10. What day did you die?

R// I died on January 7, 1943, at my 86th birthday in New York, United States,
from an acute heart attack

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