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Vocabulary (10 marks)

1. Each occupation has its own ________________; bankers, lawyers and computer professionals,
for example, all use among themselves language which outsiders have difficulty following.
A. merits B. rewards C. problems D. jargon
2. The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it ________________ on as fiercely as ever.
A. trudges B. meanders C. rages D. ambles
3. The teacher accused me of ________________ because my essay was so similar to that of
another student.
A. Procrastination B. plagiarism C. celerity D. decorum
4. His one vice was gluttony and so it is not surprising that as he aged he became increasingly
A. emaciated B. corpulent C. lithe D. carping
5. Having been chief accountant for so many years, Ms. George felt herself to be
________________ and was unwilling to ________________ control of the department after
the merger.
A. Indispensable- relinquish B. slighted- truncate C. decisive- continue
D. irreplaceable- assume
6. His ________________ was caused by lies and deception.
A. indulgence B. ire C. inclination D. gratification

7. How can you ________________ him with your cruel remarks, without even knowing him.

A. laud B. extol C. disparage D. deflate

8. In order to ________________ her, he brought her flowers hoping for forgiveness.

A. incense B. exasperate C. peeve D. mollify

9. She was angered by her ________________ with the situation and couldn’t see why she didn’t
want to change.

A. folly B. complacence C. wariness D. cynicism

10. Her bruises added ________________ to her statement that she was beaten.

A. credibility B. uncertainty C. query D. suspicion

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