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*Bambang Leo Handoko1, Ang Swat Lin Lindawati2 Oki Saputra3
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Communication, Bina Nusantara
University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Report lag is lag in finishing audit work. Report lags impact on loss to user of financial statements. The
more lag occur, it make more times to publish the financial report. It means that user will wait longer to
use it as tools for decision making. This study aims to analyze the effect of performance which is
measured by company level of ability to make profit, how big a company is, which is measured by
company size and level of debt on audit report lag or delay in food and beverage sub-sector manufactures
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period time of 2016 - 2018. The total numbers
of sample observations were 30 company data. We choose the data using purposive sampling. Data
analysis method used to test the hypothesis is ordinary least square on multiple regression analysis using
SPSS Statistics version 22. The results of this study indicate that audit report lag affected by profit ability
and debt level, while company size has no effect on audit report lag.

Keywords: performance, size, debt, report lag, food, beverage, sector

1. Introduction down other companies (competitors). And

besides that, nowadays it is not uncommon
The rapid development of the business
to find companies that dare to manipulate
world in this era of globalization requires
their company's financial statements with
companies to compete with each other to
various objectives, such as attracting
maintain business continuity. The
investors, avoiding or reducing taxes to be
competition will determine whether the
paid or other things intended to benefit the
company can survive or not. Companies that
do not have good management or even do
not have a planned competitive strategy will In Indonesia, the timely presentation of
enable the company to lose and be financial statements is an obligation for
eliminated from its business environment. In companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
addition, companies are also required to be Exchange (IDX) to submit financial reports
able to always develop and renew and have regularly. Since September 30, 2011, the
innovations in their business and products FSA has tightened the regulations with the
(both goods and services) in order to survive issuance of an attachment to the decision of
and develop their business. the head of the OJK Number: Kep36 / PM /
2011 stating that the annual financial
But now, competition that arises between
statements are accompanied by accountants'
companies is often negative and uses
reports with the usual opinion that must be
unhealthy methods. Many companies
submitted to the FSA no later than the end of
actually compete not by innovating with
the third month (90 days) after the date of
companies and products, but tend to bring

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 1

the annual financial statements. Audit delay accompanied by auditor's opinion to
that exceeds the time limit for OJK Bapepam. Based on Capital Market
regulations certainly results in delays in the regulations No. KEP 80 / PM / 1996
publication of financial statements. Delay in concerning the obligation to submit periodic
the publication of financial statements financial statements, which requires every
indicates there are problems in the issuer's company listed on the capital market to
financial statements so that it takes longer to submit the company's annual financial
complete the audit. In addition, delays in statements and independent auditor's reports
submitting the report will be subject to to BAPEPAM no later than one hundred and
administrative sanctions in the form of fines twenty days from the date of end date of the
based on the provisions of Article 63 letter e book year. The regulation was then updated
Government Regulation Number 45 of 1995 with the issuance of a BAPEPAM 38
which states, "Issuers whose Registration Chairperson Decree Number: Kep-36 / PM /
Statement has become effective are subject 2003 stating that the annual financial report
to a fine of Rp1,000,000.00 (one million is accompanied by an accountant's report
rupiah) on every day of late submission of with the usual opinion that must be
the report referred to in the condition that submitted to BAPEPAM no later than the
the total amount of the fine be no more than end of the third month (90 days) after the
Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million date of the annual financial statement. If the
rupiah) ". (Financial Services Authority) company goes public or the issuer is late in
submitting financial statements in
Delay in financial reporting will cause a
accordance with the Decree of the Chairman
negative reaction on the part of users,
of BAPEPAM Number: Kep-36 / PM /
because the information contained in
2003, then there are sanctions determined by
financial statements is very important
the stock exchange
considering the financial statements as an
instrument of communication between
2.2. Company Performance
management and external parties that
The first factor that can affect audit delay
contain important sources of information
is company performance. In this study,
about the company's performance and
company performance is proxies by
prospects which are then used as a basis
profitability. Profitability is the ability of a
consideration in decision making. Delays in
company to make a profit. Profitability
financial reporting will result in loss of
which is proxies by the Profit Margin ratio is
information in the financial statements
one indicator of management performance.
because they are not available when needed
The higher the PM it can be said that the
at the time of decision making. This can
better performance of management.
result in a decrease in investor confidence
Companies that suffer losses make auditors
and will then have an impact on the selling
be more careful in the audit process [3]. The
price of shares in the capital market [1].
results of the study [4] showed that
profitability significantly affected audit
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis
delay. This can be interpreted that
companies that have a high level of
2.1. Audit Report Lag profitability need faster time in auditing
Audit delay or often also called audit financial statements. Based on this believe,
report lag is the length of time span of audit the hypothesis proposed is:
completion as measured from the closing
H1: Company performance influences
date of the financial year to the date the
audit report lag.
audit report is issued [2].
Companies that go public must submit
their annual financial statements 2.2. Company Size

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The second factor that can affect audit The type of data used in this study is
delay is the size of the company the error quantitative data that is data in the form of
rate of the financial statements, then makes numbers and can be measured and tested by
it easier for auditors to audit the financial statistical methods. While the data source
statements. Companies that have better used is secondary data obtained from annual
internal control will facilitate the auditor so reports and financial statements of non-
that this can reduce the auditor's error in financial companies listed on the Indonesia
working on the audit report. The results of Stock Exchange in 2016 to 2018.
the study [5] said that the larger the size of The sample collection method in this
the company, the shorter the audit report study is included in the purposive sampling
lags. We write second hypothesis proposed because it has been determined beforehand
is: with the criteria to be taken, the criteria are:
H2: Company size influences audit report 1. Manufacturing companies listed on the
lag. Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018.
2.3. Level of Debt 2. The company which published the
The third factor that can affect audit delay independent auditor's report for the period
is the level of debt. The level of debt in our 31 December 2016-2018.
study is proxies by solvability. Solvability 3. Companies that do not have zero (0) or
according to [6] is the ability of a company negative earnings.
to fulfill all financial obligations when the
company is liquidated. The results of the 4. Financial statements present the rupiah
study [7] show that solvency affects audit in financial reporting.
delay. This is because the level of the size of 5. Food and beverage sub-sector
the debt owned by the company will cause manufacturing companies.
the examination and reporting of the
company's debt inspection take longer so 3.2. Data Analysis Method
that it can slow down the audit reporting This study uses multiple linear regression
process by the auditor. We write third to analyze the effect of each independent
hypothesis proposed is: and dependent variable. Hypothesis testing
H3: Level of debt influences audit report is done by SPSS version 22.
lag. 3.3. Measurement Variables

3. Material and Methodology The following is the measurements of the

variables used in this study:
3.1. Object and Sampling

Table 1. Quantitative Measurement

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4. Research Result aims to test whether in the regression model,
the dependent variable and the independent
4.1. Normality Test
variable both have normal distribution or
According to [11] in the Multivariate not. A good regression model is if both have
Analysis Application book with the IBM normal or near normal distribution
SPSS 23 Program that the normality test

Table 2. Normality Test Results

Figure 1. Normal Probability Plot

distributed. Thus, the data obtained from the

From the results of the normality test using
sample companies is feasible to be used in
Kolomogorov-smirnov which has been
this study. From Figure 1 it shows that the
processed in table 2 it is known that the
spread of data around the diagonal line and
Asymp. Value is below. Sig. (2-tailed) is
follows the direction of the diagonal line, it
0.738. The meaning of which is greater than
shows that the regression model has fulfilled
the real fixed tariff (α) which is 0.05. This
the normality assumption.
shows that the data used are normally

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 4

1,601. And the solvency variable (DAR) has
4.2. Multicollinearity Test
a tolerance value of 0.950 and a VIF value
According to [12] in the Multivariate of 1.052.
Analysis Application book with the IBM
Based on the results that have been
SPSS 23 Program that, the multicollinearity
processed in table 3, it can be concluded that
test aims to test whether in the regression
all independent variables, the profitability
found the presence or absence of
variable, company size and solvency have a
correlations between independent variables,
tolerance value greater than 0.10 and a VIF
a good regression model should not occur a
value smaller than 10. So it can be
correlation height among independent
concluded that there is no multicollinearity
between the independent variables in the
In table 3 it can be seen that the model regression so that this regression
profitability variable (ROA) has a tolerance equation is feasible to use for further
value of 0.620 and a VIF value of 1.614. analysis.
The company size variable (SIZE) has a
tolerance value of 0.625 and a VIF value of

Table 3. Multicollinearity Test

4.3. Autocorrelation Test From the results of the autocorrelation test

in table 4.10 it is known that the Durbin
According to [12] in the Multivariate
Watson value in this regression model is
Analysis Application book with the IBM
2,247 with n = 30, k = 3, the value of dᵤ =
SPSS 23 Program that the autocorrelation
1,213 is obtained so that 4-dᵤ = 2.78. The
test is aimed at testing whether in a linear
value of d meets the criteria dᵤ < d < 4-dᵤ,
regression model there is a correlation
i.e. 1,213 < 2,247 < 2.78. It can be
between the error in the t period and the
concluded that the regression model of this
residual period t - 1 ( previous).
study is free from autocorrelation and can be

Table 4. Autocorrelation Test

4.4. Heteroscedasticity Test

residuals of one observation to another. If
According to [11] in the Multivariate
the variance from one observation residual
Analysis Application book with the IBM
SPSS 23 Program that, heterokedasticity test to another observation is fixed, then it is
called homoscedasticity and if different is
aims to test whether in the regression model
called heteroscedasticity.
there is an inequality of variance from the

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5

From the image that has been processed heteroscedasticity in the regression model,
in Figure 2, it appears that the points spread so that the regression model is feasible to
randomly and spread well above and below. use.
It can be concluded that there is no
Table 5. Heteroscedasticity Test

solvability that affect audit delay, while the

4.5. Determination of Coefficient
remaining 40, 8% is influenced by other
From the table above it can be seen that factors which prove that the independent
the value of R is 0.796, R Square 0.634 and variable on the dependent variable has a
Adjusted R2 is 0.592. R value of 0.796 weak influence. The closer to 0, which
proves that the independent variable on the means that shows the weak influence of
dependent variable has a strong influence independent variables (Profitability,
while the R Square value of 0.634 and the Company Size and Solvency) on the
adjusted R2 value of 0.592 or 59.2% is the dependent variable (Audit Delay).
result of profitability, company size and

Table 6. Determination of Coefficient

0.001. Also known is the value of table with

4.5. Partial Hypothesis
df = 26 of 2,055. This shows that the t-count
According to [11] the statistical test t is smaller than the table (3,956 > 2,055) so it
basically shows how far the influence of one can be concluded that profitability has a
explanatory / independent variable significant effect on audit delay.
individually in explaining the variation of
This can be interpreted that companies
the dependent variable.
that have a high level of profitability need
Based on table 7, it can be interpreted as faster time in auditing financial statements.
Companies that have a higher level of
1. Effect of Profitability on Audit Delay. profitability require time in auditing
From the table above it is known that the t financial statements more quickly because of
count is 3,956 and the significance value is the desire to deliver good news as soon as

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 6

possible to the public. They also give examination of the company's debt longer
reasons that auditors who face companies and thus slow down the audit reporting
that suffer losses tend to be more careful in process by the auditor.
conducting the auditing process. 3. Effect of Solvency on Audit Delay.
The results of this study are also From the table above it is known that the t
supported by [13] which shows that count is 4.081 and the significance value is
profitability significantly influences audit 0.000. Also known is the value of t table
delay. Profitability in investments and other with df = 26 of 2,055. This shows that t
financial actions is very important to obtain count is greater than table (4,081 > 2,055) so
the desired return even beyond the it can be concluded that solvency has a
expectations of users of financial statements. significant effect on audit delay. The high
Profitability in this study uses ROA, proportion of total liabilities to total assets
companies with high ROA means the may also make auditors need to increase
company has used its assets efficiently so caution and more careful audit in relation to
that it can generate high profits for the the survival of the company. According to
company and shareholders. [17] auditing a debt account will take a long
2. Effect of Company Size on Audit time because it has to find the source of the
Delay. high proportion of debt held by the company
From the table above it is known that the t and requires a lot of time in confirming
parties (debt holders) related to the
count is 0.452 and the significance value is
0.655. Also known is the value of table with
df = 26 of 2,055. This shows that t count is Multiple linear regression equation for
greater than table (0.452 < 2.055) so it can this study, as follows:
be concluded that company size does not AD = 95.441 – 44.191 ROA – 0.110 SIZE
significantly influence audit delay. This is – 29.998 DAR + ℇ
because large companies are monitored by
investors, capital supervisors, and the The regression equation above can be
government so that there is a tendency to interpreted as follows:
reduce audit delay. In addition, the audit 1. Constants (α)
process becomes easy because large
companies have adequate internal control The coefficient value for the constant is
systems. 95.411. This constant value shows that if the
Profitability, Company Size and Solvency
The results of this study are in line with variables are 0, the Audit Delay dependent
[14], research conducted by [13] states that variable value is 95,411.
company size has no significant effect on
audit delay. But it is not in line with [15] 2. Profitability (ROA) of Audit Delay.
that company size has a significant effect on ROA coefficient value is -44,191. This
audit delay. This is because the larger the means that a 1% increase in the profitability
company, the company has a good internal variable then audit delay will decrease by -
control system so that it can reduce the error 44,191 assuming the other variables are
rate of financial statements, and then fixed.
facilitate the auditor in auditing the financial
statements. Although the results of this study 3. Company Size (SIZE) of Audit Delay.
are supported by [16] which shows that The coefficient value of SIZE is -0.110.
solvency has a significant effect on audit This means that an increase of 1% of the
delay. The level of the size of the debt company size variable then audit delay will
owned by the company will cause the decrease by -0.110 assuming the other
examination and reporting of the variables are fixed.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 7

4. Solvency (DAR) of Audit Delay. variable then audit delay will decrease by -
29.998 assuming the other variables are
DAR coefficient value is -29,998. This
means that an increase of 1% solvency

Table 6. T Test

Conclusion and Suggestion to explain more broadly which has

an influence on audit delay.
5.1. Conclusion
2. Companies
1. Profitability which is posited by ROA
has a significant effect on audit delay. This It is better to pay attention to the factors
is evidenced by the significance value in the that influence audit delay so that it can help
hypothesis test of 0.001 which is smaller the auditor's work by providing the data
than 0.05. needed to be on time.
2. Company size which is classified as 3. Auditor
SIZE has no significant effect on audit As input material to find out the factors
delay. This is evidenced by the significance that influence audit delays so that financial
value in the hypothesis test of 0.655 which is statements can be published as soon as
greater than 0.05. possible. In addition, help the public
3. Solvency which is posited by DAR has accounting profession in an effort to
a significant effect on audit delay. This is improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
evidenced by the significance value in the the audit process by controlling the
hypothesis test of 0,000 which is smaller dominant factors that cause audit delay.
than 0.05. 4. Investors
5.2. Suggestion Investors are advised to pay attention to
1. Academics the factors that influence audit delay in
making decisions to invest in a company
Based on the limitations stated above,
because companies with long audit delays
here are suggestions for future researchers:
tend to make dividend announcements more
a. Further research is suggested to be slowly than companies that have short audit
able to use other sector companies, delays.
such as manufacturing companies
listed on the IDX so that the research References
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