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Tasikmalaya, August 9, 2019


ELTI Tasikmalaya

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am really interested and motivated to apply for English teacher position. I knew this
vacancy by seeing the social media. It is a pride to be part of ELTI Tasikmalaya

My name is Taupiq Daryani Muharam. 27 years old and single. I am an English teacher of
SMK Al Falah Tanjungjaya Tasikmalaya. I was graduated from Siliwangi University
Tasikmalaya on December 2015 majoring in English Education Department with 3.11 of
GPA. I am so fluent in English both written and spoken, and I have good skill in operating
some computer programs (Ms Office, and Adobe Photoshop) and presenting something by
using English.

I am sure that I can fulfill the qualifications for becoming English teacher in ELTI
Tasikmalaya. I attached my Curriculum Vitae, and my latest photograph on attachment side
of the email. Thank you for kind attention, and I am looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Taupiq Daryani Muaharam

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