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January 1, 1873

Badminton Garden Party

Modern badminton originated in the UK. In 1873, in the town of Bloomington,

Glasgow County, England.The British officers and Government officials
brought back with them the newest development in the game and in 1873, the
Duke of Beaufort held a garden party in his country place, Badminton. A game
like the one played in Poona was played on that day and became popular
among the British society's elite. The new party sport became known as "the
Badminton game"
March 1, 1898

First Open Tournament

On 10 March 1898 Mr Percy Buckley, secretary of the Guildford Badminton

Club, organised the first ever Open Badminton Tournament. This tournament
was held at the Drill Hall in the centre of Guildford and was a one-day event
with only doubles being played.

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