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Name______________ Date_______________ Obtained Mark____________

Class 3rd

Alice in Wonder land

Word Similar Word Similar

Wood Vanish

Scamper Sprang

Heap Knelt


Word Opposite Word Opposite

Tiny Dry

Deep Dark

Enough Picked

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Q1: choose the correct answer.
i. Which of these is not a natural resource?
a. land b. buildings c. air d. water
ii. Glass is made from:
a. rock b. sand c. clay d. chemicals
iii. Plastic is made from:
a. rock b. sand c. clay d. oil
iv. Which of the following is magnetic?
a. glass b. plastic c. iron d. wood
v. Which of these is not waterproof?
a. hard rock b. glass c. plastic d. Cotton fibers

Social Studies
Our country
Q1: In which part of the country do we have a coastline?

Q2: How many provinces are there in Pakistan? Name them.

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