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Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 118,450.97
Capital work-in-progress 17,956.51
Goodwill 3996.62
Intangible assets 1,994.32
Intangible assets under development 684.70
equity accounted investment 1,922.95
Financial assets
i) Investments 1290.36
ii)loans 613.34
iii)derivatives assets 108.74
ii)Other non-current financial assets 570.06
Retirement benefit assets 19964.19
incometax assets 1574.78
Deferred tax assets (net) 808.95
Other non-current assets 4654.92
Total Non-Current Assets 174,591.41
Current assets
Inventories 31,656.10
Financial assets
i)Investments 2,524.86
ii)Trade receivables 11,811.00
iii)Cash and cash equivalents 2,975.53
iv)other balances with bank 365.84
v)loans 239.70
vi)derivative assets 359.11
vii)Other financial assets 1,248.56
Retirement benefit assets 4.38
income tax assets 133.94
Other current assets 3,529.70
Total Current assets 54,848.72
Assets held for sale 4,142.26
Total assets 233,582.39


i)Equity share capital 1144.94
ii)hybrid perpetual securities 2,275.00
iii)other equity 65,505.14
Equity attributable to owners of TATA STEEL Limited 68,925.08
Non-controlling interests 2364.5
Total equity 71,289.54
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
i)Borrowings 80,342.73
iii)Derivative liabilities 59.82
iv) other financial liabilities 270.58
Provisions 4046.21
Retirement benefit Obligations 2653.46
Deferred income 906.80
Deferred tax liabilities 12459.89
Other liabilities 519.23
Total non-current liabilities 101,258.72
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
i)Borrowings 10,802.08
ii) Trade payables 21,716.96
iii)Derivative liabilities 416.59
iv) other financial liabilities 16,737.83
Provisions 1248.72
Retirement benefit Obligations 120.69
Deferred income 16.51
income tax liabilities 636.42
Other liabilities 7,912.21
Total current liabilities 59,608.01
Total liabilities 160,866.73
liabillities held for sale 1426.12
Total equity and liabilities 233,582.39
2019 % 2018 % 2017 %

118,450.97 50.71 90,322.78 43.06 86880.59 50.12 31,570.38

17,956.51 7.69 16,159.80 7.70 15514.37 8.95 2,442.14
3996.62 1.71 4099.45 1.95 3494.7 2.02 501.89
1,994.32 0.85 1,682.66 0.80 1631.2 0.94 363.09
684.70 0.29 454.61 0.22 269.76 0.16 414.94
1,922.95 0.82 1781.22 0.85 1593.94 0.92 329.01

1290.36 0.55 1209.28 0.58 5190.05 2.99 -3,899.69

613.34 0.26 717.34 0.34 373.06 0.22 240.28
108.74 0.05 29.16 0.01 83.17 0.05 25.57
570.06 0.24 87.91 0.04 85.58 0.05 484.48
19964.19 8.55 20570.87 9.81 1752.64 1.01 18,211.55
1574.78 0.67 1152.76 0.55 981.23 0.57 593.55
808.95 0.35 1,035.80 0.49 885.87 0.51 -76.92
4654.92 1.99 2577.14 1.23 3661.99 2.11 992.93
174,591.41 74.75 141,880.78 67.64 122398.21 70.61 52,193.20

31,656.10 13.55 28,331.04 13.51 24803.82 14.31 6,852.28

2,524.86 1.08 14,908.97 7.11 5673.13 3.27 -3,148.27

11,811.00 5.06 12,415.52 5.92 11586.82 6.68 224.18
2,975.53 1.27 7,783.50 3.71 4832.29 2.79 -1,856.76
365.84 0.16 154.35 0.07 88.76 0.05 277.08
239.70 0.10 256.48 0.12 224.5 0.13 15.20
359.11 0.15 150.95 0.07 104.04 0.06 255.07
1,248.56 0.53 599.71 0.29 387.82 0.22 860.74
4.38 0.00 2.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.38
133.94 0.06 62.28 0.03 35.08 0.02 98.86
3,529.70 1.51 3,108.98 1.48 2207.35 1.27 1,322.35
54,848.72 23.48 67,774.69 32.31 49,943.61 28.81 4,905.11
4,142.26 1.77 102.47 0.05 991.42 0.57 3,150.84
233,582.39 100.00 209,757.94 100.00 173333.24 100.00 60,249.15

1144.94 0.49 1144.95 0.55 970.24 0.56 174.70

2,275.00 0.97 2,275.00 1.08 2275.00 1.31 0.00
65,505.14 28.04 57,450.67 27.39 34574.08 19.95 30,931.06
68,925.08 29.51 60,870.62 29.02 37819.32 21.82 31,105.76
2364.5 1.01 936.52 0.45 1601.70 0.92 762.76
71,289.54 30.52 61,807.14 29.47 39421.02 22.74 31,868.52
80,342.73 34.40 72,789.10 34.70 64022.27 36.94 16,320.46
59.82 0.03 85.04 0.04 179.98 0.10 -120.16
270.58 0.12 105.83 0.05 108.78 0.06 161.80
4046.21 1.73 4338.24 2.07 4279.69 2.47 -233.48
2653.46 1.14 2516.56 1.20 2666.27 1.54 -12.81
906.80 0.39 1,526.58 0.73 2057.59 1.19 -1,150.79
12459.89 5.33 10569.88 5.04 10030.08 5.79 2,429.81
519.23 0.22 358.16 0.17 226.51 0.13 292.72
101,258.72 43.35 92,289.39 44.00 83571.17 48.21 17,687.55

10,802.08 4.62 15,884.98 7.57 18328.10 10.57 -7,526.02

21,716.96 9.30 20,413.81 9.73 18574.46 10.72 3,142.50
416.59 0.18 468.79 0.22 673.67 0.39 -257.08
16,737.83 7.17 9,791.78 4.67 6315.51 3.64 10,422.32
1248.72 0.53 1269.64 0.61 987.38 0.57 261.34
120.69 0.05 110.36 0.05 95.20 0.05 25.49
16.51 0.01 6.21 0.00 22.52 0.01 -6.01
636.42 0.27 783.47 0.37 739.18 0.43 -102.76
7,912.21 3.39 6,932.26 3.30 4315.27 2.49 3,596.94
59,608.01 25.52 55,661.30 26.54 50051.29 28.88 9,556.72
160,866.73 68.87 147,950.69 70.53 133,622.46 77.09 27,244.27
1426.12 0.61 0.11 0.00 289.76 0.17 1,136.36
233,582.39 100.00 209,757.94 100.00 173,333.24 100.00 60,249.15
difference percentage
Diff 2018-2017 Diff 2019- Diff 2018-2017

3,442.19 36.33767 3.961978

645.43 15.74115 4.160208
604.72 14.36134 17.30377
51.43 22.25866 3.152836
184.85 153.8182 68.52387
187.28 20.6413 11.7495

-3,980.77 -75.1378 -76.7

344.28 64.40787 92.28542
-54.01 30.74426 -64.9393
2.33 566.1136 2.722599
18,818.23 1039.092 1073.708
171.53 60.4904 17.48112
149.93 -8.68299 16.92461
-1,084.85 27.11449 -29.6246
19,482.57 42.64213 15.91737

3,527.22 27.62591 14.22047

9,235.84 -55.4944 162.7997

828.70 1.934785 7.152092
2,951.21 -38.424 61.0727
65.59 312.1676 73.8959
31.98 6.770601 14.24499
46.91 245.1653 45.08843
211.89 221.9432 54.63617
2.91 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
27.20 281.813 77.53706
901.63 59.90668 40.84672
17,831.08 9.821296 35.70243
-888.95 317.8108 -89.6643
36,424.70 34.75914 21.01426

174.71 18.00585 18.00688

0.00 0 0
22,876.59 89.46315 66.16688
23,051.30 82.24833 60.95112
-665.18 47.6219 -41.5296
22,386.12 80.84144 56.78727

8,766.83 25.49185 13.69341

-94.94 -66.763 -52.7503
-2.95 148.7406 -2.7119
58.55 -5.45554 1.36809
-149.71 -0.48045 -5.61496
-531.01 -55.929 -25.8074
539.80 24.22523 5.381812
131.65 129.2305 58.12105
8,718.22 21.16466 10.43209

-2,443.12 -41.0627 -13.3299

1,839.35 16.91839 9.902576
-204.88 -38.1611 -30.4125
3,476.27 165.0274 55.04338
282.26 26.46803 28.58676
15.16 26.77521 15.92437
-16.31 -26.6874 -72.4245
44.29 -13.9019 5.991775
2,616.99 83.35376 60.64487
5,610.01 19.09385 11.20852
14,328.23 20.38899 10.72292
-289.65 392.1728 -99.962
36,424.70 34.75914 21.01426
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 59,922.27
Capital work-in-progress 16,013.61
investment property 1.09
Intangible assets 1,451.14
investment accounted for using the equity method 2,839.60
Financial assets
i) Investments 135.23
ii)loans 563.98
iii)trade receivables 0.00
ii)Other financial assets 254.87
Deferred tax assets 2866.77
current tax assets (net) 154.09
Other non-current assets 1356.60
Total Non-Current Assets 85,559.25
Current assets
Inventories 19,510.33
Financial assets
i)Trade receivables 4,497.48
ii)Cash and cash equivalents 65.58
iii)other balances with bank 222.11
iv)loans 54.04
v)Other financial assets 2,161.21
Other current assets 5,870.83
Total Current assets 32,381.58
Assets held for sale 11.47
Total assets 117,952.30
i)Equity share capital 4130.53
iii)other equity 35,515.62
Equity attributable to owners of SAIL 39,646.15
Non-controlling interests 0.01
Total equity 39,646.16
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
i)Borrowings 30,802.66
iii)trade payables 6.82
iv) other financial liabilities 1,330.62
Provisions 4295.64
Other liabilities 253.19
Total non-current liabilities 36,688.93
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
i)Borrowings 10,631.22
iii)trade payables 7225.24
iv) other financial liabilities 14,738.09
Other liabilities 6,707.26
Provisions 2315.40
current tax liabilities 0.00
Total current liabilities 41,617.21
Total liabilities 78,306.14
liabillities held for sale
Total equity and liabilities 117,952.30
% 2018 % 2017 %2019-20172018-2017

50.80 57,169.57 49.52 48776.83 45.33 11,145.44 8,392.74

13.58 18,395.43 15.93 23275.39 21.63 -7,261.78 -4,879.96
0.00 0.83 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.23 -0.03
1.23 1,455.03 1.26 1522.58 1.41 -71.44 -67.55
2.41 2555.01 2.21 2410.41 2.24 429.19 144.60

0.11 73.85 0.06 65.05 0.06 70.18 8.80

0.48 451.46 0.39 453.52 0.42 110.46 -2.06
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.22 162.64 0.14 257.68 0.24 -2.81 -95.04
2.43 4161.98 3.61 3848.75 3.58 -981.98 313.23
0.13 190.39 0.16 235.81 0.22 -81.72 -45.42
1.15 1060.10 0.92 1080.12 1.00 276.48 -20.02
72.54 85,676.29 74.22 81927.00 76.13 3,632.25 3,749.29

16.54 17,024.30 14.75 15736.09 14.62 3,774.24 1,288.21

3.81 3,870.99 3.35 2934.69 2.73 1,562.79 936.30

0.06 94.00 0.08 140.64 0.13 -75.06 -46.64
0.19 251.55 0.22 238.19 0.22 -16.08 13.36
0.05 63.92 0.06 72.73 0.07 -18.69 -8.81
1.83 2,787.64 2.41 2268.18 2.11 -106.97 519.46
4.98 5,639.78 4.89 4285.78 3.98 1,585.05 1,354.00
27.45 29,732.18 25.76 25,676.30 23.86 6,705.28 4,055.88
0.01 32.50 0.03 11.94 0.01 -0.47 20.56
100.00 115,440.97 100.00 107615.24 100.00 10,337.06 7,825.73

3.50 4130.53 3.58 4130.53 3.84 0.00 0.00

30.11 32,816.12 28.43 32911.73 30.58 2,603.89 -95.61
33.61 36,946.65 32.00 37042.26 34.42 2,603.89 -95.61
0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
33.61 36,946.66 32.00 37042.27 34.42 2,603.89 -95.61

26.11 29,777.16 25.79 19087.48 17.74 11,715.18 10,689.68

0.01 6.38 0.01 7.36 0.01 -0.54 -0.98
1.13 1179.36 1.02 1365.93 1.27 -35.31 -186.57
3.64 3974.42 3.44 3596.40 3.34 699.24 378.02
0.21 138.33 0.12 151.29 0.14 101.90 -12.96
31.10 35,075.65 30.38 24208.46 22.50 12,480.47 10,867.19

9.01 12,244.32 10.61 19813.04 18.41 -9,181.82 -7,568.72

6.13 7526.64 6.52 5218.41 4.85 2,006.83 2,308.23
12.49 14190.32 12.29 12781.96 11.88 1,956.13 1,408.36
5.69 7144.75 6.19 5609.56 5.21 1,097.70 1,535.19
1.96 2312.63 2.00 2924.87 2.72 -609.47 -612.24
0.00 0.00 0.00 16.67 0.02 -16.67 -16.67
35.28 43,418.66 37.61 46364.51 43.08 -4,747.30 -2,945.85
66.39 78,494.31 68.00 70,572.97 65.58 7,733.17 7,921.34

100.00 115,440.97 100.00 107,615.24 100.00 10,337.06 7,825.73



18.59983 17.20641
-45.34755 -20.96618
21.10092 -3.488372
-4.923026 -4.436548
15.11445 5.998979

51.89677 13.52806
19.5858 -0.454225
0 0
-1.102523 -36.88296
-34.25388 8.138487
-53.03394 -19.26127
20.38036 -1.853498
4.245304 4.576379

19.34483 8.186341

34.74813 31.90456
-114.4556 -33.16268
-7.239656 5.608968
-34.58549 -12.1133
-4.949542 22.90206
26.99874 31.59285
20.70708 15.7962
-4.097646 172.1943
8.763763 7.271953

0 0
7.331675 -0.290504
6.567826 -0.258111
0 0
6.567824 -0.258111

38.03301 56.00362
-7.917889 -13.31522
-2.65365 -13.65883
16.2779 10.51107
40.24646 -8.56633
34.01699 44.89005

-86.36657 -38.2007
27.77527 44.23244
13.27262 11.01834
16.36585 27.36739
-26.32245 -20.93221
#DIV/0! -100
-11.40706 -6.353674
9.87556 11.22433

8.763763 7.271953
tata steel

Revenue from operations 157668.9
Other income 1420.5
Total income 159089.5
raw materials consumed 54309.0
purchases of finished,semi finished and other products 6567.9
finished goods,work in progress and stock in trade -96.7
Employee benefit expense 18758.8
Finance costs 7660.1
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment expense 7341.8
Other expense 50410.7
less: expenditure transferred to capital and other account 1664.2
Total expenses 143287.5
share of profit/loss of joint venture and associated 224.7
profit/loss before exceptional items and tax exceptional 16026.6
profit on sale of non current investments 180.1
profit on sale of non current assets 0.0
provision for impairment of investments/ doubtful advances -172.1
provision for impairment of non current assets -9.5
provision for demands and claims -328.6
employee separation compensation -35.3
restructuring and other provision 244.5
total exceptional items -120.9
profit/(Loss) before tax 15905.7
Tax expense
curent tax 6728.1
Deferred tax -9.7
Total Tax expense 6718.4
profit/(loss)after tax from continuing operations 9187.2
profit /(loss) after tax from discounted operations
profit/(loss) after tax from discontinued operations disposal of discontinued -88.9
profit/(loss) on operations
profit/(loss) after tax from discontinued operations -88.9
profit/(loss) for the year (A) 9098.3
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified subseqently to the consolidated statement to
profit or loss
remeasurement gain/loss on post employment defined benefit plans -683.6
fair value changes of investments in equity shares -36.6
share of equity accounted investees -0.1
Items that will not be reclassified subseqently to the consolidated statement to 94.8
Items or loss
that will be reclassified to profit or loss
foreign currency translation differences 508.4
fair value changes of cash flow hedges 161.8
share of equity accounted investees 4.5
Items that will not be reclassified subseqently to the consolidated statement to -41.4
profit or loss
total other comprehensive income/(loss) (B) 7.7
total comprehensive income/(loss) 9106.1
profit/(loss) from continuing operations for the year attributable to
shareholders of the company 10283.4
non-controlling interest -1096.1
profit/(loss) from discontinued operations for the attributable to
shareholders of the company -63.1
non-controlling interest -23.8
total comprehensive income for the year attributable to (A+B)
shareholders of the company 10283.4
non controlling interests -1256.7
earnings per equity share (from continuing operations)
basic 88.3
diluted 88.3
earnings per equity share (from discontinuing operations)
basic -0.5
diluted -0.5
earnings per equity share (from continuing & discontinued operatios)
basic 87.7
diluted 87.7
2019.00 % 2018.00 % 2017.00 %f 2019-2017

157668.99 99.11 133016.37 99.32 117419.94 99.55 40249.05

1420.58 0.89 909.45 0.68 527.47 0.45 893.11
159089.57 100.00 133925.82 100.00 117947.41 100.00 41142.16

54309.07 34.14 41205.43 30.77 32418.09 27.49 21890.98

6567.98 4.13 11002.82 8.22 11424.94 9.69 -4856.96
-96.71 -0.06 -43.68 -0.03 -4538.13 -3.85 4441.42
18758.87 11.79 17606.19 13.15 17252.22 14.63 1506.65
7660.10 4.81 5501.79 4.11 5072.20 4.30 2587.90
7341.83 4.61 5961.66 4.45 5672.88 4.81 1668.95
50410.72 31.69 42355.94 31.63 44619.71 37.83 5791.01
1664.28 1.05 -1000.86 -0.75 -764.71 -0.65 2428.99
143287.58 90.07 122589.29 91.54 111157.20 94.24 32130.38
224.70 0.14 174.10 0.13 7.65 0.01 217.05
16026.69 10.07 11510.63 8.59 6797.86 5.76 9228.83

180.13 0.11 0.00 0.00 22.70 0.02 157.43

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85.87 0.07 -85.87
-172.12 -0.11 -27.25 -0.02 -125.45 -0.11 -46.67
-9.57 -0.01 -903.01 -0.67 -267.93 -0.23 258.36
-328.64 -0.21 -3213.68 -2.40 -218.25 -0.19 -110.39
-35.33 -0.02 -107.60 -0.08 -207.37 -0.18 172.04
244.56 0.15 13850.66 10.34 3613.80 3.06 -3369.24
-120.97 -0.08 9599.12 7.17 4324.23 3.67 -4445.20
15905.72 10.00 21109.75 15.76 2473.63 2.10 13432.09

6728.14 4.23 2002.77 1.50 1741.70 1.48 4986.44

-9.71 -0.01 1402.62 1.05 1036.31 0.88 -1046.02
6718.43 4.22 3405.39 2.54 2778.01 2.36 3940.42
9187.29 5.77 17704.36 13.22 -304.38 -0.26 9491.67

-88.96 -0.06 53.30 0.04 -778.87 -0.66 689.91

0.00 5.15 0.00 -3085.32 -2.62 3085.32
-88.96 -0.06 58.45 0.04 -3864.19 -3.28 3775.23
9098.30 5.72 17762.81 13.26 -4168.57 -3.53 13266.87
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-683.60 -0.43 -1489.18 -1.11 -4334.54 -3.67 3650.94

-36.65 -0.02 -204.55 -0.15 836.92 0.71 -873.57
-0.14 0.00 0.24 0.00 3.37 0.00 -3.51
94.83 0.06 212.98 0.16 782.34 0.66 -687.51

508.47 0.32 -1544.04 -1.15 2045.14 1.73 -1536.67

161.80 0.10 -97.70 -0.07 145.33 0.12 16.47
4.53 0.00 16.20 0.01 -2.17 0.00 6.70
-41.45 -0.03 28.58 0.02 -39.45 -0.03 -2.00
7.79 0.00 3078.01 2.30 563.06 0.48 -555.27
9106.12 5.72 14684.80 10.96 -4168.57 -3.53 13274.69

10283.45 6.46 13375.88 9.99 -376.61 -0.32 10660.06

-1096.16 -0.69 4328.48 3.23 72.23 0.06 -1168.39
9187.29 5.77 17704.36 13.22 -304.38 -0.26 9491.67

-63.12 -0.04 179.07 0.13 -3864.19 -3.28 3801.07

-23.84 -0.01 19.98 0.01 0.00 0.00 -23.84
-86.96 -0.05 199.05 0.15 -3864.19 -3.28 3777.23

10283.45 6.46 8802.54 6.57 -4800.32 -4.07 15083.77

-1256.76 -0.79 5882.26 4.39 68.69 0.06 -1325.45
9026.69 5.67 14684.80 10.96 -4731.63 -4.01 13758.32

88.32 126.39 -5.35 93.67

88.31 126.37 -5.35 93.66

-0.57 1.73 -37.54 36.97

-0.57 1.73 -37.54 36.97

87.75 128.12 -42.89 130.64

87.74 128.10 -42.89 130.63

difference percentage
2018-2017f 2019-2017 2018-2017

15596.43 34.28 13.28

381.98 169.32 72.42
15978.41 34.88 13.55

8787.34 67.53 27.11

-422.12 -42.51 -3.69
4494.45 -97.87 -99.04
353.97 8.73 2.05
429.59 51.02 8.47
288.78 29.42 5.09
-2263.77 12.98 -5.07
-236.15 -317.64 30.88
11432.09 28.91 10.28
166.45 2837.25 2175.82
4712.77 135.76 69.33

-22.70 693.52 -100.00

-85.87 -100.00 -100.00
98.20 37.20 -78.28
-635.08 -96.43 237.03
-2995.43 50.58 1372.48
99.77 -82.96 -48.11
10236.86 -93.23 283.27
5274.89 -102.80 121.98
18636.12 543.01 753.39

261.07 286.30 14.99

366.31 -100.94 35.35
627.38 141.84 22.58
18008.74 -3118.36 -5916.53

832.17 -88.58 -106.84

3090.47 -100.00 -100.17
3922.64 -97.70 -101.51
21931.38 -318.26 -526.11
0.00 0.00 0.00

2845.36 -84.23 -65.64

-1041.47 -104.38 -124.44
-3.13 -104.15 -92.88
-569.36 -87.88 -72.78

-3589.18 -75.14 -175.50

-243.03 11.33 -167.23
18.37 -308.76 -846.54
68.03 5.07 -172.45
2514.95 -98.62 446.66
18853.37 -318.45 -452.27

13752.49 -2830.53 -3651.65

4256.25 -1617.60 5892.63
18008.74 -3118.36 -5916.53

4043.26 -98.37 -104.63

19.98 0.00 0.00
4063.24 -97.75 -105.15

13602.86 -314.22 -283.37

5813.57 -1929.61 8463.49
19416.43 -290.77 -410.35

131.74 -1750.84 -2462.43

131.72 -1750.65 -2462.06

39.27 -98.48 -104.61

39.27 -98.48 -104.61

171.01 -304.59 -398.72

170.99 -304.57 -398.67

Revenue from operations 66793.58
Other income 494.52
Total income 67288.10
Cost of materials consumed 32402.97
changes in inventory of work- in - process, stock in trade and finished goods 2716.16
excise duty 0.00
Employee benefit expense 8849.10
Finance costs 3154.92
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment expense 3385.34
Other expense 18676.16
Total expenses 63752.33
Profit/loss before Exceptional Item,share of net profits 3715.77
Share of Profit/loss in investment accounted for using equity -
Profit/loss before Exceptional Item and tax 222.87
Tax expense 389.40
Deferred tax 1186.99
earlier year 4.87
Total Tax expense 1200.53
Profit for the year 2348.71

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
- remeasurement of the net defined benefit plans 330.01
gain and lossess from investments in equity instrument 57.96
income tax relating to item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 128.82
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
share of the OCI of associated and joint venture accounted 95.75
income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss -
Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year 354.90
Total comprehensive income for the year 2703.61
profit attributtable to owners
onwers of the parent 2348.71
Non-controlling interest
total comprehensive income for the year
owners of the parent 2703.61
non-controlling interest
earnings per equity share of ` 1 each
Number of euity shares (facevalue rs.10/- each) 4130525289.00
Basic and diluted earning per share (rs) 5.59
trend analysis
common size statement diff 2019- 2018-2017 2019-2017
2019 % 2018 % 2017 %
difference percentage
66793.58 99.27 58966.16 99.30 49828.95 99.10602 16964.63 9137.21 34.04573
494.52 0.73 415.19 0.70 449.48 0.893982 45.04 34.29 10.02047
67288.10 100.00 59381.35 100.00 50278.43 100 17009.67 9102.92 33.83095

32402.97 48.16 26737.90 45.03 21161.45 42.08853 11241.52 5576.45 53.12264

2716.16 4.04 1138.82 1.92 117.34 0.23338 -2833.50 1021.48 -2414.778
0.00 0.00 1406.14 2.37 5327.18 10.59536 -5327.18 3921.04 -100
8849.10 13.15 8865.87 14.93 8963.78 17.82828 -114.68 97.91 -1.279371
3154.92 4.69 2822.75 4.75 2527.82 5.027643 627.10 294.93 24.80794
3385.34 5.03 3065.97 5.16 2681.62 5.33354 703.72 384.35 26.24235
18676.16 27.76 16181.82 27.25 14192.11 28.22703 4484.05 1989.71 31.59537
63752.33 94.75 60219.27 101.41 54971.30 109.3338 8781.03 5247.97 15.97384
3715.77 5.52 837.92 1.41 4692.87 -9.333764 8408.64 3854.95 -179.1791
- 284.86 0.48 193.92 0.385692 90.94 0
222.87 0.33 553.06 0.93 4498.95 -8.948072 4721.82 3945.89 -104.9538
389.40 0.58 26.43 0.04 216.04 0.429687 173.36 242.47 80.2444
8.67 0.01 7.06 0.01 30.64 0.060941 -21.97 23.58 -71.70366
1186.99 1.76 287.90 0.48 2005.30 -3.98839 3192.29 1717.40 -159.1926
4.87 0.01 35.61 0.06 15.14 0.030112 -10.27 20.47 -67.83355
1200.53 1.78 245.23 0.41 1959.52 -3.897337 3160.05 1714.29 -161.2665
2348.71 3.49 281.40 0.47 2756.17 -5.481814 5104.88 2474.77 -185.2164

330.01 0.49 275.32 0.46 546.07 -1.086092 876.08 821.39 -160.4336

57.96 0.09 8.79 0.01 3.02 0.006007 54.94 5.77 1819.205
128.82 0.19 97.80 0.16 188.78 0.375469 -317.60 286.58 -168.2382

95.75 0.14 0.49 0.00 0.52 0.001034 95.23 0.03 18313.46

- - -
354.90 0.53 186.80 0.31 353.75 -0.703582 708.65 540.55 -200.3251
2703.61 4.02 94.60 0.16 3109.92 -6.185396 5813.53 3015.32 -186.935

2348.71 3.49 281.40 0.47 2756.17 -5.481814 5104.88 2474.77 -185.2164

2348.71 3.49 281.40 0.47 2756.17 -5.481814 5104.88 2474.77 -185.2164

2703.61 4.02 94.60 0.16 3109.92 6.185396 -406.31 3015.32 -13.06497

4130525289.00 4130525289.00 4130525289.00 0

5.59 0.68 6.67 -1.08 5.99 -16.1919









Pass Vish

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