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A successful organisation

A) Read paragraph 1 of the article and answer these questions

1. Where is SOL located?

R// It is located in a movie studio

2. What is unusual about the company?

R// It looks like a business playground, full of colors, creativity and chaos

3. What does SOL do?

R// Offers cleaning service

B) Read the article and match the headings below to paragraphs 2,3,4,5 and 6.

A. People set their own targets (4)

B. Hard work has to be fun (2)
C. Loose organisations need tight systems (5)
D. Great service requires cutting-edge technology (6)
E. There are no low-skill jobs (3)

C) Which of these statements are true? correct the false ones.

1. Everyone has their own office.

R// false: There are no individual offices

2. Lisa Joronen believes cleaners can feel good about their job.
R// true

3. At the end of the training course there is an exam.

R// true

4. The training course takes 28 months to complete.

R// true

5. At SOL giving responsibility to employees is important.

R// true

6. SOL thinks measuring performance restricts freedom.

R// false: He's a fan of performance measurement, but they don't restrict
freedom. On the contrary, it allows them to work where they want and how they
want. They believe in autonomy, fun and individual freedom as a form of

7. Every month Lisa Joronen measures each team's performance.

R// false: Lisa Joronen does the measurement frequently, but not every month.
The client is the one who evaluates the team every month.

8. Al, the information is stored in filing cabinets.

R// false: The company stores all information on the intranet, which is a
computer network.

D) Match these phrases from paragraph 5 of the article to their meanings.

1. Keen on accountability = c) interested in people being responsible for what they


2. Fanatical about measuring performance = b) extremely interested in judging


3. Establish performance benchmarks = d) set up standards of achievements

4. Rates the team's performance = a) assesses how the group have done

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