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This research was carried out to study the relationship between type of food sample and the
acidity level in the food.

What is an acid? : An acid (from the Latin acidus/acēre meaning sour) is a chemical substance
whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the
ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts. Aqueous solutions of acids
have a pH of less than 7. Non-aqueous acids are usually formed when an anion reacts with one or
more positively charged hydrogen cations. A lower pH means a higher acidity, and thus a higher
concentration ofpositive hydrogen ions in the solution. There are three common definitions for
acids: the Arrhenius definition, the Brønsted-Lowry definition, and the Lewis definition. The
Arrhenius definition defines acids as substances which increase the concentration of hydrogen ions
(H+), or more accurately, hydronium ions (H3O+), when dissolved in water. The Brønsted-Lowry
definition is an expansion: an acid is a substance which can act as a proton donor. Examples include
alcohols and amines which contain O-H or N-H fragments.

How Do You Measure the pH of a Solution? : The pH of a liquid or solution is often an important
piece of information in science. Measuring pH can be done simply and quickly using pH test
paper, pH indicator sticks, or a pH meter. pH test paper and indicator sticks are pieces of paper or
stiffer sticks that contain pH indicators (chemicals that change color depending on how acidic or
basic a solution is). To measure pH, a piece of pH test paper or an indicator stick is dipped into the
liquid. The color of the dipped paper/stick is then matched to a color key that comes with the
container of pH test paper or indicator sticks. Each color on the key represents a different pH. An
example of a used pH indicator stick and the corresponding color key is shown below in Figure 1.
pH meters are electronic devices that used to measure pH. Table 2 below discusses what types of
pH measuring devices are best for different science project applications, and offers a quick link to
purchasing different pH test papers and indicator sticks. To get accurate pH readings always
remember to: Wait a minute or two after you add an acid or a base to a solution. This will allow the
reaction (ions being either donated [acid] or accepted [base]) to complete before you measure.

*Swirl or mix a solution well before measuring. This will help ensure that the solution is uniform.
3.Materials and Methods
MATERIALS AND APPARATUS : Universal solution ( 1 ml ) ,food samples (lemon juice,
lime juice, tomato juice, orange juice, carrot juice, potato juice), test tube, beakers, syringes
 OBSERVING: Pupils observe the characteristic of acidity by using universal solution
 MAKING INFERENCE: Pupils infer the acidity level in foods
 CLEAN SCIENCE APPARATUS: Pupils clean their science apparatus after using them

 BEING SYSTEMATIC: Pupils plan systematically when doing the practicaL
 BEING COOPERATIVE: Pupils work cooperatively in their groups, follow instructions
 BEING THANKFUL TO GOD: Pupils are thankful to god for creating the environment

4. Experiment
i.) Five types of juices were tested in this experiment.
ii.) The test tube are labeled P,Q,R,S,T and U.
iii.) The test tube were filled with the following juice samples
P : Lemon juice S : Tomato juice Q : lime juice
T : Carrot juice R : Orange juice U : Potato juice
iv.) The experiments for all the juice samples were conducted on the same day.
v.) The juices were poured equally into the test tubes.
vi.) The students used universal solution to test the acidity level of the food.
vii.) A syringe is used to add 1ml of universal solution to the base of each juice sample.
viii.) The results are recorded in a table.

5.Results and Discussion

Test Type of Trial 1 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 4
tube food (color level of (color level (color level of (color level of
changes acidity changes of changes acidity changes acidity
0.5 ml) 1 ml) acidity 1.5 ml) 2 ml)

P Lemon Red 2 Red 2 Red 2 Red 2

Q Lime Red 2 Red 2 Red 2 Red 2
R Orange Dark 3 Dark 3 Dark 3 Dark 3
juice Orange Orange Orange Orange
S Tomato Light 4 Light 4 Light 4 Light 4
juice Orange Orange Orange Orange
T Carrot Dark 5 Dark 5 Dark 5 Dark 5
juice Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
U Potato Yellowis 6 Yellowish 6 Yellowis 6 Yellowish 6
juice h h

The experiment proved that the Acidity level in lemon and lime juices is the highest than other
juices. Therefore, the lemon and lime has the highest acidity food.


6 PH)


The experiment, the universal solution changes to dark red or red, the food has high acidic level. If
the universal solution changes to orange or light orange after poured into a juice it means the juice
has a medium acidic level. If the universal indicator changes to yellowish the food has a low acidic
level. If the PH value of the food is in 1 or 2, this shows that the food has high acidic level. If it is in
3 or 4, that means the acidic level in the food is medium while if the PH value of the food is in 5 or
6, the food has a low acidic level.The universal solution changed to red after added to the lemon and
lime juice. The PH indicator also changed to red after dipped into the lemon and lime juice. The PH
value of the lemon and lime juice is 2. The lemon and lime juice is proven to be high in acidic.The
universal solution changed to dark orange after added to the orange juice. The PH indicator also
changed to orange after dipped into the orange juice. The PH value of the juice is 3. The orange
juice is proven to be medium in acidic.The universal solution changed to light orange after added to
the tomato juice. The PH indicator changed to orange after dipped into the tomato juice. The PH
value of the juice is 4. The tomato juice is proven to be medium in acidic.The universal solution
changed to dark yellow after added to the carrot juice. The PH indicator also changed to dark yellow
after dipped into the carrot juice. The PH value of the juice is 5. The carrot juice is proven to be low
in acidic.The universal solution changed to light yellowish after added to the potato juice. The PH
indicator also changed to light yellowish after dipped into the juice. The PH value of the juice is 6.
The potato juice is proven to be very low in acidic.

The experiment proved that the Acidity level in lemon and lime juices is the highest than other
juices. The orange and tomato juice has medium acidity level. The carrot juice has a low acidity
level. The potato juice has the lowest acidity level than the other food samples. The hypothesis
formed is accepted.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to our headmistress, science teachers, parents and the
science fair organizers for their support of giving us this golden opportunity, guidance and

1. Exploring Acids and Bases
2. Khan Academy. (2009, September 7). Acid Base Introduction: Arrhenius, Bronsted Lowry,
and Lewis Acids and Bases. Retrieved May 1, 2012, from
3. Mah Chee Wai, Dr Tina Lim Swee Kim (2012) Buku Rujukan Nexus Biology SPM form 4
4. ReVelle, Penelope ReVelle, Charles (1988) Environmental protection; Human ecology Jones
and Bartlett Publishers (Boston)
5. Decelles, P. (2002). "The pH Scale," Virtually Biology Course, Basic Chemistry Concepts,
Johnson County Community College. Retrieved July 24, 2006, from

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