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200 words VOCABULARY with meaning, Sentence, Synonyms & Antonyms 1.COMPETENCE (NOUN): capability Synonyms: ability, proficiency Antonyms: bluniness, dullness Sentence: | regard him as a man of integrity and high professional competence. 2. COMPENDIUM (NOUN): summary Synonyms: digest, compilation Antonyms: extension, enlargement Sentence: His book is a delightful compendium of important questions. 3, COMPASSION (NOUN): pity Synonyms: tenderness, gentleness Antonyms: antipathy, ruthlessness Sentence: There is no need to show compassion for him. 4, LIBIDINOUS (ADJECTIVE): lustful Synonyms: sensual, lascivious Antonyms: moral, decent Sentence: The child should be kept away from libidinous movie 5, REVELRY (NOUN); merrymaking Synonyms: festivity, celebration Antonyms: mourning, sadness Sentence: | called the police when my neighbours refused to settle down and end their revelry. 6. RUSE (NOUN): trick, deception Synonyms: gimmick, ploy Antonyms: honesty, openness Sentence: It was a ruse to bring him there. 7. SIMPLETON (NOUN): fool Synonyms: buffoon, jerk Antonyms: brain, genius - Sentence: He is a simpleton boy and tries to make everybody around him laugh. 8. CLANNISH (ADJECTIVE): exclusive Synonyms; selected, reserved Antonyms: welcoming, open Sentence: Celebrities believe in wearing clannish dresses. 9. SATANIC (ADJECTIVE): demonic Synonyms: cruel, maniacal Antonyms: angelic, good Sentence: His father's satanic remark stung deeply and brought the boy to tears. 10. TITULAR (ADJECTIVE): having a title Synonyms: nominal, so-called Antonyms: actual, real Sentence: He always refused any titular distinction; but he was credited by many. 11. SPECKLE (ADJECTIVE): dotted Synonyms: flecked, mottled Antonyms: plain, simple Sentence: The valley was speckled with flowers. 12. BEFOUL (VERB): contaminate Synonyms: dirty, malign Antonyms: cleanse, purify Sentence: The kids befouled their hands by playing in the garden. 13. FLURRY (NOUN); commotion Synonyms: turmoil, outbreak Antonyms: calm, peace Sentence: During weekends the street markets are in a state of flurry. 14. QUANDARY (NOUN): Delicate situation Synonyms: difficulty, dilemma Antonyms: advantage, boon Sentence: | found myselt in a quandary. 45. QUIETUDE (NOUN): Calm Synonyms: dispassion, peace Antonyms: agitation, clamor Sentence: Ayesha lived here in quietude. 16, PROCLIVITY (NOUN): Inclination Synonyms: penchant, predilection Antonyms: antipathy, dislike Sentence: The new book concludes in a way that hardly matches my own social proclivity. 17. QUISLING (NOUN): Traitor Synonyms: betrayer, collaborator Antonyms: loyalist, patriot Sentence: He was proved to be a quisling. 18. PLEBIAN (ADJECTIVE): Native Synonyms: local, indigenous Antonyms: uncommon, different Sentence: He is a plebian author. 19. OPULENCE (NOUN): Wealth Synonyms: abundance, affluence Antonyms: dearth, deficiency Sentence: Her opulence made her have many friends. 20. OBVIATE (VERB): Counteract Synonyms: preclude, forestall Antonyms: assist, support Sentence: Climatic conditions obviate the necessity of rain. 21. OVERT (ADJECTIVE): Obvious Synonyms: apparent, definite Antonyms: obscure, uncertain Sentence: The new guest smiled in return but gave no overt sign of knowing the man. 22, MEDDLESOME (ADJECTIVE): Interfering Synonyms: intrusive, meddling Antonyms: avoiding, dodging Sentence: She made a meddlesome remark, 23. MINGING (ADJECTIVE): Affected Synonyms: artificial, dainty Antonyms: extroverted, unaffected Sentence: Naira can't put up with his mincing voice for rest of her life. 24. LAVISH (ADJECTIVE): wasteful Synonyms: extravagant, profligate Antonyms: economical, mean Sentence: She came to a grief because of his lavish spending habits. 25, LACONIC (ADJECTIVE): brief Synonyms: short, terse Antonyms: verbose, wordy Sentence: Though his speech was laconic, yet it was lucid, 26. MAMMOTH (ADJECTIVE): huge Synonyms: enormous, gargantuan Antonyms: little, miniature Sentence: A mammoth project will be completed very soon. 27. MENACE (NOUN): danger Synonyms: threat, peril Antonyms: safety, surety Sentence: Terrorism is a potential menace to the integrity of the country. 28. MANIFEST (ADJECTIVE): clear Synonyms: understandable, palpable Antonyms: unclear, obscure Sentence: His evil intentions were manifest when he mentioned the question of dowry. 29. MODICUM (NOUN): small amount Synonyms: ounce, shred Antonyms; lot, whole Sentence: There is no modicum of truth in her statement. 30. OBLIVION (NOUN): mental blankness Synonyms: forgetfulness, unconsciousness Antonyms: awareness, concern Sentence: He drank himsell into oblivion. 31. REFURBISH (VERB): make clean Synonyms: repair, renovate Antonyms: ruin, destroy Sentence: A person can refurbish his image by leading life dedicated to his vocation. 32. RAZE (VERB): destroy completely Synonyms: demolish, obliterate Antonyms: build, construct Sentence: Dozens of villages have been razed. 93. RAPT (ADJECTIVE): fully attentive Synonyms: elated, ecstatic Antonyms: dejected, doleful Sentence: He listened to the speaker with rapt attention. 34, PERPETUATE (VERB): maintain Synonyms: preserve, conserve Antonyms: discontinue, cease Sentence: In order to perpetuate the method of amending the constitution was made extremely rigid. 35. MALIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): deadly Synonyms: destructive, mortal Antonyms: harmless, healthful Sentence: He died of a malignant tumour. 36. DENIGRATE (VERB): besmirch Synonyms: defame, disparage Antonyms: praise, laud Sentence: We should not try to denigrate the character of anyone. 37. DAUNTLESS (ADJECTIVE): bold Synonyms: brave, gallant Antonyms: timid, fearful Sentence: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a dauntless politician. 38. DECORUM (NOUN): grace Synonyms: propriety, dignity Antonyms: impropriety, Levity Sentence: We all should maintain our decorum. 39. DETRIMENT (NOUN): damage Synonyms: harm, loss Antonyms: profit, benefit Sentence: Smoking is a detriment to good health. 40. DREARY (ADJECTIVE): cheerless Synonyms: comfortless, dark Antonyms: inspiring, pleasant Sentence: | will have to go to another dreary meeting tomorrow. 41. GROTESQUE (ADJECTIVE)-UOly Synonyms: absurd, odd Antonyms: graceful, natural Sentence: His grotesque appearance makes him defame. 42. GLIDE (VERB): pass Synonyms: relapse, go by Antonyms: stop, freeze Sentence: He players glided across the field easily. 43. GINGERLY (ADVERB): carefully Synonyms: cautiously, delicately Antonyms: hesitantly, timidly Sentence: Ahmed Gingerly moved his injured foot. 44. TEEM (VERB): Overtiow Synonyms: overrun, full Antonyms: lack, need Sentence: The sagas teem with references to the inhabitants. 45. CHUNKY (ADJECTIVE): Chubby Synonyms: stocky, stout nny, Sentence: roo} is a chunky fellow of mine. 46. HASPING (VERB): Fasten Synonyms: grab, catch Antonyms: loose, release Sentence: Rehana went to the window and hasped it. 47. UNDERTONE (NOUN): Mumble Synonyms: murmur, hint Antonyms: overtone, enunciate Sentence: Nisha was talking in undertone. 48. UNSCATHED (ADJECTIVE): Unarmed. Synonyms: unhurt, uninjured Antonyms: hurt, injured Sentence: The passengers escaped unscathed. 49. VARNISH (VERB): add a layer to; embellish Synonyms: lacquer, cover Antonyms: uncover, reveal Sentence: The painter varnished the doors. 50. TOUT (VERB): Laud Synonyms: praise, promote Antonyms: blame, discourage Sentence: They touted her performance. 51. TEPID (ADJECTIVE): Mild Synonyms: warm, unenthusiastic Antonyms: enthusiastic, keen Sentence: The applause from the audience was tepid. 52, VESTIGE (NOUN): Sign Synonyms: glimmer, indication Antonyms: information, lot Sentence: Some people are said to have revealed no vestige of religion. 53. INGRAINED (ADJECTIVE): Deep-rooted Synonyms: deep-seated, inbred Antonyms: acquired, learned Sentence: The notion of scarcity is ingrained in them. 54. FEUD (NOUN): major argument Synonyms: contfc, dispute Antonyms: friendship, accord Sentence: The feud between the two sisters lasted for two hours. 55. FLUSTER (NOUN): perturbation, upset Synonyms: agitation, disturbance Antonyms: peace, calmness Sentence: There was no longer any fluster or hesitation in his manner. 56. FEALTY (NOUN): allegiance Synonyms: faithfulness, loyalty ‘Antonyms: disloyalty, treachery Sentence: Everyone expect fealty {rom thelr good friends. 57. BROACH (VERB): bring up a topic Synonyms; introduce, moot Antonyms: stop, close Sentence: The subject was broached to nurture the students in a better way. 58. COY (ADJECTIVE): bashful Synonyms; skittish, timid Antonyms: aggressive, forward Sentence: Sania gave hima coy smile. 59. CONCOCT (VERB): formulate, think up Synonyms: contrive, create Antonyms: demolish, destroy Sentence: He concocted an idea to start a new business. 60. DILATORY (ADJECTIVE): procrastinating Synonyms: delaying, laggard Antonyms: diligent, eager Sentence: He had been dilatory but now he intended to get down to business. 61. GAMBOL (VERB): run or jump about playfully Synonyms: prank, play Antonyms: work, study ‘Sentence: The kids gamboled all around the house. 62. IMPEACH (VERB): denounce, censure Synonyms: accuse, criticize Antonyms: praise, commend Sentence: He impeached the celebrity in the public for his wrong deeds. 63. INDIGNATION (NOUN): anger Synonyms: rage, displeasure Antonyms: delight, cheer Sentence: The boss came out in indignation from a meeting. 64. BESMIRCH (VERB): taint Synonyms: blacken, defile Antonyms: honor, praise Sentence: The celebrity insisted that the accusation was an altempt to besmirch his name. 65. SMEAR (VERB): To make something blurred Synonyms: smudge, stained Antonyms: clean, purify Sentence: She brushed against the newly painted notice and smeared the lettering. 66. SPONGY (ADJECTIVE): cushioned Synonyms: soft, porous Antonyms: hard, inflexible Sentence: She baked a spongy cake. 67. BREVITY (NOUN); briefness Synonyms: concise, short Antonyms: longevity, lengthiness Sentence: She explained the paragraph in brevity. 68. APPAL (VERB): horrify Synonyms: alarm, amaze Antonyms: comfort, encourage Sentence: Yesterday | was appalled by seeing the horror movie. 69. ASTOUND (VERB): amaze Synonyms: astonish, bewilder Antonyms: calm, expect Sentence: | was astounded at your presence. 70. EXALTED (VERB): praised Synonyms: elevated, illustrious Antonyms: criticized, debased Sentence: She exalted the cuisines made by me. 71. ABANDON (VERB): cease fo support or look afer (someone) Synonyms: desert, leave Antonyms: adopt, adapt Sentence: They abandoned their old parents. 72. BOREDOM (NOUN): disinterest Synonyms: apathy, disgust Antonyms: concern, energy Sentence: Boredom had settled heavily over his outlook on the operation. 78. STUPEFY (VERB): stun Synonyms: benumb, daze Antonyms: enliven, inspire Sentence: She stupefied her mom with her acts. 74. QUIXOTIG (ADJECTIVE): generous Synonyms: idealistic, dreamy Antonyms: cautious, pragmatic Sentence: Shahrukh has not been successful in life because of his non quixotic ideas. 75. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): harmful Synonyms: offensive, putrid Antonyms: helpful, healthy 7 Sentence: Emission from diesel cars producing noxious gases causes air pollution. 76. NARCISSISM (NOUN): selt-love and devotion Synonyms: egotism, selfishness Antonyms: humility, modesty Sentence: Narcissism leads to selfishness in character. 77. VITRIOLIC (ADJECTIVE): bitter Synonyms: astringent, sardonic Antonyms: courteous, gracious Sentence: By the time Zahid began the final round, the audience was vitriolic, already tured against Shahid. 78. PILFERAGE (NOUN): theft Synonyms: burglary, misappropriation Antonyms: veto, disapprove 79, MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): infinite Synonyms: multitudinous, multiple Antonyms: finite, limited Sentence: There the stars seem to have shrunk away from you, a myriad of miles. 80. REPOSITION (VERB): aller Synonyms: deviate, change Antonyms: keep, hold Sentence: How do you effectively reposition brands in a global. 81. RAMBUNCTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): noisy Synonyms: boisterous, raucous Antonyms: calm, quiet Sentence: In his party the kids are being especially rambunctious. 82. RANKLE (VERB): annoy Synonyms: bother, embitter Antonyms: comfort, aid Sentence: An article revealed the release of the killer from prison is surely to rankle the victim's family. 83. RECIDIVISM (NOUN): lapse Synonyms: backsliding, decadence Antonyms: ascent, increase Sentence: The mentor program hopes to reduce recidivism by keeping juvenile offenders off the crime. 84. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): apt Synonyms: appropriate, relevant Antonyms: inapt, inapplicable Sentence: This dress is pretty much apposite for me. 85. JUMBLE (VERB): disturb Synonyms: disorder, disorganise Antonyms: Organise, Arrange Sentence: Asad's life is getting jumbled day by day. 86. AGILITY (NOUN): quickness Synonyms: swiftness, sprightliness Antonyms: dullness, sluggishness Sentence: | always find agility in my pet's movements. 87. RAMPART (NOUN): defensive wall Synonyms: barricade, fortification Antonyms: opening, ditch Sentence: They built rampart across the area. 88. QUANDARY (NOUN): dilemma Synonyms; in a fix, predicament Antonyms: advantage, good fortune Sentence: Yesterday | saw my student in a quandary. 89. QUIP (NOUN): A clever remark Synonyms: banter, 92g Antonyms: praise, flattery Sentence: lara is quite intelligent ands in the habit of making quips. 90. PERNICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): destructive Synonyms: injurious, unsafe Antonyms: safe, harmless Sentence: Bushra’s approach is self-pernicious; she needs to improve a lot. 91. QUINTESSENCE (NOUN): perfect example Synonyms: paragon, ideal Antonyms: artificial, copy Sentence: Everybody admires Alena because she is a quintessence of benevolence. 92. QUALMS (NOUN): feeling of doubt Synonyms: anxiety, apprehension Antonyms: certainty, calm Sentence: The mentally ill patients are the last to feel qualms while committing cruel deeds. 93. BEHEMOTH (NOUN): Giant Synonyms: colossus, mammoth Antonyms: mite, dwarf Sentence: Aamir took a behemoth step for humanity. 94, FLABBERGAST (VERB): surprise Synonyms: amaze, astonished Antonyms; bore, calm Senterice: The burglar was flabbergasted when he broke into the house and found himself surrounded by police officers. 95. STAGGER (VERB): walk falteringly Synonyms: careen, falter Antonyms: continue, stay Sentence: If my father doesn't stagger on his decision, | won't be able to attend the sleepover. 96. INSOLENT (ADJECTIVE): bold Synonyms: abusive, arrogant Antonyms: cowardly, modest Sentence: The captain put the insolent soldier on report. 97. POMPOUS (ADJECTIVE): arrogant Synonyms: boastful, grandiose Antonyms: humble, kind Sentence: The millionaire was a pompous man who believed he should never wait in line for anything. 98. DECEITFUL (ADJECTIVE): dishonest Synonyms: artful, deceptive Antonyms: actual, athentic Sentence: The early difficulties of Elizabeth's reign secured him a deceitful peace on that side for a time. 99. DIFFIDENCE (NOUN): hesitancy Synonyms: backwardness, doubt Antonyms: atrogance, boldness Sentence: Zakir was a diffident student who never stood up to his bullies. 400. DOCILITY (NOUN): agreement Synonyms: conformity, consent Antonyms: difference, refusal Sentence: As soon as they shake hands docility reflects from their gesture. 101. AMATEUR (NOUN): casual participant Synonyms: aspirants, beginner Antonyms: expert, professional Sentence: Nazia is considered an amateur makeup artist. 102. PROPAGATE (VERB): breed Synonyms; inseminate, multiply Antonyms: decrease, deplete Sentence: The political candidate hopes to propagate his vision to potential voters. 103. DWINDLE (VERB): to become gradually less or smaller Synonyms: decrease, diminish Antonyms: rise, grow Sentence: The members of this department have dwindled from 50 to 20. 104. DAMPEN (VERB): make wet Synonyms: bedew, dabble Antonyms: collect, dry Sentence: Even the red sun couldn't dampen her mood. 4105. TINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment Synonyms: color, design Antonyms: plainness, eyesore Sentence: His exuberant style is Venetian which he bestrews with tinsel and spangles. 106. CORDIAL (ADJECTIVE); friendly Synonyms: affectionate, amicable Antonyms: cold, cool Sentence: If you treat people in a cordial manner, they will treat you well also. 107. INBORN (ADJECTIVE): natural Synonyms: congenital, hereditary Antonyms: acquired, learned Sentence: At the same time the inborn gift of style can be starved or stimulated, 108. JUSTIFIABLE (ADJECTIVE): reasonable Synonyms: acceptable, admissible Antonyms: illegal, improbable Sentence: As long as a justifiable way to handle the problem Is discovered, everyone will be in compliance with it. 109, REMISSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): well-founded Synonyms: allowable, defensible Antonyms: illegitimate, invalid Sentence: This is remissible to apply for CSS Exam, 110. ANIMOSITY (NOUN): extreme dislike Synonyms: acrimony, animus Antonyms: friendliness, good will Sentence: Why do you have such animosity towards me when I have done nothing wrong to you? 111, EMPATHY (NOUN): understanding Synonyms: affinity, appreciation Antonyms: disdain, hatred Sentence: Because her parents immigrated to the USA to give her a better life, Maria has empathy for illegal aliens. 112. MELANGHOLIA (NOUN): low spirits Synonyms: abashment, abjection Antonyms: advantage, benefit Sentence: After his examination result he was in melancholia. 113, PROTUBERANCE (NOUN): lump Synonyms: bulge, bump: Antonyms: depression, ingrowth Sentence: He got protuberance after falling from the swing. 114, JUBILANT (ADJECTIVE): happy Synonyms: elated, euphoric Antonyms: depressed, discouraged Sentence: Laughing always puts me in a jubilant mood. 115. AUDACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): reckless: Synonyms: adventurous, bold Antonyms: afraid, careful Sentence: The millionaire eamed his fortune by being an audacious player on the stock market. 116. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): very bad Synonyms: barbaric, brazen Antonyms: moral, delightful Sentence: The outrageous cartoon made fun of the boy who was dying from cancer. 117. EFFICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): efficient Synonyms: effective, active Antonyms: impotent, incapable Sentence: Yoga is very efficacious at reducing stress. 148, INTUITION (NOUN): insight Synonyms: hunch, instinet Antonyms: knowledge, reasoning Sentence: They say that when you feel something is wrong you should trust your intuition. 119, PARSIMONY (NOUN); stinginess Synonyms: frugality, miserliness Antonyms: generosity, kindness Sentence: To save money, the parsimonious old man always bought used clothes. 120, LUNACY (NOUN): craziness Synonyms: absurdity, folly Antonyms: intelligence, wisdom Sentence: The committee of a lunatic, with the sanction of the judge in lunacy, may refer disputes to arbitration. 121. FRIGID (ADJECTIVE): extremely cold Synonyms: chilly, freezing Antonyms: friendly, heated Sentence: His look was one of frigid anger as he stormed out. 122, FERROUS (ADJECTIVE): hard Synonyms: rigid, steely Antonyms: flexible, loose ‘Sentence: Most ferrous materials are magnetic. 123. BOGEY (NOUN): ghost Synonyms: apparition, bugaboo Antonyms: being, reality Sentence: He walked off the green with a bogey four. 124, IMPECCABLE (ADJECTIVE): above suspicion Synonyms: exquisite, immaculate Antonyms: flawed, imperfect Sentence: With your impeccable English skills, writing essays should be a cinch. 425. BLEMISH (NOUN): flaw Synonyms: bruise, blot Antonyms: blank, clarity Sentence: Uroo|'s wedding dress is free of the slightest blemish, which Is why it cost ‘Aamir so much money. 126, MANGLE (VERB): mutilate, deform Synonyms: bruise, contort Antonyms: beautify, help Sentence: His hand was caught in the machine accidently and was totally mangled. 127. CONTAMINATE (VERB); adulterate Synonyms: corrupt, harm Antonyms: clean, improve Sentence: The nurse put on gloves so as not to contaminate herself or the patient 128, SANCTIFY (VERB): hold in highest esteem Synonyms: glorify, purify Antonyms: condemn, degrade Sentence: The priests have to sanctify the holy water. 129. HIATUS (NOUN): pause, Synonyms: interval, break Antonyms: continuation, juncture Sentence: The professor will take his family on a long vacation during his hiatus. 130. HALCYON (ADJECTIVE): calm Synonyms: bucolic, quiet Antonyms: agitated, angry Sentence: | was very content during the halcyon days of my childhood. 181. TRANQUIL (ADJECTIVE): peaceful Synonyms: amicable, balmy Antonyms: fierce, excited Sentence: The doctor says | need to be in a tranquil place so | can relax. 132, PASTORAL (ADJECTIVE): rustic Synonyms: agrarian, bucolic Antonyms: city, metropolitan Sentence: When | looked at the artist's pastoral paintings, | could clearly see the fields and trees in which he played as a child. 183, LAGUNA (NOUN): pause Synonyms: break, gap Antonyms: closure, continuation Sentence: There was a lacuna between the two sessions of the parliament. 134. INCIPIENT (ADJECTIVE): developing Synonyms: embryonic, nascent Antonyms: developed, mature 7 Sentence: The best way to stop the disease from spreading is by identifying it while it is incipient. 135, INCLEMENT (ADJECTIVE): bitter, nasty (weather) Synonyms: brutal, cold Antonyms: clear, kind Sentence: During hurricane season, cruises are often cancelled because of inclement conditions. 136. RESPONSIVE (ADJECTIVE): quick to react Synonyms: active, aware Antonyms: ignorant, impassive Sentence: By the time they entered the building, her arms and legs were responsive again. 137, IMPINGE (VERB): trespass Synonyms: encroach, intrude Antonyms: avoid, dodge Sentence: Hopefully the bad weather will move in a different direction and not impinge upon our plans for an ‘outdoor reception. 138. PRY (VERB): interfere in someone else's business Synonyms: poke, bug Antonyms: close, neglect Sentence: | don't mean to pry, but you seem on edge. 139, RANSACK (VERB): tum inside out in search; ravage Synonyms: raid, pillage Antonyms: ignore, offer Sentence: If you don't have an emergency plan for power outages you'll have to ransack your home for candies and matches. 140. FERRET (VERB): dig, uncover Synonyms: beat, break Antonyms: cover, dirty Sentence: She would face that fear — ferret it out and destroy it. 141. RUMMAGE (VERB): search Synonyms: forage, poke Antonyms: arrange, organize Sentence: The dog will rummage through the garbage for food when it gets hungry. 142. HAPLESS (ADJECTIVE): unfortunate Synonyms: unlucky, woeful Antonyms: happy, fortuitous Sentence: It is always good to help the hapless people. 143. WINTRY (ADJECTIVE): cold, snowy Synonyms: bleak, chilly Antonyms: warm, pleasant Sentence: The weather was too wintry for me to go outside. 144. MALINGER (VERB): evade Synonyms: dodge, avoid Antonyms: do, face Sentence: The lazy student tried to malinger when it was time to work on his essay. 145, LASSITUDE (NOUN): lethargy Synonyms; dullness, fatigue Antonyms: action, diligence : Sentence: After the long race, Mohsin experienced a feeling of lassitude. 146, MACHINATION (NOUN): maneuver Synonyms: conspiracy, ploy Antonyms: frankness, honesty Sentence: Reading about the criminals’ machination to rob the casino was enthralling. 147. MENTOR (NOUN): person who advises Synonyms: adviser, coach Antonyms: pupil, student Sentence: Syed Qasim Ali Shah is a world class mentor. 148. MANIFEST (ADJECTIVE): clear Synonyms: understandable, obvious Antonyms: hidden, unclear Sentence: His evil intentions were manifest when he mentioned the question of dowry. 149, FICKLE (ADJECTIVE): changeable Synonyms: capricious, vacillating Antonyms: constant, stable Sentence: My brother Imran Is fickle by nature. 150. FORTITUDE (NOUN): bravery Synonyms: courage, boldness Antonyms: apathy, cowardice : Sentence: My mother faced the problems of life with fortitude. 151. FICTITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): imaginary Synonyms; untrue, artificial Antonyms: authentic, true Sentence: Don't believe her story because it is just fictitious. 152. IRATE (ADJECTIVE): angry Synonyms: annoyed, enraged Antonyms: happy, pleased Sentence: | am a very irate person therefore my wife dislikes me. 153, FACILE (ADJECTIVE): easy Synonyms: effortless, simple Antonyms: complicated, difficult Sentence: His facile win tells us he's in form. 154, IRRESOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): Indecisive Synonyms: doubitul, fickle ‘Antonyms: resolute, definite Sentence: Shazia is very irresolute by nature. 155. PURSUIT (NOUN): Search Synonyms: hunt, seek Antonyms: retreat, surrender Sentence: She left home in pursuit of happiness. 156. SOVEREIGN (ADJECTIVE): Autonomous: Synonyms: self-governed, monarchial Antonyms: subordinate, dependent Sentence: That government was sovereign in its culture. 157. CESSATION (NOUN): end ‘Synonyms: abeyance, finish Antonyms: beginning, introduction Sentence: The principal believes the cessation of the school dress code will open the door for inappropriate behaviour. 158. QUANDARY (NOUN): Difficult situation Synonyms: predicament, dilemma Antonyms: good fortune, boon Sentence: He has been trapped in quandary. 159. ENDEAR (VERB): Attract attention Synonyms: captivate, cherish Antonyms: dislike, hate Sentence: She tried to endear everyone. 160, DISSEMINATE (VERB): distribute Synonyms: advertise, circulate Antonyms: hide, conceal Sentence: It took years to disseminate information about Aids. 161. INCANTATION (NOUN): Spell Synonyms: charm, magic Antonyms: reality, actuality Sentence: The sorcerer knows an incantation to raise the dead. 162. HAGGLE (VERB): Argue Synonyms: bicker, dispute ‘Antonyms: agree, comply Sentence: Do not haggle with me. 163. DALLY (VERB): Dawdle Synonyms: boondoggle, delay Antonyms; hurry, hasten Sentence: Don't dally otherwise we'll miss the train, 164. EXEMPTION (NOUN): freedom from a responsibility Synonyms: discharge, dispensation Antonyms: accountability, liability Sentence: The report confirmed their exemption from military duty. 165. HILARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): very funny Synonyms: amusing, comical Antonyms: boring, sad Sentence: All is a very hilarious student in the class. 166, ALLEVIATE (VERB): relieve Synonyms: allay, assuage Antonyms: increase, intensify Sentence: Take a Disprin to alleviate your headache. 167. TOLERANCE (NOUN): fortitude Synonyms: patience, resilience Antonyms: lethargy, weakness Sentence: She had a low tolerance for noise. 168. CONCEITED (ADJECTIVE): egotistical Synonyms: arrogant, big talking Antonyms: diffident, humble Sentence: The conceited man would not stop talking about himself. 169. SPURIOUS (ADJECTIVE): counterfeit Synonyms; bogus, false Antonyms: genuine, true Sentence: To win elections, politicians often make spurious promises to voters. 170. OBSTRUCTION (NOUN): obstacle Synonyms: blockage, hindrance Antonyms: aid, assistance Sentence: Once the obstruction is removed, water will continue to flow through the pipe. 471. ESTEEM (NOUN): think highly of Synonyms: respect, admiration Antonyms: abandon, condemn Sentence: He treated all his colleagues with the same level of esteem. 172, RIDICULE (NOUN): contemptuous laughter at someone or something Synonyms: caricature, derision Antonyms: admiration, approval Sentence: It may have been a simple ridicule, but it still made him feel rejected. 173. PERSIFLAGE (NOUN): teasing ‘Synonyms: banter, frivolity ‘Antonyms: seriousness, humorlessness Sentence: This persiflage is not appropriate when we have such serious problems to discuss. 174. CAULK (VERB): secure Synonyms: block, barricade Antonyms: free, loosen Sentence: It only remained to caulk their important task, and this occupied them fora day or two. 175. CONFLICT (VERB): fight Synonyms: brawl, scuffle Antonyms: serene, peace Sentence: Raheel appeared extremely disturbed by the conflict. 176. DROUGHT (NOUN): scarcity Synonyms: shrinkness, depletion Antonyms; plentiul, lavish Sentence: The party criticized opposition who were responsible for the financial drought faced by the nation. 177. PLEA (NOUN): request Synonyms: pray, appeal Antonyms: order, instruct Sentence: The teacher's plea for silence went unheard, resulting in extreme discomfort to the student. 178. JOVIAL (ADJECTIVE): Cheerful Synonyms: Merry, Exultant Antonyms: Solemn, Morose Sentence: Shehrish is a jovial fellow. 179. UPHILL (ADJECTIVE): difficult Synonym: tough, unimaginable ‘Antonyms: banal, mundane Sentence: The article had a glorious description regarding the uphill task done by the cricket team. 180, RIFT (NOUN): division Synonyms: gap, difference Antonyms: bridge, joint Sentence: The opposition and the government seemed to be focused on removing the rift between the poor and the rich, 181. IMPART (VERB): convey Synonyms: Bestow, Divulge Antonyms: Suppress, Withhold Sentence: Ever since | was of tender age, | have seen my teachers imparting a great deal of knowledge. 182. BORROW (VERB): to take by request Synonyms: Loan, Beg Antonyms: Snatch, Rob Sentence: Can | borrow your notebook? 183, IGNOMINIOUS (ADJECTIVE): disgraceful Synonyms: Shameful, Scandalous Antonyms: Dignified, Distinguished Sentence: The ignominious stealing has given him nefarious identity. 184. COUNTENANCE (VERB): to have a favorable opinion of Synonyms: approve, favor Antonyms; censure, disapprove Sentence: Our management will not countenance cheating. 185. DIVERS (ADJECTIVE): several Synonyms: various, manifold Antonyms: identical, same Sentence: Divers men have tried to bring about social reforms. 186. HEARTSORE (ADJECTIVE): Devastated Synonyms: crestfallen, despairing Antonyms: happy, pleased Sentence: | feel heartsore for the poor lady. 187. DERISIVE (ADJECTIVE): Ridiculing Synonyms: disdainful, scornful Antonyms: polite, respectful Sentence: Adeel gave a harsh, derisive laugh, 188. GLOAMING (NOUN): Sunset Synonyms: sundown, twilight Antonyms: daybreak, sunrise Sentence: Many lights are shimmering in the gloaming. 189, DISINTE RESTED (ADJECTIVE): free from prejudice Synonyms: unselfish, neutral Antonyms: biased, partial Sentence: A great leader renders disinterested services to his society. 190. PILFER (VERB): Steal Synonyms: filch, purloin Antonyms: give, offer Sentence: Ejaz pillered enough pieces of wood from the factory to make a chair. 191. ESTRANGEMENT (NOUN): Alienation Synonyms: disaffection, separation Antonyms: connection, friendliness Sentence: The growing estrangement between me and my relative Is awful, 192, RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE): Noisy Synonyms: discordant, loud Antonyms: low, mild Sentence: The atmosphere was utterly raucous. 193. VIVID (ADJECTIVE): animated Synonyms: theatrical, dramatic Antonyms; boring, undramatic Sentence: The movie was very vivid. 194. RECALCITRANT (ADJECTIVE): disobedient Synonyms: fractious, obstinate Antonyms: agreeable, compliant Sentence: Despite being offered treats by his parents, the little boy was still recalcitrant about doing his homework. 195, REFRAIN (VERB): stop oneself from doing something. Synonyms: withhold, abstain Antonyms: allow, continue Sentence: You must refrain from all interference, 196. OSTRAGIZE (VERB): exile Synonyms: blackball, exclude Antonyms: accept, admit Sentence: Sadly, the rich children ostracize the other girl because she comes from a poor family. 197. RIFE (ADJECTIVE): overflowing Synonyms: abundant, alive Antonyms: limited, uncommon. Sentence: The beach is rife with young people during the summer months. 198. OPPORTUNE (ADJECTIVE): advantageous Synonyms; apt, auspicious Antonyms: inappropriate, unfortunate Sentence: The teenager knew there would never be an opportune time to tell her parents that she was pregnant.

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